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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. PKHeX emulates official transfer methods. If a hypothetical transfer method does not exist (Example: SwSh to Ruby) then it will indicate it cannot convert between those formats. A setting is provided to disregard that restriction, but the conversion logic instead tries to copy as many values as possible. Mileage may vary.
  2. Kaphotics


    play it on your 3DS
  3. Probably a separate program. We're ramping down the datamining, and evaluating our options for how we want the long-lived user-friendly programs to operate. Likely will have some similarities to pkNX so we can reuse code (smart randomizers) easily.
  4. Google it; not an issue with PKHeX but instead your operating system is misconfigured.
  5. save states are not save files
  6. 1. Nobody has serialized the Language/Region restriction rules into something PKHeX can understand. It doesn't check for that at this time. 2. Memory feeling was hotfixed a few hours after the last release. New legality checks narrowed what was actually legal, but code still generated unrestricted values.
  7. PKHeX is open source. ROM Hack creators can change the source code to support whatever hack they like. Not only are there many ROM Hacks, but there are many ways in which the hacks change the game which is inconsistent with mainline logic. PKHeX will never support ROM Hacks; any observed support is just a coincidence that the hack didn't change enough from the vanilla game to break the program.
  8. Plugins having errors is outside the scope of PKHeX. Go ask the plugin author, not here.
  9. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/40031fd94d23d83ae3a2c6bb0ee137b0c6c59e95
  10. Set the trainer details for linked save file in the corresponding editor window, so the game knows it has been linked and allows the box.
  11. Added as a setting; default is true so it'll auto-max the IVs instead of the old behavior. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/77d1a990cd4af2ebadb66960b70f61109c5aa990
  12. Even for gen3+, the changing of Hidden power only mutates the IV bits that determine the type; they don't change the power value. For both gen3+ and gen2, you can get a max power arrangement by first maxing the IVs (shortcut is to control click the Randomize IVs button) then change the IVs after. Changing the behavior from only-mutate-type to mutate-type-and-max-power would remove the ability to change just the type. Plus, there's implications for gender in gen2. If you want max power, just max the IVs and change the type after.
  13. done https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/640cb3bad10c568462071adf236fd73e26531b99
  14. Change the memory for the not-OT.
  15. If setting the level up moves results in the pokemon being illegal, it just gives random moves. Applying random moves sometimes fixes gen1/2 pokemon, hence why it does that.
  16. > ALL pokemon that I transfer from Go -> Home will have the same tracker ID? No.
  17. Read the stickies before posting.
  18. The batch editor random is only a range of random values, not a pick-one-from-array random.
  19. Verify Checksum is for save file integrity checking, not PKM data. The pkm editor pane makes the fixes. You can check legality from box as described in the shortcuts. Then, run the batch editor to fix everything else that has the same flaw, using the corresponding batch commands.
  20. Congrats, your secret base data is invalid. Don't use cheat codes for "max flags captured" because they do it wrong. Go into the Trainer editor and fix the record for Secret Base Flags Captured (#80).
  21. There are 3 concepts for this that should be understood. 1. A Pokémon has a trainer details to indicate who was the first trainer the Pokémon had. 2. A Pokémon has a trainer details to indicate who last had possession of it, besides the original trainer. 3. A Pokémon has a flag indicating who is currently handling it, because Friendship is tracked separately. PKHeX displays the current handler as a green background. PKHeX automatically updates this flag whenever a Pokémon is set to a save file. If a Pokémon's OT details matches that of the save file it is being set to, its handler flag will be set to OT, otherwise, the HT (Handling Trainer) data is updated and the current handler flag is set to indicate HT. Your confusion is likely arising due to creating data for a save file using the same trainer details for other-game data. Example: an Emerald Pikachu having the trainer details of your Sword game will be recognized as being handled by the OT, because PKHeX (mimicking the games) does not check to see if the Version is different. Don't reply to posts that are 4 years old with an attitude like that, lmao. PKHeX's legality checker is a legality checker, not a "here's how to fix every single hacked piece of data imaginable".
  22. The PID was hacked to make it shiny. Generation 3 roamers from Emerald must have a Method 1 PID+IV correlation. The uploaded file does not have this correlation. Hence the PID-encountertype mismatch message.
  23. move tutor flags are in the personal table entry for the species-form you wish to edit each entry is 0x4C bytes 0x28 is tm flags 0x38 is type tutor flags (elemental beam tutors) 0x3C is the move tutors (4 bytes per tutor)
  24. Questions about Pokémon Legality go in the Pokémon Legality sub-forum.
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