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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. You really should post EV spreads rather than individual stats.
  2. 4th gen Wonder Card Pokemon can not be shiny unless they're set to ALWAYS be shiny. I think there's an article about it on the main site.
  3. Yes, maybe your HP Electric does OHKO Gyarados. However, it's a huge gimmick and a waste of a move slot. You're aiming for your Pokemon to be a jack-of-all trades, but master of none. And yes ,you didn't show any real strategy. Most of your Pokemon had no description. Sooo closing this. Come back when you're ready to have your team rated. OH NOEZ I SUGGESTED STANDARD SETS. Standard doesn't mean they're bad. It means they're good. If you're going to do something else, cool. Just make sure to justify it. Being different for the sake of being different is no better than blindly using standard sets.
  4. Jackson wasn't overhyped by his death. He was part of the Motown era and went on to have the biggest selling album of all time (Thriller). His final years had controversy, but his impact on music is not something that came after his death.
  5. Gallade is your standard anti-lead that I see occaisonally. I question how long it'll live, meaning Swords Dance won't be useful. Your current attacks provide enough coverage so another offense isn't needed. Encore, Destiny Bond, and Toxic are all excellent replacements for the slot that Swords Dance currently takes. Encore and Destiny Bond are egg moves, so you'll have to go breed again. Scizor's set is absolutely horrible. It has horrible special attack, so it should only be using physical moves. The standard Choice Band set serves everyone well, and for a reason. It's just that good. Scizor w/ Choice Band Adamant Technician 252 HP/252 ATK/6 Speed - Bullet Punch - Pursuit - Superpower - U-Turn Bullet Punch and Pursuit are powered up by Technician. Superpower takes care of a wide vareity of threats and seriously deters Heatran and other steels from switching in. U-Turn helps you scout out opponents and gets out of dodge when you encounter a Magnet Pull Magnezone. Scizor should never worry about taking on Gyarados. It can revenge kill one if it hasn't been intimiated, but Vaporeon, Rotom forms, and Starmie are perfect Gyarados counters. Blastoise is one of the lesser tallented Rapid Spinners. I see no reason to use him when Starmie, Forretress, Tentacruel, and Claydol all do the job and do it much better Salamence and Omastar seem seriously out of place. It doesn't help that you provide no strategy to go along with their sets. Uxie and Dugtrio are standard. Keep Uxie, Gallade, and Scizor, and ditch the rest. Or provide a real strategy showing you understand what you're doing. You need a counter to Gyarados. I know Rotom forms don't work on Wi-Fi, but Starmie and Vaporeon both do that job just fine. Starmie w/ Leftovers Timid Natural Cure 136 HP / 156 Def / 216 Spe - Rapid Spin - Surf - Thunderbolt - Grass Knot/Ice Beam Also gives you a check on Swampert with Grass Knot, check on Salamence and Dragonite with Ice Beam. That leaves you with two slots. Maybe a Swords Dance Lucario?
  6. You can always download the wondercard again and generate more. Or use sendpkm program to send it to yourself repeatedly if you lack a flash card or Action Replay.
  7. The GBA is a dead console. It's "last goodbye" was a long time ago.
  8. Why would they use the GBA games for a tournament taking place in the 4th gen?
  9. So basically, you want someone to come up with a team and strategy for you? Even if someone was so inclined to do that, no one knows how your mind works and how you execute a strategy. Only you can decide that.
  10. Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and the UK have gotten all major 4th gen event distributions. And Greece at least got Shaymin.
  11. When I accidentally deleted the topic, the attachments vanished. Hopefully Sabresite or someone had them backed up on their hard drives.
  12. Because theres only two Pokemon per team, there's no way you'll be able to cover every single threat out there. For example, you have nothing that can currently hit Shedinja. However, you do have at least two bases covered: The common Explode-Ghost/Protect team is partially covered by Rotom, and Dark Void abuse is checked with Rest Talk sets. Slap Toxic on Swampert. You can poison non-steels while hitting steels with Earthquake (x2 damage) and Discharge (neutral),
  13. Where would you request a Pokemon or pokemon related file? Hmmm http://projectpokemon.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?22-Pokmon-Requests
  14. This is false. Europe and Australia have gotten every single major/movie event so far during the 4th gen, including Darkrai, Regigias, Shaymin, and shiny Pichu.
  15. A Fateful Encounter (IE a celebi with Pokemon Event marked to trigger the event, just like Shaymin and the Glaciblablah flower, Regigias and the Golem Trio, and Arceus and the Shinto Ruins) Celebi will cause you to travel back in time if it's the first in your party, following you, at the Illex Forest shrine. While in the past, you encounter Giovanni who hears Team Rocket's broadcasts from the radio tower in Golden Rod. He is going to join them and re-unite them. So you battle. Because of you traveling back in time, you have to have gotten the 7th gym badge of Johto and have accomplished the Radio Tower quest before this event can be triggered. Some are claiming that normal event Celebis from Gen III (Japanese Colosseum Bonus Disk and JAA 10 ANIV) can trigger the event as well. I tested it with two different 10 ANIV Celebis and got no results. Strangely enough, his team that he uses is quite a bit different from the ones you fight throughout FR/LG (minor spoilers below):
  16. <p><p><p><p><p>Exactly. The DS and DS Lite have no difference as far as their hardware goes. They both play the exact same games. The only difference is (very few) options such as more brighness settings, a re-located power switch, a smaller GBA slot, and arguably better battery life, and screen size.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>DS and DS Lite are similar to Game Boy phat and any other plain game boy variant (pocket, for example).</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>DSi and DS Phat/Lite are similar to Game Boy Color. There are some hardware enhancements, but the games are 100% compatible either way.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>The arrival of the 3ds is similar to the Gameboy Advance. Signifigant hardware upgrade, backwards compatibility, etc...</p></p></p></p></p>

  17. It basically says you can't use the ITunes software in planning for or carrying out a terrorist attack.
  18. The admins of the site are quite busy. There is quite literally nothing known about the games besides the titles, the few screen shots, and Zoruku or whatever it's called. Feel free to start a thread in Pokemon Franchise. That seems like a good forum for discussion until more info is released.
  19. <p><p><p><p><p>Yeah, but almost every single edition of the Game Boy, up until the Gameboy Advance, was just a different size, or had color. There was very little, if any, technical enhancements between Game Boy and Game Boy Color.</p></p></p></p></p>

  20. Congratulations on ruining the thread. You know who you are. WHOA IT'LL BE ON THE SAME CONSOLE LET'S DISCUSS HOW HORRIBLE THE GAMES MUST BE BECAUSE IT'LL BE ONA "DEAD" CONSOLE NEVERMIND THAT THE DS IS ONLY SIX YEARS OLD AND THE OLD FAT GAMEBOY WAS SUPPORTED FOR 10+YEARS UNTIL THE RELEASE OF GAMEBOY ADVANCE. Also, in another bit of irony, Satoshi Tajiri was criticized for wanting to release Pokemon on the Game Boy because many viewed it as a "dead" console as well. I know it blows some peoples minds, but Nintendo doesn't like just introducing new consoles 3-4 years later and forget about their old ones.
  21. As said, standard lead. If Stone Edge's accuracy has been annoying you, you've got three options: Rock Slide: 90% accuracy, decept PP, chance of flinch. Rock Tomb: 90% accuracy, less powerful than SE/RS but WILL lower speed one stage. Quite useful against other lead Aeros. Toxic: For lead Swamperts so you can hit them with some damage to cancel out their Leftovers, or any other bulky non-steel leads you face. The 'bulky' sweeper Latias@Leftovers Bold / Levitate 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe - Calm Mind - Recover - Dragon Pulse - Surf Standard set, it's fine. Don't bother changing it to the Charge Beam set since Jolteon is not a good Eeveelution to Baton Pass stats with (that honor typicall goes to Vaporeon). The only other move option it really has is Signal Beam. Thunder Wave is something (I guess) you can use as long as you're fine with switching out right after. CB Scizor will be switching out a lot. Without Superpower, it fails to OHKO Magnezone and Heatran switch ins. Heatran is fairly standard. As for Machamp, I hate RestTalk sets. They annoy me. I suggest this: Machamp@Leftovers Adamant, No Guard 252 HP / 252 Attack / 4 Speed - Substitute - Dynamic Punch - Payback/Elemental Punch of choice - Stone Edge Nothing likes switching into this thing. I never found payback to be all that useful since I end up switching to Blissey on my team, but you might.
  22. What? Don't request 493 Pokemon. Please type in something that resembles comlpete sentences. Otherwise, people won't be able to make your request.
  23. I say it's a risky move to force Pokemon on the 3ds. There are millions of DS, DSLites, and DSis already out. By making it a 3DS exclusive, or even a DSi Exclusive, you are isolating other console owners.
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