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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. But getting into details leads to disappointment most times.
  2. You don't know that. Who expected GBA to be compatible with DS? Pal-Park for the win.
  3. Yeah. I just have a feeling Gold will sell more then Silver again.
  4. I honestly can say they didn't. Most people were excited due to the fact there was going to be a remake, not the names.
  5. I just don't think it will be one of those achievement events. Not very likely.
  6. Touche. But that's an assumption of mine. And we already know that the previous games had Gold sell more then Silver. And here we don't even know if there is going to be a special edition DSi.
  7. That's off topic. Now anyways, I will most definately be buying both games, probably two of SS and HG for the female character. I think I might not though.
  8. Yes, because Red and Blue sounded so exciting. But seriously, they became rich and famous with games names being colors, is this any worse?
  9. I doubt it because it has never happened before, or else Darkrai or Shaymin would be a storyline event.
  10. I said I don't doubt it. But you can't say it's going to happen, you don't know what's going to happen.
  11. You would expect them to fix it. Anyways, Totodile is the strongest of the three, with Cyndaquil in second and Chikorita in last. I've decided to choose the second strongest for Soul Silver so it could be a little less of a challenge then Chikorita in Heart Gold.
  12. Names are unimportant. The game itself is. The names sound fine anyway.
  13. Doesn't necessarily mean it will happen. But I don't doubt it.
  14. I know. But they don't intentionally want to make a starter Pokémon weak. That would just be plain stupid.
  15. And we will not know that until we play them. The names are fine the way they are.
  16. A storyline event not activated by a Nintendo endorsed event? I highly doubt it.
  17. Sounds nice. But lets not speculate the design, we need to know if there will even be one in the first place.
  18. I doubt that. They want good feedback on their creations, do you think they want to lose fans?
  19. Well I kind of like these names, I just think it could have been made better. I don't hate them at all.
  20. I think they will probably change around the in game way to get it. Seems like a possibility.
  21. A green DSi would look... not so good. Then again I would need an image to decide the color scheme and design.
  22. Cool. I just don't get why Game Freak would make Chikorita so weak though.
  23. Well either way, these names are fine. I can get used to them.
  24. Well with the new Wi-Fi capabilities it will sure be easier.
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