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Everything posted by SCV

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks, I responded.</p></p></p></p></p>

  2. Sabre might know off the top of his head why. I will try to make time to do some tests. Another thing, what is the location, if its greater than 3000, then it might be using the mystery gift check which will check the details of the event pokemon. Maybe that's it but Sabre would have to confirm or we would hae to wait for me to check the source.
  3. You need to type in the full name into the box that is too the left of Open ROM. The only section that works is Maps and in particular the Script edit section within that.
  4. Welcome, its cool to have someone who makes such great codes around.
  5. Is he already using Qt Linuguist or the "traditional" method of translating programs. For PPSE when we use Qt Linugist we can make each language version for Mac, Windows, and Linux Versions.
  6. In the ROM Research and Development section. Also this will be moved.
  7. Only script editing is functional. Text Editing does not work yet. It just displays. Any changes you make are lost. Changes must be made with thenewpoketext for now. P.S. New version of thenewpoketext coming soon. It will support adding new text entries.
  8. What is the error? ---------- Post added at 07:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 AM ---------- You need to be able to run pyqt. I don't have a mac so I can't walk you through everything (if I had a mac I could generate an app) try http://py-pyqt4.darwinports.com/ I'll leave that to Roland or JePP if he wants to make one. Does the program at least open for you?
  9. We have already been able to dis`play maps with opengl. The problem is figuring out how the game assigns land data to maps or the other way around. ---------- Post added at 06:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ---------- Some scripts are empty. They are assigned the text for jubilife. Ignore those. The event for shaymin is in map 399 as far as I can tell. What did you find the number for flower paradise to be. Mt. Coronet has many empty maps which GF did not bother to remove. What version of diamond. My diamond works perfectly for me. Like Codemonkey85 said, I will when that feature becomes useable.
  10. Did you find your SID or use a random one? Also you need to make sure you change which tree you slather every time. But you are probably doing that since you said its 0.01% if you slather the same tree twice in a row.
  11. SCV


    Yes, pretty useless, Joe has already stated his stance and demonstrated that its not open to debate. Trying to debate with him is just wasting our time. Time that we can use to build the site further. There are two point I do want to make, but one will have to wait for later. The first is that it wasn't really complaining. The things about serebii using some (un)reliable came up naturally in the discussion about what sources to use in the wiki. Its not like it was unwarranted bashing (there has been some of that before and that gets removed). It was part of a serious discussion about what information is acceptable.
  12. Thanks for the extensive info, this is exactly how things should be reported. This actually confused me as well (at first). The same thing happened with scripts before. Now its a bit more stable not to the point where things get the same names you put. But it still works. I'll look into making it more stable. A more complete answer as to why coming soon. For now, I think adding "new" things at the end of the section if you want the same names to stay will work.
  13. I can't fix the problem unless I recreate it. I don't know what you mean so I can't recreate it. Its best if you recreate it and post it here. Also, there is no such thing as adding a new func. Everytime funcs are treated the same, same for mov. Individual scripts (i.e., scr_) are different because these can be assigned to people events as their script and we need todo something special to be able to find them.
  14. For text use, thenewpoketext (there is a reason its included in the zip). Well its not necessarily the same bug if its the same behavior. Not sure what you mean same problem. For bug reports it works best if you keep a copy of the script and if it fails post the script along with the map number here. Remember, this is beta software so alot of things can go wrong.
  15. Well, Flootenkerp is stating a fact, i.e., its not slander if its true. As much as you think your sources are reliable, not all of them are. I know you probably don't go to your debate forum much. But if you were to put this up there, your argument is full of fallacies. Whether your new information is reliable has nothing to do with whether your site is popular. Maybe you had only reliable sources at some point and that made it get popular. You will continue to be popular until another site comes with more reliable information and more reliable sources and people start noticing that. By the time DP came out your site was already popular. People take what you say on faith. I would like to point at this post from pojo: http://www.pojo.biz/board/showpost.php?p=11640160&postcount=5 People assume you have reliable information from reliable sources and by putting blatantly false information you are doing a disservice to the community. Its much better to say "At this time we don't know how _____ works". Also the fix you made does not do jutice to the complexity of honey tree pokemon, but at least it does not have false information now, which is the important thing. Better to have too little information, instead of alot of false information. Now, you should take what Flootenkerp is saying as a wake up call. Not as some sort of insult. He did not say it in an insulting manner (I have seen many statements by him and trust me he put this very nicely). If someone says that not all your sources are reliable, then you have to think about who are your sources and figure out how to address the issue, so it does not continue happening. Of course, you have to ask yourself, who is saying that as well and what is their reason. But when you have a reliable source and people from his site saying that you have some unreliable sources, you should take a hint. (I consider myself a reliable source to Serebii.net ) Don't just take it on faith that your sources are reliable. Although I can see where that can get hard to do, because there is some information which you would have a very hard time verifying. In particular verifying the munchlax honey tree mechanics can be a bit difficult for someone who does not have the technical skill that me an Sabresite have. But as the owner of a site that claims to have correct information its up to you to address the issue. It can be as simple as not taking any more information from the person who told you that it was 1% at each tree. Or maybe your solution can be more complicated I don't know.
  16. You must have done it wrong. Let me get a new version up that does not need the blank line. (i.e., does not need you to press enter after the scr_2) Edit: Please redownload PPREb006.zip
  17. OK, I'll look at it as soon as I get a chance. Is there any other information that would be helpful besides the script and what you put in the orders section? EDIT: What you needed was a blank line at the end of the script orders.
  18. Well, some of us have edited some of the comments so most problems are not visible.
  19. If you read the instructions, it says the only thing you can save are scripts and tells you how to do it.
  20. Updated the Windows and Linux versions to beta 0.02. PPSE now have a much better UI and unown order editing has been added. Jiggy-Ninja designed and coded all the new functionality. P.S. Download on the main page. Downloading the QtLibs is not necessary, just the file with the binary (PPSE.exe for windows, PPSE.tar.gz for Linux)
  21. Yeah, I never promised simple and easy. Actually I explicitly said, this is beta software the main purpose at this point is to figure out how things work exactly. Eventually there will be something easier. The reason I am releasing right now, instead of having a private beta is that there might be people who are skilled enough to understand things at this point that I don't know about and I don't want to prevent them from advancing.
  22. You have to install PyQt using the instructions on the PyQt website. This is because ppre.pyw uses PyQt modules which need to have been installed. There is something called py2app which someone can try to use to make an app like I made an exe. Unfortunately I don't have a mac, so I cannot do it. Try reading this: http://kdl.nobugware.com/post/2008/06/05/PyQt-4-on-Mac-Os-X/ http://phanatic.hu/archives/2007/11/building-qt-4-and-pyqt-on-mac-os-x-leopard/ or http://aralbalkan.com/1675 (Even if you won't be trying to use py2app)
  23. I know what the problem is. Let me try to fix it. For the crashing at other places, it might have to do with flags not being set when you give new items. EDIT: Made a fix, redownload. EDIT: JePP, just tested your edited scr_2 and went up to choosing the starter. No errors.
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