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Everything posted by Guested

  1. So.... do we NOT need the "Gotta Catch 'em All" events? Or the US Pokemon Center events?
  2. It's an emulator, but it can also run DS roms as well as GBA. No$GBA is one of the more common culprits of not saving a full filesize, but it can be set to save as RAW, so I think that's why he assumed you were using it. What ARE you using to run Platinum, then?
  3. She's way too in-style, if you ask me. I've said it all over this thread that overalls are extremely IN fashion in Japan right now, among girls of all ages. That is one of the most common fashions there right now. So they see both characters as being "cool."
  4. A database that included THAT much information (such as met locations/levels) etc, would be huge and would require a lot of time to put together and program. The Legality Checker checks the not normally visible data of the Pokemon. Using the program also requires a certain degree of intelligence, such as noticing that a Charmander can't legitly caught in Master Ball (for example). If you are able to notice that a Ditto cannot be legitimately hatched from an egg, then that should be enough to know it is not legit.
  5. You're right. It wouldn't take a lot of work, but I HOPE they'd put more effort into it. There were some good improvements in over Colosseum, but I'd really like to see something more like the improvements between Stadium 2 and Stadium 1. Being able to choose from a good list of Battle stages would be nice. There just seemed to be so few in and PBR. Maybe the ones in Stadium 2 had more diversity, I dunno.
  6. Why does everyone keep thinking a second Wii game is unlikely? After GS came out, Pokemon Stadium 2 came out. After FRLG came out, Pokemon came out.
  7. You use this program: http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/ to edit your own save file. The .pkm files can be loaded into your storage.
  8. Yeah, so maybe no wild Scizor UPDATE I updated the first post to include another small piece of info: The Pokethlon games can be played with 4 players via Local Wireless connection.
  9. <p><p><p><p><p>Yeah, I arrived safely, so I'll be on and off every now and then. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  10. For.... female players that don't want to play as a boy...?
  11. Yeah, I think I mentioned this in IRC, but here's what I think. It's clear they have MADE a new character model (I assume the female one as well) and it was used in Japan and the US. So, perhaps they are working on a sequel and just implemented the new character model into a private version of the first PBR for the tournaments since they were Platinum only. I suspect they'd release a new Wii Pokemon game sometime after the release of HGSS (... it has happened every generation).
  12. Naru-chu is exactly right. You don't need a signature bigger than the limit. I think the limit itself is actually too big. If you have a bunch of stuff you insist on showing off, I'm pretty sure the full version of your sig is still shown in your profile page. But you really don't need to put more than one thing in your signature anyway.
  13. Here ya go. Kinda already said it.
  14. So.... bad accessories hurt your heart score? Cause I tend to get around 2 or 3 total. It's a lie! No accessories got me no hearts! Master Rank is obviously judged more harshly.
  15. Okay, so I just played through a Master Rank competition... I did the best on the last section, but the WORST on the first two. Evidently I suck at dancing and making the accessories match the theme. The themes are already dang ambiguous in English, but I'm playing in Japanese...
  16. Well, I've made it to Master Rank and got my clock cleaned. I'm doing cute with my Flareon. I've got it's cute level up to max, plus it has a Pink Scarf. Moveset: Return (2) +2 if first Frustration (2) +2 if last Mud-slap (3) Snore (3) I think I just don't have enough accessories. There are a LOT of slots for the dress-up bit. All the other contestants got over 7 hears each, and I got about 4 or 5. And I evidently suck at the dancing bit for Master Rank. I'll try again later.
  17. Yeah, that was the "Secret Base (DPP)" thing I mentioned in the list. This is a separate deal in the Resort Area. It's basically just something to spend money on, cause the decorations are EXPENSIVE. BUT, if you go to the Battleground occasionally, you get a LOT of money. And all the expensive decorations kinda show off your status. Here's the info on the Villa itself. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Villa
  18. NICE! I like how the Eeveelutions show up in Platinum But yeah, Flareon isn't SO bad. Really high attack, pretty high special attack and special defense... it's just that low defense and the prominence of moves like Earthquake that just make it really dangerous to use. Also, I'm pretty sure the Eevee Collection nature was a minus Def one, so... I'm gonna have to be careful.
  19. So the Villa is probably the worst "secret base" in the history of the series. Seriously, in the list of: Room (GSC), Secret Base (RSE), and Secret Base (DPP), the Villa has the least features. You can't move anything, none of the items really DO anything apart from the music players. You can't even use the PC or sleep in the bed! But it is pretty cool that characters come to visit, and some of the decorations are pretty neat looking. However, the point of this topic is this: I wanted to see if there was anyone else who is trying to get all of the decorations. If you don't know, you can unlock the items for purchase by meeting certain requirements. If you want to know the requirements, you can check them out here: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Villa_decoration (the guide on serebii is ... wrong) I've managed to collect all but two. The only ones I have remaining are the Piano (just gotta beat the E4 four more times) and the Chandelier. I have NO IDEA how close I am to walking 300,000 steps, so who knows when I'll get that one. How bout you guys? Anyone else trying to get them all? How's your progress?
  20. I'm a big fan of Flareon. Back in the RBY days, I think I was the only one I knew who chose it. I've got a little Flareon figure sitting on my desk, along with some other Eevee goods from that Eevee Collection event they had at the Pokemon Center (that Eevee giveaway is probably my favorite DS event yet). Flareon has never really been a Pokemon that's all that good in competitive battling, but I'm playing with the idea of using it in HGSS since you get an Eevee from Bill. Or maybe trading over an Eevee Collection Eevee so it'll be in the Cherish Ball
  21. I have a CycloDS. It works just fine with Battle Revolution and Ranch. But the Cyclo team has not yet released a DSi compatible card. But, if you just want to use it on a lite, then I suggest CycloDS Evolution.
  22. Okay.... I did it. Streak of 102 at the Battle Tower. I made it all that way and got knocked down by a Cradily... what a pain. Oh well, at least I got my Gold Trophy and my Trainer Star. Frontier update: Tower: Gold seal All others: Silver seal Time to pick it up again and go for gold.
  23. The side conversations in this thread have gotten out of hand. Please keep things on topic. As for me, I plan on buying HeartGold by walking down the street to the electronics store and buying it there.
  24. The Prime series is more a series of First-Person Adventure games than First-Person Shooters. They really stuck with the feel of Metroid, with the focus being on exploration and action. The control scheme (for the GC games) was designed so that in a battle, you were more focused on finding cover and timing your shots rather than using the joysticks to slowly line up a shot (a la Halo, or any other console shooter). And this control scheme was only enhanced by the beautiful accuracy of the WiiMote. If you're even slightly interested, I'd recommend giving it a try. It's really not what you'd expect. PLUS, it's three amazing games for $50. Can't beat that, really.
  25. One of the admin's at pokebeach is in Japan right now (for movie coverage, etc), and went to the Pokemon Center in Tokyo to square up a mishap with his movie ticket. They have a few DS units with the new HGSS demo on them, so he took some video before someone (in surprisingly good English) told him to take a hike. The only new things I saw in the video of his battles are these: - The Pokemon following you around just slides onto the screen instead of jumping out of a Pokeball. - The... sprite for the Psychic trainer is... the same as DPP?!? (Twins look new, though) If I had time this week, I'd go check it out myself... but I don't.
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