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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. Swine Flu is really not that big of a deal considering the fact that flu kills more people then swine flu in a year. Neither have a cure, so I don't know why the swine flu is so bad.
  2. Aww, poor Rhydon... I'm starting Liloone as an HM slave.
  3. Bidoof. The cool thing is I caught it, because I managed to not encounter a single Pokémon until I got the Poké Balls. Lucky me.
  4. I'm okay with it, but honestly I think giving it normal names would be for the best. Like I said, I have no problem with the names, but it would be better due to the fact that in the anime they use normal names. I don't get why they get special capital names when the character's names have been set to normal. It's just confusing.
  5. Hmm, I'm sort of into ice Pokémon now. I guess I change from liking grass to ice.
  6. Not all fire types are good. Totodile is now going to be a better choice in competitive battles due to the new strategies he has. I might get him over Cyndaquil in Soul Silver. Chikorita is a definite yes in Heart Gold though. Now Cyndaquil is only good with physical attacks when he so clearly would be perfect for special.
  7. Glad you liked it.
  8. I guess I shouldn't believe your signature. "I play for fun, not competitivly. I use pokemon that I like to use but I try to follow tiers. (UU and below)" that seems like competitive battling to me. Good job beating him with babies though, but isn't destiny bond illegal in a normal battle? Or did you set your own rules?
  9. There is already one available at the site. If you use the pgt you can use it to get other dates.
  10. Well shows die out, so by remembering the good old days it makes people happy. Ahh the series of Kanto. I loved the Sabrina episode, when Brock and Misty are dolls. Ahh the good old days..
  11. Sweet, Pokémon competitions rock! Good luck NulMyre!
  12. You could disable that and change it to LR in the options menu. It will work like normal LR buttons, including toggling between boxes with them. It makes the game so much better.
  13. Thanks, I'll do just that. I was chaining for Ponyta and a Kriketune pops out of nowhere. Just a question, but if you use a Pokéradar and encounter Mesprit or Cresselia or one of the three birds, could you continue a chain with them if you faint them?
  14. Well, since the game shares the same name as the name of the real player, they assume that Gold is the main name, considering the fact that Silver is your rival's name.
  15. I believe there will be a DSi exclusive, I just don't believe it will belong to any event.
  16. I think they are running out of precious gems to make new names. Oh well, they could always go back to naming the games colors.
  17. Wow... I didn't know baby Pokémon could do that...
  18. Good point... But I don't think so. None of these are related to an event, and the GTS DS didn't even have anything to do with the event, so it's very unlikely.
  19. This is so cool. I hope my cat starts growing wings.
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