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Everything posted by SCV

  1. Yeah, don't use that one, its pretty "heavy". Try using one of the other ones and let us know if its still bad.
  2. If it needs a IR port and your flash cart does not have one then its pretty obvious that the feature will not work.
  3. It might be compatible, just crash when you try to use that feature. If that feature is important you use a real cart.
  4. As long as we can dump the game, which we can, we can study it. Like fenzo, said, no$ can run games even if some features are unavailable. It doesn't support wi-fi whic is a pretty important feature in DS games, yet we can study things right up to the point before going into wi-fi. (This is how I figured out where the game was reverting the new alternate forms).
  5. Well everyone should have a real cart anyways and use their flash cart only for extra fun with editing and research, so we'll just fall back on our good old real cart. Of course Nintendo is probably doing that to try to decrease the number of people who get a flash cart.
  6. Which theme do you use? We can make a special theme for the DSi.
  7. thenewpoketext can be found here: http://pokeguide.filb.de/
  8. Well for a prediction, I said above that a few days. So what that means is less that a month from when I posted it. But I would have wanted for less than a week. At this point I don't know exactly, but I'm still shooting for within a month from when I posted it. But maybe sooner. Maybe a week. Also, this is just for the script editor, which is what I am focusing on. Other things will come shortly after.
  9. Updated the Suicune Blue Theme with links to the different parts of the site.
  10. Yes, this is true and one of the primary reasons why we must speak about potential, chance, etc. Even though a parent has the potential to influence their child negatively, that does not mean that it will stick. I forgot to mention that my parents are by no means "good parents", and none of me and my many siblings have turned out the way they wanted (4 so far but they have 4 to go o.0). It is my experience in a large family and seeing the varied results that come from same pair of parents that indicates some of what I mentioned earlier. Of course me and my brothers had the same parents but we had different classmates who provided different influences, but even then, we are all only a few years a apart I am only 5 years older (I am the oldest) than the 4th child which is graduating from HS this year. Right now, we are treading pretty close to the tabula rasa issue. Also we must think about what exactly the definition of "good child" and "bad child". I don't think there is a set definition. In fact, there were times when some of my teachers would tell my dad what a good child I was and congratulate him, then my dad would go on to explain why I was not a good child. The expectations of my dad were different to that of my teachers. That parent's influence their child, I think is not questionable. That its in the way they want, that's very questionable. But then again, as a parent I think that there should not be any "what I want for my son". I think that I should do my best to help my son be successful in whatever he want. We saw an example of this attitude above and it does seem to create a "better" parent-child relationship than the one postulated in the OP. This is because of the difference in attitudes that a parent can have. Parents who look to control their child have a high probability of failure, IMO. While parents who seek to help their child have a higher success rate, since their definition of what success is, is as flexible.
  11. This is a very interesting topic. Also a perfect example of how a debate should be started. Anyway, this also happens to be a very personal topic for me. I am/was what you would call a "good kid" and yes sometimes my parents were congratulated for being such good parents. Also as a father of a (soon to be) 4 year old, this is something that concerns me. Now I'll start by saying that the hypothesis that parents have no or very little influence in their children's development has to be false. It is a general pattern in real world dynamics that things are not so clear cut. However, this does not mean that we cannot treat them in a logical matter. We just have to look for a different way of phrasing our statements. Rather we must make statements with a touch probabilistic acknowledgement. Now, I won't claim that this is the correct statement, but maybe we can come up with something that is close to correct. The potential for a parent to influence their child in a positive way is small. While the potential for a child to influence their child in a negative was is large. Again, I am not saying that's what I think, but its the sort of statement we should be looking for. The reason is that there are almost always exceptions. There are some cases where a child is influenced greatly by their parents. However, as someone mentioned there are other factors in a child's development. These factors do affect how influential a parent is. When a child is born the persons who get the first shot at influencing the child (under most cases) are the parents. Depending on the parents, the influence they provide can either be mostly positive or mostly negative. As the child grows the number of people who can potentially influence a child grows. The parents become 1 or 2 out of maybe thousands who influence their child. The sheer numbers of other people who can influence diminishes the potential for the parents influence to be successful. Based on that actually I would say that a more correct statement is that the potential for a parent to influence their child decreases with time. Also another things I thought of is that what was bolded in the original post might be more correct if influence were replaced by control. Many parents try to control their child. However, trying to control a child becomes increasingly difficult as the child grows. I'll add more stuff later.
  12. The best thing to do is to look at example scripts. There is alot of times where variables are used and many times a command is preceded by a check of some sort. We don't have all commands figured out in terms of what they do. So your best bet is to find the script that has the script where you get a masterball and go based on that. Also with scripting with hex there is ALOT of things that can break, with seemingly small changes. That is why we have been working on the script compiler.
  13. SCV


    I think that Latias might be wrong then.
  14. SCV


    Those are from emerald, there its the normal algo.
  15. Well, as soon as script editing is stable 0.5 will be out. The other editing features will be added shortly after. So, hopefully a few days.
  16. Restricted is made by only certain seeds being used.
  17. Just a quick update, the script compiler has been done for about a week and the compiler is coming along really well. I should be ready to start debugging it by tonight.
  18. I saw what you said about accepting larger files at PC. The game does accept larger files. PokeTex just doesn't know how to insert them. PS: Good job on the guide, its very expansive.
  19. They serve no purpose and affect nothing. They are trainers that are never used. In combination with PPRE you can add a new overworld and set it to use these trainers, so you can add brand new trainers.
  20. I attached a checksum fixer. The exe version is for windows. You also need the Qt files. I put it separate because those won't change. So once there is updates only the executable must be redownloaded. PPSE.tar.gz is for linux as well. It may or may not need the Qt files. Probably does. I would need someone with linux for testing. Also if someone has a mac and wants to sign up to make a mac app of this please let me know. PPSE.exe Qt.zip PPSE.tar.gz
  21. I think you got it backwards. It should be it will not aim to edit files in the same manner as Pokemon or even Pokesav for that matter. Pokesav is inferior (err will be) so it gets the "or even".
  22. An Super Mod has moderation privileges for the whole forums. There are no administrative duties involved. Of course a Super Mod can choose to handle some administrative duties. As the number of Administrative duties handled increases the Super Mod may be promoted.
  23. SCV


    Upgrading to IE 8 also solves it.
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