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  1. HOME might permit it to be uploaded, but if it's inspected in HOME, I think it will lack the metadata that a legitimate GO Mon would normally have.
  2. If it originated from a game that needed to transfer through HOME to reach the game it is in (SWSH, so yes), then it won't be legal to upload into HOME. HOME expects it to have a tracker, which it does not have, so it will reject the upload. How to get around it? As stated in the linked thread, you can't for things originating from GO. The only way to get valid trackers is to start with something transferred from GO. For meltan, generate it in LGPE originating from GO Park complex, then connect that game to HOME.
  3. Handler: means what it says. Can't be handled by the OT because the OT is from GO.
  4. Try editing in another program like PokeGen before assuming a program is at fault. Usually it's you doing something wrong instead.
  5. Wow another thread with the same error message; please check for one.
  6. It's just the formal name for the left side of the main window You can open trash bytes by clicking inside the OT text box, or you can just click the "OT" label and it'll copy the OT Name (and trash bytes for Gen1/2) automatically.
  7. Simply changing your OT (manually by typing in a new OT/batch editor) isn't enough, as the game compares all 5 (jpn) / 7 (international) trainer name bytes even if they're unused. Looking at your Articuno's OT trash bytes, it's ALEX\50\50\50. Clicking on the OT label in PKHeX's entity editor GUI will copy the save file's OT trash bytes, resulting in ALEX\50\0\0, which is what the game is wanting when the OT details match. Seems like it applies to your party (besides Mewtwo) and Box 1.
  8. It means exactly what it says. If you open it in a hex editor to see what data is inside, it'll all be the same values over and over until the end of the file. It's like a word document filled with F. Is there an essay in the document? No, it's just repeating F's. What causes the save data to be empty? For Gen1/2 cartridges, the battery keeps the save file "alive", and when it dies, the data resets back to a default state. For later generations, they don't need a battery to retain data, but if you never save in-game to flush your progress to the save file (like using save states exclusively), then you'll never update your save data from the initial values it had. PKHeX is telling you "Please ensure it was properly saved". So, did you properly save your game?
  9. Probably a secondary error caused by the program not setting up correctly with error here: It might be because of a hash collision on the species name strings, but there aren't any duplicate strings/hashes. I find it odd that other linux users do not have the same issue as you... I checked on my windows machine and not a single string has the hashcode listed ^. It would be helpful to know which strings are coming up as duplicate, if you're able to debug the program for that. You might also try installing the latest version of Wine (development) which is 9.13 (you currently have a stable release of 9.3).
  10. Kaphotics

    Weird Error

    And what technology does Bottles use? Wine. If Bottles uses an old version of Wine (not supporting .NET 8 compatibility) then you need to update the version of wine it uses, or use wine directly without Bottles. This isn't an issue with PKHeX.
  11. Kaphotics

    Weird Error

    What operating system? If you are using wine to run Windows applications, be sure you are on the latest update of wine.
  12. Please do a brief scan of the sub forum to see if this has already been reported.
  13. You've still not loaded a save file. To export a save file, you must first load a save file. What would the program be able to export otherwise? There are two concepts here. An individual Pokémon is not a save file; it is a pk* file. A save file is your entire saved data for a given game.
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