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About kakashifan45

  • Birthday 08/01/1996
  1. yep... you're right. thank you
  2. Hello, I'm kakashifan45. I am not considered a Pokemon "fan," but I do have my knowledge of the Pokeuniverse. I played both Pokemon: Emerald Version and Pokemon: Pearl Version. At first, I thought Pokemon was gay, and "kiddish." But then I found out, by playing these games and Shoddy Battle, that Pokemon is a strategic, all-aged RPG that can both educate and entertain you. The first ever Pokemon game I played was an online game called Pokemon Crater. That was what convinced me to purchase Pearl. I am not the best player, or the worst player. I am kind of in between, just like how I am in being a regular Poke "person" or a "biggest fan." Well, that's all I have to say. Thank you for welcoming me Pokemon Project Forums! :bidoof:
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