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Everything posted by codemonkey85

  1. Moved to the correct forum. Incidentally, I forgot to edit the title of the thread too, and now it's too late for me to do it. Anyway, what you have is not a Pokesav problem.
  2. Pokesav is stupid. It will occasionally mistake the "true" current save data for the backup save data. Mind posting your save file here so I can take a look? I might be able to fix it.
  3. Then... I'll get to work in a bit.
  4. Yes, you could do it that way and work with the data manually. That's actually EXACTLY what I was doing when I first started this whole project. Ugh. Now that I've fallen in love with binary serialization, I don't know if I'll ever use the BinaryReader / Writer class again.
  5. Toffeuy, have you tried just running Windows / Microsoft Update? You should be able to download and install the framework through there, IIRC.
  6. Sure it's possible. If you'd like, I could write a quick app with my code library for doing that very thing via direct save file edit.
  7. Diz, are you editing the save file directly, or are you using ARDS codes?
  8. Well, I suppose the logos are fine then. They just seemed a little out of place compared to what we've had before, but variation is a good thing, so I see your point.
  9. The Pokemon class in my library is exactly 236 bytes in size. It's always in party format, technically. Jiggy, that... is good work. This is more viable than I thought.
  10. They sure are announcing this early. So I guess we can expect the Pikachu-colored Pichu and the movie Arceus fairly soon. I'm not sure how I feel about those logos... the font is a little odd.
  11. Oh man. I am totally spending the first day (or week more likely) just catching random Pokémon to make them follow me. I am already super-excited to have my starter, Caterpie, Pidgey, and countless others walk with me. Later on in the game I'll try out some of the legendaries and other big guys. After all is said and done, when I'm doing post-storyline stuff... probably Heracross. I wonder if the overworld sprites for Pokémon other than Red Gyarados / Pikachu colored Pichu will get shiny variants? If so, then my Leafeon, Diglett, Bidoof, Solrock and Spinda will all get turns too.
  12. Jiggy is right on both counts. For location, if you aren't reading directly from a save file and don't want to pick, you could always just display both. As far as detecting encryption status goes, I leave it to the user(s) to be sane enough to always save encrypted PKM files with the .bin file extension. But I doubt anyone would use those anyway, so there doesn't seem to be any harm in assuming everything is decrypted. In regard to the PokéRus, I have kept off of that until I am certain what the value range is and what it means. I am certain it is not as simple as "infected", "cured", or nothing. I'm not sure why RawDeserialize is giving you issues, still, and I honestly can't think of an easier way to output a byte array than to just use that function. I guess I could make all of the structure members public (if they aren't already) and allow you to get the bytes yourself. For PC instead of party, you would only really need to get the full structure like normal and then truncate your array to 136 bytes.
  13. Hey people, I just uploaded the latest build of my library. I made some changes that I think will help quite a bit with readability and usage of the library. For instance, several of the dictionaries are no longer declared with "Byte" or "UInt16" keys, but rather with enumerations of the aforementioned types that use proper names. I have also used those enumerations elsewhere in the code. So in other words, if you want to see if a Pokémon is a Bulbasaur, you used to do this: If PKM.Species.ID = 1 Then [...] And now you can do it this way instead: If PKM.Species.ID = Species.Bulbasaur Then [...] The same goes with item index values, move index values, etc. That should help a lot, I think.
  14. I don't understand why everyone thinks the Characteristic is so important. It's really just aesthetic when you can already see the IVs anyway. Ahh, someone is using my library! Nice. I will be updating that shortly, FYI. Just so this post isn't totally spam, how's progress going, Andy?
  15. FYI, this information is all in our wiki. List of items by index number (in hex format). Pokémon alternate formes. Also, the "hex codes" for ANYTHING like Pokémon, items, moves, abilities, etc. in Diamond and Pearl are the same as in Platinum. New stuff was added, but old stuff remained the same, at the very least for compatibility reasons.
  16. I've asked you about this before, Toffeuy... what makes you think there is any relationship between the TID / SID and the PID / IVs? Is the PRNG affected somehow by the TID and SID? I don't think so.
  17. So how will this work? What happens if you catch a Pokémon in an Apricorn ball and send it to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum? What ball will it be registered as? And what happens if a Pokémon is holding an Apricorn ball and you trade it to DPPt? Will the ball just... disappear?
  18. This doesn't belong here... closed.
  19. They could conceivably limit the number of special Pikachu you can catch or transfer. Or they could limit the number that one HGSS game can receive.
  20. For my part, I'm not saying that season 1's filler is any better... I'm just saying I had more patience for it when I was younger. Plus, Johto had like four times as much filler, so there's that too.
  21. Not to jump into something here, but it sounds to me like he's just saying it was better when it was "fresher". Or perhaps being younger at the time made everything better. That's how it was for me, anyway. Personally, my favorite parts of the series are the first season and the beginning of Johto (and some of the Orange Island stuff I guess). Plus the first two or three movies. After that, I would ask myself why I was watching and was unable to come up with a decent answer, so... yeah.
  22. As far as I can say, both of these statements are completely false and unjustified. Where did you guys hear this? >_> Please see here for how the mechanics actually work. (FYI: the section about deriving Unown's forme from the PID is GBA-only, and does not apply to DS games.)
  23. To be honest, I've looked into it (briefly) and the score is stored in an odd fashion in the Platinum save file structure. I haven't bothered to talk to anyone more qualified to figure it out yet. Anyway, soulsilver, we are not affiliated with COM in any way, nor do we create or update Pokesav. All we do is translate it and host it.
  24. No, but this thread needs to be. :\
  25. So what kind of program is this, anyway? Looks like you are reading data from PKM files and outputting some kind of data file?
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