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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Try to comprehend what the message is saying; the trainer that currently possesses the Pokemon does not match the expected state. If the save file is not the OT, then the current handler must not be the Original Trainer (OT).
  2. Use the encounter database after loading your save file into the program.
  3. No, they're hacked shinies without a valid wild PIDIV, so they could only originate from eggs, which can only be in Poke Balls. Not an issue with PKHeX. This is only for reporting legitimate pokemon that have not been modified in any way.
  4. Uninitialized (all zero) means exactly what it says -- the file size might be right, but there's literally no data in the file. It's not a valid save file / dump. Not an issue with PKHeX. Save File sizes are not 0x2000, they're at least 4x bigger than the file you're trying to load.
  5. My recollection is that there were never any Battle Tests distributed during the lifetime of the NDS online services, so this content was never officially available for download & documentation. As the years have passed, our understanding of the Gen5 save file structures has allowed us to identify the region of save file data that *would* have stored the downloaded battle test data, were it ever made available officially. However, since we don't have any of the official data, we can't really guess the size & layout of the data that needs to be there to get the game to recognize it. With the power of disassembling the game code, we can see that the region of data is 0x5C8 bytes long, and the validation function checks for a magic number and checksum over the region being valid. When it's valid, you get.... == The latest commits of PKHeX allow for importing/exporting of this data region. This "DLC Battle Test" structure is undocumented. Fuzzing the rest of the data to values 01-04 gets me into a battle! Guess it has to be analyzed in more detail, but hey, at least we can trigger the in-game loading of injected data! Attached a randomly-fuzzed download test that doesn't crash, which can be imported with the latest development build of PKHeX. Rather than disassembling the game code that interprets the block, we can just observe the results and see what offsets determine what, to get the overall structure documented Battle Test.bt5
  6. Use the batch editor to set SpeciesInternal to whatever game-specific Species ID you want.
  7. "Why is a hacked pokemon being flagged as impossible to obtain legitimately?" Read each line. Use the encounter database instead of guessing values.
  8. Main is completely 00 00 00 00... so there's no data. Backup is 40% random data, and the rest 00 00 00 00... so there's nothing recoverable.
  9. Already reported & fixed on latest development build: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/9d06a2bc2d0ec5f7c0f020acd73a2144a4d30c2c
  10. Change the filter to search for something. It's not going to give you a list of every single encounter for you to manually scroll through unless you change the settings. Gathering the full list isn't instant; it's a short-circuit to prevent you from wasting time. Use the filters.
  11. Sure you can spawn it, but it won't be legal or transferrable to HOME.
  12. Nope. What you saw online is a method to obtain a "key" to decrypt the save file, but doing so requires the cartridge. Which you do not have. Powersaves backups are useless without the original cartridge.
  13. Nope. You need the original cartridge, as Powersaves backups do not contain the cartridge-specific data needed.
  14. Every starter (and captured Pokemon) is generated with a traceable pattern by the games, yet yours does not follow that pattern. Either you changed the PID or you changed the IVs with cheats, glitches, or tool/editor like PKHeX; knowingly or unknowingly. There is not a way to obtain what you did without cheating. What exactly you did? I wasn't there when you obtained it or every period of time you interacted with your game data; only you can know for sure. Calculators exist. https://sites.google.com/site/ivtopidapplet/home
  15. PKHeX will never be able to generate data directly into HOME. The program is a SAVE FILE EDITOR. You can never hack a "legitimate" Pokemon into existence, only "legal" Pokemon. A legitimate Pokemon is one that was obtained with normal gameplay. It either is obtained legitimately, or it is hacked into the game. Whether it is legal or illegal depends on if it is indistinguishable in comparison to a legit Pokemon.
  16. The currently loaded save file is the player that is possessing the PKM data. If you have not loaded a save file, then the default save file (PKHeX) is the one that possesses the data. The pointer as well as the trainer data must be correct.
  17. Not legit; needs to have a PID/IV correlation that the program is correctly flagging. It needs to be a "Method 1" PID. Assuming the IVs are unmodified, the PID should be F964768A.
  18. You cannot generate it legally as it must originate direct inside HOME, instead of on a player-controlled game like SW/SH. The server checks every upload to see if it has the original data, and if it can't find it, you get error 10015. Transfers from their native game (e.g. SW/SH) are the origin of data, so the server captures that and assigns a tracker. SW/SH uploads are always allowed by the server, but the server PKH data will lack the GO data, and will still be illegal if someone checked. Anything generated is never "legit", it is at best "legal" if it is visually indistinguishable from something that was legitimately obtained.
  19. Of course not. HOME has already seen it in a different ball; balls are immutable, therefore it's obviously hacked.
  20. Unzip the executable and run it from a location on your computer. The DLL is self-contained within the EXE and should be able to locate itself.
  21. Again, if you want to have egg moves, then it must originate from an egg. The program is telling you that its details does not match what it expects. Eggs in Gen3 have a met level of 0, and do not have a Method 1/2/4 PIDIV correlation, hence the two messages in the output. Using the encounter database to grab a fresh egg will give you a legal result immediately.
  22. Your starter Sceptile (Treecko) did not originate from an egg, therefore it cannot have egg moves. The entity has to originate from an egg to have egg-only moves. Use the encounter database if you want legal data.
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