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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Then it has to be the base friendship for Gen7, for the OT. Creating things perfectly from scratch requires filling in a lot of things correctly.
  2. Working as intended. Familiarize yourself with Technical Record legality and GO transfer friendship.
  3. Done https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/7e32ff9b03da15c9522e0e2061ace9e9c2ad4877
  4. The sapphire save you've attached doesn't look like a valid save (doesn't have the block footers one would expect every 0x1000 bytes). Please double check that you: 1. have saved in-game (if using emulator). 2. have a valid cartridge (not a reproduction / fake).
  5. Stop using save states. Export the save file from PKHeX and overwrite the save file. Restart the emulator and let the game reboot.
  6. Regenerate the pkm from the encounter database.
  7. Read the stickies. PKHeX requires .NET Framework 4.6 and above.
  8. Already been reported and fixed, feel free to try the Development build, or wait for the next release.
  9. VC Transfers show which version they were transferred from. For legality checking origins, it's whatever it matches to first. Generation 1/2 PKMs do not store the version they originated from in their data.
  10. I checked the save data in a hex editor, it doesn't have any of the "POKE" magic markings that a normal Stadium 2 save file would have. I tried force loading it as a Stadium 2 save file, and the data was junk. Are you sure that this was exported from a Stadium 2 game? Does it work on another emulator when imported?
  11. Assuming you are using a save file that has been correctly saved within the game, PKHeX should be able to open it regardless of byte-swapping. We cannot provide assistance beyond telling you to double check that your exported save data is correct (open in a hex editor to ensure data is actually present), as you have not posted the save file for others to inspect.
  12. I've locked this topic. If anyone is still interested in describing how to set up PKHeX with Macs, please create a new thread-tutorial. If you are a regular user looking for help, please do not make a new thread asking for help. It is not something that I am supporting.
  13. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Obedience
  14. Kaphotics

    Coliseo pkhex

    Redownload the latest release. Money/Coin editing is no longer reset to 0.
  15. Can't replicate on my end; did you let the csv finish saving before closing the window?
  16. Thanks, I've added the notes and identified the c bit-field structure. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/2b25cd1e18113678782493770c48a4d36e1d00b1 I don't think it's worth my effort to add in GUI editing, since it's a really niche thing.
  17. Thanks, implemented in latest commit. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/07584a8774fe63bbb56d32785a468f097a767bdb
  18. The offset in the save file is constant, but the value you've highlighted in blue is not present in all save files. I suspect you've highlighted the object header for the block, which is not saved in the SAV. What is the offset this data is at in the save file?
  19. ty, fixed in latest commit: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/d21c1fb135685afc00d8b3af05f8e4c3229a3a83
  20. > Is there any way to maintain the Nature/IV/Ability of this pokemon without changing the TID/SID in the process? No, unless you change it to an egg-origin which has no PID-IV relationship.
  21. There's nothing level 50 there. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Three-Point_Pass Please do more research before you try blaming PKHeX for your inability to fake data.
  22. There's no downside to having counts too high, but there's an issue where you have too many pokemon in the box and too few counts to add up to the total present in the box. Hence it incrementing regardless of it replacing anything.
  23. fixed in latest commit, ty 4 report https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/2bfcdaf1481804eac779d0ca1b3037d695fbf379
  24. Holding control when clicking give all will only give TR flags for the currently known moves. There isn't really a need for different orderings...
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