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  1. sorrry idk if this is the right place i didnt see a GB or GBC section I'm trying to change my trainer's overworld sprite to one of the pre-existing female characters that already has walking frames but maybe im googling wrong or i cant think of the right keywords. Can someone help pls t...
  2. Hey guys, I am trying to make a mini web-dev project. I am using the Pokémon models/sprites available in this website. However, whenever I put the models/sprites (Which are GIF files, the quality of the gif becomes unbelievably bad(looks very pixelated), the bigger you make it(Even when it's not rea...
  3. I recently said that I was going to start hacking Soul Silver and I don't have much experience with rom hacking, and let's say I got stuck (again) with the Pokédex editing, but this time I have to replace the graphics of the Pokédex... On my research I've found that the graphics of the Pokédex...
  4. As the title says. I managed to replace Ethan's backsprite with one created by me (I used Tinke). It works just fine, except when I enter a wild Pokémon battle in the grass: there is still one frame that uses the original sprite from the vanilla game. I've searched everywhere for that sprite to repl...
  5. Hello I wanted to hack in melmeltal in Pokemon Um so I can transfer it to pokemon shield. So I got the melmetal and it al seemed to be fine when I got the pokémon in home. But now I transferred it to shield. I can use it in battles but not online and when I look at it in the boxes it shows an black...
  6. Hello friends, I am new to PKHeX so I will try to keep it short and simple but forgive me if I go into too much detail. I come here after trying everything for hours. I played Pokemon Emerald on VBA using a normal ROM and completed a Living Dex on it. Recently I got a new PC so I downloaded C...
  7. Pls... How i can change sprite trainer on Pokèmon Diamond? Tutorial fast!
  8. Hey folks! I've been fiddling around with Soul Silver for a bit now, trying to replace Ethan's sprites with custom ones of my own design. I actually managed to make it a fair ways on my own using whatever guides I could find, including KazoWAR's tutorials among others, but I think I've finally hi...
  9. Hello all! I hope I am asking my question in the right spot, this is actually the first forum I have ever posted on. I have been trying sprite editing for the first time ever. Been trying to edit Pokemon Platinum and this site has been a huge help. All the tools and advice really top notch and...
  10. Okay so my request is (theoretically) simple. I'm trying to edit the player char sprites in Soul Silver. I know there is an action replay code to use the female protag from Platinum, and I wanted to make it a patch with it as a permanent change if possible. Thanks in advance for any advice. I got Po...
  11. I want to edit the female hero's sprite that shows up on the trainer card. I already edited back sprites and mugshot sprites. I couldnt find any tutorials so im asking for help.
  12. i`m at a pokemon sprite hack and insert some Pokemon good.But now i hav a problem:the fields from the parts of the body are too small bzw. at the wrong place.thats why i cant insert Yvelta.how can i change the places bzw. size of the fields?(its not importent, if the sprite dont move any more.)
  13. This guide is for people wondering how to edit certain sprites in B2/W2 like Trainer mugshots and Starter selection sprites. It also works for sprites in other DS games. To get started, you need to download the latest version of Tinke, which can be found here. Step 1. Open up Tinke and load the RO...
  14. hi to everyone, i´ve trying to edit the title screen but is very complicated i want some help. I know a graphic in nds are those 3 files combined, so does anyone knows how to divide a single image file like a png image and divide it to NCGR, NSCR, NCLR (tile, map and pallet) how can i do that? ive t...
  15. Anyone else like to do work with sprites? Recolor existing sprites? Come up with new sprites? Anyone? Here's a recolor of Lucario I did based on my favorite of his palette swaps in Smash Bros. Brawl: PS: Yes, if anyone was wondering, I made my own avatar from scratch. Anyways, if you like wo...
  16. i have AR...and i have been messing with my pokemon pearl game for 2 years ......but now its getting boring.......so i got pokesav......but i dont know what to do with it.....i want to change the sprite of a pokemon.....is that possible with pokesav.....if not, please tell me how i can do that!.......
  17. This thread is for posting your sprites you made, recolored, or spliced.
  18. Is there a program/updated version of a program out that can insert/replace sprites for HG/SS? There's a couple pokemon sprites that looked so much better in platinum..*coughvaporeoncough*
  19. I don't know if this is the right place to put this but I'm requesting that someone replace the Pokemon Platinum male sprite with the Male sprites of Soul Silver What sprites I want changed are HMs (when using surf and fly and when taking out the pokeball. anything that has to do with it) Overwor...
  20. Doc

    Right Sprite.

    You must have all noticed by now that alot of the poks on the GTS show up as the picture of the pokemon they are asking for, not the pokemon they are offering, why is this? is it just because they named it as the pokemon they are gonna ask for, or are they all just poor hacks, or something else?
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