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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. Well I don't want to be dissapointed if it turns out not to be in the new game. I don't doubt it though.
  2. Sigh, I hate waiting. But it is worth it for such an amazing game remake as this.
  3. It's really not disliked, just people that you know might be the only ones that think so.
  4. True. Speculation is driving me mad about this game. The GS ball is one of the most awesome events, and just by thinking about a remake of it is awesome.
  5. Imports are actually helping me learn some KataKana. Now I'm going to have to wait weeks for it to arrive upon its release. This is going to be a long wait.
  6. I guess that seems like the best way to do it. I hope they do it this way.
  7. No it won't. That is for the person to decide whether they like the design of one or not. It doesn't need to be disputed.
  8. Totodile is actually the strongest of all three. Better for strategic battling.
  9. Me too, but it's not anything to be perfected to fit another person's liking. If Game Freak liked it, they liked it.
  10. Physical. Most likely a TRU event. Then again it could be a Wi-Fi event since items are usually Wi-Fi events.
  11. Exactly. So lets try not to disappoint. I believe there will be two DSi in a bundle pack. A silver for SS and a gold one for HG.
  12. Well anyways, if there is a cloning glitch, I will end up getting all 3 for sure.
  13. Cool, so names do not decide whether the game will do good or not. So no need to worry.
  14. I just don't want people to be dissapointed if someone reads your post and thinks it's fact. We do not know anything of a DSi, so lets try to not mention too much, like color and theme and stuff like that.
  15. There is no way to perfect something. Pokémon is fine the way it is, and the franchise will continue to do good for more years to come. No need to worry.
  16. But Nintendo needs to endorse things, and nobody will come if they don't have anything to give to us.
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