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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. This has already been reported and fixed; until the next release is posted, only click on the checkbox (not the label) when toggling event flags in the editor.
  2. There isn't one. Feel free to play the game to get to the map coordinates you want, then dump your save and note the coordinates somewhere for others to reference in the future.
  3. PKHeX is a Windows Forms application that currently requires .NET Framework 4.6 Try Parallels Desktop to run a windows vm.
  4. Correct, there usually is never a need to have older versions of the program. Newest is always latest & greatest. The Options -> Settings allows you to select a save file version that the program opens up with, and change the startup detection so it doesn't grab your latest savedata to auto-open. Tons of things you can tweak.
  5. It means that the data there is not valid, and cannot be read by the program. You can ignore it.
  6. It could be a bad dump (try something else, idk), or it could be the actual savefile data correctly extracted (indicative of it being unsalvageable).
  7. The file you posted is entirely garbage data, none of its contents match what is expected for a Diamond save file. Expected size should be 512KB, not 256KB (half). Sadly, you're not going to recover anything from the dump you've attached.
  8. Update check was broken for slower computers, and was fixed the day after the 22.02.08 release https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/e5c6b769b7eec6aca8559c1d1823437cc8e249d9
  9. Close the program before copying the modified files.
  10. PKHeX has the encounter database, and additionally can edit the dream world entree forest rooms too. No need for other programs.
  11. > PKHeX, Version= Use the latest version (22.03.18 as of this post); a new update was posted a month after that one came out and likely has resolved the issue you are experiencing.
  12. PKHeX allows you to customize everything. Without consequences? Depends who is checking, and if they care to check. Any possibility of being banned? OTs have been banned in the past for bulk uploading to multiple accounts on bank, but otherwise no; players can enter whatever OT Name via the software keyboard.
  13. Restore your save file correctly. Fix your errors before assuming it's a problem with the program Nobody else has complained about BDSP edits being corrupt, so it's likely you're doing something wrong.
  14. Refer to the readme, you need to dump the entire ROM in addition to all the update patch content.
  15. Don't make things from scratch; either edit from an existing Pokémon or use the encounter database. Legality checker flags more things than moves.
  16. KWispsFoundArea0* in the block editor, and you can toggle the individual flags as well. Nobody has tested / documented how they work, so things have not been codified into the program.
  17. Works fine, assuming you have sufficient progress unlocking things. If you haven't progressed, then you haven't unlocked enough of the game.
  18. You can import it, but PKHeX will not recognize it. Until the community documents all events adequately, there will be no recognition.
  19. the community has not documented gen1/2 event data in a format that can be analyzed by a program, so no. until the community documents them adequately, there will be no recognition.
  20. Does it work on an emulator? The content inside appears partially corrupt.
  21. PKHeX can edit ranch save files. Just import them into your save file yourself.
  22. Thanks, fixed on latest commit. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/4199a93be1cb4fb52de3ba540cee4d6251358c34 Can try the latest changes with the development build until the next release is stabilized.
  23. Copy it somewhere else and then open it from there. If you're trying to overwrite a read only file, then save it somewhere else and manually move it to the right spot once the destination is no longer locked.
  24. Use the encounter database. Just clicking an "auto" checkbox doesn't auto fix anything besides auto-calculating the height & weight value textboxes.
  25. That's not a full save file.
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