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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. I thought it over, and I think Lance should totally have a Salamence. It would be a pretty cool addition to his team.
  2. I never said I wanted this to be a 100% faithful remake. I said that I wanted the game to at least stay faithful to the story, but change it around a little, sort of like Fire Red and Leaf Green. And if a kid was never able to play the Johto games and started playing a game that already has eggs, wouldn't they be confused that someone told them the discovery took place in Johto? Especially since it happens to be the upcoming game which will cause even more confusion making kids think this is a new region. Not all kids starting off at any random Pokémon game is going to know there was a Johto. Wouldn't it make more sense to rediscover the egg? Maybe even add a few details on baby Pokémon that are born when the parents are holding an item.
  3. I do agree. New features would add new characters. And who knows? Maybe these new characters will hint at a new generation like Diamond, Pearl and Platinum did of the remake. Only time will tell.
  4. I'm saying it's highly unlikely that the DSi would have LED lights, not even the PSP's had a special LED edition PSP, that was a fan made mod shell that's very well known. Do you really believe there will be LED lights on a DSi?
  5. Feebas aren't worth the hassle. Import it from Hoenn, much easier.
  6. The first pkm file has the algorithm of wild NDS or GBA, the algorithm should be Normal NDS or GBA. Everything else is fine.
  7. If you have to cheat to get them shiny, you don't get the sense of accomplishment. I have never caught one legitimate shiny, yet I own tons of them, and I don't like them because I made them, not found them.
  8. Kyogre, I love water types a lot.
  9. So then why bother making these roaming Pokémon shiny? It's nearly impossible!
  10. Sorry, once again another error. Shine is what I mean. They would have to make the shell glossy.
  11. I don't think they will make it glow, that's the point of the shell on the DSi.
  12. A game item is not nearly as important as a game title. Comparing them is pretty weird.
  13. True. I guess they have a lot of stuff to think about to perfect this game.
  14. Who wants to wait? That's the most terrible thing ever, especially when they announce it just to hype you now.
  15. The Griseous orb, and I don't think a dub will even be necessary.
  16. Well all I could do is hope there is going to be one. If not I will buy a normal black one.
  17. They can dub the name. Green was dubbed to Blue, what does that tell you?
  18. It's just a good special collector edition DSi for collectors. We really don't need one.
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