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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. Well they still look cool.
  2. Well Mewtwo needs a pro player to be able to use him... He won't obey weaklings. Back on topic, what do you guys think of Pikachu?
  3. Speaking of Sprout Tower, is that all it is? A picture? Or is it like FR and LG when you walk into some place and it shows a picture of when you are entering? And I think the sages will have stronger Bellsprout.
  4. Nice, so you and your friend are pros?
  5. Well that's to speculate what will be in the game, now how many will sell. And since this is a buying thread, I said that HG will sell more then SS. I'll drive it back on topic then. Heart Gold is what I'm buying first. Soul Silver is what I'm buying second.
  6. Calm down. It's fine, no more off topic posts, no problem. Now I think that since its already been proven that more then one Pokémon may follow you, I think it might be an extra addition they decided to add because I think that they have made all overworld sprites just for the daycare center. They were probably like "Ahh, just finished all the sprites for the daycare" and then Ken comes in and is all like "How about we make them follow the player? That would be so awesome" (Dramatization). They might have thought they would use it to their advantage. Anyone else think so?
  7. I have to accept them for who they are, I don't have to like there religion altogether. If I liked there religion, I would be a part of it. Being a Satanist is a religion, and I personally think its the most disgusting thing in the world, but I have to accept them for the way they are. Accepting and liking are two very different thing. And I see what you are trying to say. No one is the bad guy here because everyone thinks they are doing good to themselves or others. Scientists try to find the truth for the good of mankind and religious people try to convert others into believing what they do because they believe the person will be punished for disobeying God's rules. What I'm trying to say is that by one group thinking they can help the world, and another coming in and saying that the other is wrong and that they can help the world instead causes controversy, which is the fault of both if the first group retaliates in the first place. People should be able to decide what they want to be, and by confusing them with two very different things, you are thus ruining their free will of choice by not letting them decide on their own. By this I mean if a child is born from a religious family, the parents force religion onto the child. Same with scientists, who teach their kids not to believe in religion.
  8. I can simply respond to that huge summary with this, people can be stupid.
  9. Obviously I know that they are fake. It was a harmless joke.
  10. I'm not allowed to. Even if somebody really needs it. Which brings me to something else. Some people thing they're doing God's will by donating blood. Once again, that is controversial against other religions. So many things can be turned into arguments. There is never going to be peace in the world.
  11. What a masterpiece. But I love the Exxegcute and Magikarp. It's more gold then yellow.
  12. Its sad really. Some people actually die of that. Its too depressing to see a 3 year old girl or new born baby die of a curable illness. This is a sick world we live in. Different faith and religions is just disgusting. As a Jehovah witness, I accept anyone for who they are. I'm entitled to have a card in my wallet that says that if I happen to get into an accident where I would need blood, not to give me another person's blood. Personally, I think thats absurd, but blood is sacred to a person, and giving it away is giving away a part of you. Its the most stupidest thing I've heard, but I need to stay faithful to it.
  13. The truth will not be accepted by everyone Jiggy. There will be disagreements based on what was already proven. God is not even acceptable. If we discover God, atheists will still doubt it. There is no way to stop a debate as big as faith. Truth can also lead to disagreement. Scientists have helped us with agriculture and all that, but like I said, religious people think it is not natural. Using chemicals to help fruit grow faster, pesticides to get rid of bugs, none of it is natural. That's why being Amish is a belief that you will be extra faithful to God by not using technology. They use the Earth to make things. Science uses other methods. The discovery of germs was also unnatural. We were able to see thing that were not visible to the human eye. And by using the discovery to help treatments was not natural. Religious people will always debate on Scientific breakthroughs, and it will always lead to some sort of hatred of one another. Truth and Hope will never be accepted. There is always somebody that's not going to believe the truth, and there is always somebody that's not going to put their faith in hope. Science and Religion are one of the worst rivals ever. Religion will always dislike scientific fact, and Science will always hate religion altogether. Truth leads to war.
  14. First of all, scientists do not save the world. Medically speaking, religious people refuse treatment because it is not natural. Thus another controversy started. Is medicine approved by God? Did God give us the knowledge to make medicine so we may have a cure? You see? Where's the heroism in that? And another controversy you just stated. Can science prove God's existence? Most religious people stated that they would not believe scientists, even if they said they have discovered God's existence. Apparently scientists are not trustworthy. War is caused by a disagreement. Disagreements happen all the time, for the smallest things. We're in a war with Iraq, killing millions of people with families, for oil... just oil... Sure it's a fuel source, but are you seriously telling me its worth risking the lives of many innocent people believing they are defending their country by dying? Ahh what have we here? Another controversy. Is defending your country good in God's eyes? Most people say killing for peace is bad, because you still took a person's life in the process, most people wave the flag and the air and chant "God Bless USA". Ahh another controversy! Does God love the USA? Many people even doubt if God loves Earth because Satan owns Earth in a deal between God and Satan, stating that God would see how Satan would take control of the Earth, and once the time comes God will kill Satan. Some people think God made the Earth and loves it. I can go on and on.
  15. I'm honestly not trying to hurt the Pokémon you like, I just dislike Feebas a lot. But Milotic is cool.
  16. <p><p><p><p><p>Oh okay.</p></p></p></p></p>

  17. <p><p><p><p><p>Oh okay.</p></p></p></p></p>

  18. <p><p><p><p><p>What did you say when it didn't allow you to join?</p></p></p></p></p>

  19. <p><p><p><p><p>What did you say when it didn't allow you to join?</p></p></p></p></p>

  20. <p><p><p><p><p>I know you don't use IRC, but do you know if it is experiencing any difficulties right now? I can't get on it...</p></p></p></p></p>

  21. <p><p><p><p><p>I know you don't use IRC, but do you know if it is experiencing any difficulties right now? I can't get on it...</p></p></p></p></p>

  22. <p><p><p><p><p>Well he could have kindly told me to remove it... oh well.</p></p></p></p></p>

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