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Mewtwo Ex

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Everything posted by Mewtwo Ex

  1. I am reminding you that if i say some thing stupid it is not on purpose. Its just i saw somewhere that Kanto is not in the G/S games.
  2. Its said to be a Gold and Silver not Crystal as far as they have announced. And i heard that Kanto was not available in them (G/S). And please show me the league and Viridian part. I did not notice basically because i can't recognize which part of it is from Johto.
  3. Yes but it will be here about 2 or 2 and a half months after the US release.
  4. It is going to be very entertaining to be in a remade region that i never played. Anyway the Gyarados looks better than in other games. It looks more like a serpent than in older games. Regarding the miny games i am not fond of them. The Pokeathelon to me appears ok however on another hand if Kanto is missing because a lack of space i am blaming them. It is not proven yet that Kanto will be available, correct?
  5. Well, well, well there is an item for me. Berserk gene... left by Mewtwo... what is it supposed to do?
  6. That is how it worked for me. ''Fn'' and ''PrtSc'' are the onese for me too.
  7. I have many Pokemon EX and just my shining Mewtwo and Suicune star.
  8. I have to agree. I haven't stopped once to listen to a D/P/PT soundtrack.
  9. Or better yet you can ask for someone from someone here to send you one for free instead of ripping yourself off by buying one from eBay.
  10. My button is probably broken then.
  11. Me neither. Nor Okami's.
  12. I also did not like the the PokeDex. It was considerably hard to track the roaming legends with it resetting the page every time i exit to the menu.
  13. Mine too is that card. And i do still play it. I am getting the children i my neighborhood to play the game again.
  14. The topic is Dragon Pokemon not bug.
  15. Wraith is in third place
  16. Stop the action replay, and use the nearby boat.
  17. Mine worked without a problem.
  18. The event codes didn't work for me. I used warp codes.
  19. Yes and don't worry i don't have one also.
  20. Here enjoy project pokemon.:grog: http://projectpokemon.org/games/eventdownloads.php
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