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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Change the memory for the not-OT.
  2. If setting the level up moves results in the pokemon being illegal, it just gives random moves. Applying random moves sometimes fixes gen1/2 pokemon, hence why it does that.
  3. > ALL pokemon that I transfer from Go -> Home will have the same tracker ID? No.
  4. Read the stickies before posting.
  5. The batch editor random is only a range of random values, not a pick-one-from-array random.
  6. Verify Checksum is for save file integrity checking, not PKM data. The pkm editor pane makes the fixes. You can check legality from box as described in the shortcuts. Then, run the batch editor to fix everything else that has the same flaw, using the corresponding batch commands.
  7. Congrats, your secret base data is invalid. Don't use cheat codes for "max flags captured" because they do it wrong. Go into the Trainer editor and fix the record for Secret Base Flags Captured (#80).
  8. There are 3 concepts for this that should be understood. 1. A Pokémon has a trainer details to indicate who was the first trainer the Pokémon had. 2. A Pokémon has a trainer details to indicate who last had possession of it, besides the original trainer. 3. A Pokémon has a flag indicating who is currently handling it, because Friendship is tracked separately. PKHeX displays the current handler as a green background. PKHeX automatically updates this flag whenever a Pokémon is set to a save file. If a Pokémon's OT details matches that of the save file it is being set to, its handler flag will be set to OT, otherwise, the HT (Handling Trainer) data is updated and the current handler flag is set to indicate HT. Your confusion is likely arising due to creating data for a save file using the same trainer details for other-game data. Example: an Emerald Pikachu having the trainer details of your Sword game will be recognized as being handled by the OT, because PKHeX (mimicking the games) does not check to see if the Version is different. Don't reply to posts that are 4 years old with an attitude like that, lmao. PKHeX's legality checker is a legality checker, not a "here's how to fix every single hacked piece of data imaginable".
  9. The PID was hacked to make it shiny. Generation 3 roamers from Emerald must have a Method 1 PID+IV correlation. The uploaded file does not have this correlation. Hence the PID-encountertype mismatch message.
  10. move tutor flags are in the personal table entry for the species-form you wish to edit each entry is 0x4C bytes 0x28 is tm flags 0x38 is type tutor flags (elemental beam tutors) 0x3C is the move tutors (4 bytes per tutor)
  11. Questions about Pokémon Legality go in the Pokémon Legality sub-forum.
  12. Save states are not save files. Save properly in game before exporting your save file.
  13. Please do not report hacks being flagged as hacks. Egg movepool building mechanics cannot result in the arrangement you have specified, and PKHeX's move-order legality checks that were added a few releases ago is working as intended telling you that things are out of order (and what it expects).
  14. Compare the save files before and after. Extreme niche edits like this are not really worth the time investment when you can just play the game and inject stuff with similar benefits.
  15. This isn't the place to inquire why hacks are flagged on recent commits when they weren't flagged on prior commits. Online webpages are frequently outdated or incomplete.
  16. Japanese saves have slightly different structure sizes, as noted in a recent PKHeX commit. I don't think changing language will be possible. Plus, gci files have the 4char GXXE etc identifier that Dolphin will probably look at when restoring save data
  17. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/blob/5fe38e1707eaea84921df1f79b135e16172a1748/PKHeX.Core/Resources/text/items/gen2/text_ItemsG2_ja.txt
  18. Plugins are unrelated to base PKHeX. Keep in mind that date rollovers advance the RNG seed, so looking at previous-day save files and loading them with a future date will cause the shown results to be inaccurate.
  19. I only post stable releases once things have been determined as stable.
  20. Was reported and fixed yesterday, see more here: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/57375-pkhex-new-update-legality-errors-contribution-page/?do=findComment&comment=269388
  21. If you scroll through the attached files, you'll see that none of them contain pk8/etc format data. It's thus inferred that HOME only serves you metadata, and you request different transactions. Besides some surface information, the data never leaves the server unless you're downloading into a secure device (Nintendo Switch), because they need to put the data in the games.
  22. There is no move deleter in Gen1. You cannot get empty move slots if the encounter has been leveled up enough to fill out its moveset. The catch rate is used as the Held Item ID in Gen2. The lack of a value there implies it was transferred to Gen2, which has a Move Deleter. Catch Rates are modified when transferred to Gen2, so having the original catch rate (depending on the value) implies your example was never traded to Gen2, thus, no Move Deleter. Feeling: Thanks, fixed in latest commit. There have been a lot of improvements in memory checking, which didn't reach PKHeX's transfer logic. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/113cd9be4fa14681db100fbe1f78c8e14b3753ef
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