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Found 24 results

  1. so, when i was a kid, i was playing Emerald on an emulator on my phone, as far as i know, i didn't put in a cheat code for a lugia encounter, but while sailing the ocean, i had a random encounter, normal stuff right? turns out Lugia decided to drop in and see how i was doing. I did the usual strat o...
  2. Version 1.0.0


    If you have any questions, please contact khong#6897 (discord)
  3. Version 2.0.0


    This is my shadow Lugia from my old Pokémon from Gale of darkness save. this lugia was transferred from my copy of emerald to ultra sun, I have included three .pk7 files I've ripped from my ultra sun save through PKHeX. two competitive and one untouched with its purified moveset. the competitive Lug...
  4. hello guy i have request for Shadow Lugia PK6? Pokemon name : Lugia Nature : Bold Ablity : Pressure VI : HP 30 , Attack 0, Def 30, SP 30, SD 30, SP 30 (only want to make Attack 0 Psycho Boost / Hydro Pump / Earthquake / Roost
  5. jasenyoface


    My fist Legendary Raid.
  6. Hi, I am requesting PKM files that can work online such as Shiny Mew and Lugia or a Mew that can learn the move Defog. Currently right now I'm having trouble trying to Gen a Shiny Lugia and a Shiny Mew to work. I looked into RoC's-PC and found the files but it has been a hassle trying to get them to...
  7. I just had this idea which has been a question that Ive been asked alot and I wanted to know what you guys thought
  8. For the record, it's not, but I'd like to see if there's any room for improvement to make it more legal, and I know some of you people are simply brilliant at spotting hacks so I wanted to give it a shot. I see it as my hacking exam . Much obliged ! Lugia.pkm
  9. i know its impasoble but will they update the pokesav to have the balls?
  10. i got kicked out my last acount:frown: can Ray make me the following pokemons It would be awesome if you give me the files groudon from HG and SS kyogre from HG and SS suicune from HG and SS entei from HG and SS raikou from HG and SS palkia from HG and SS lv 1 with the right move set girit...
  11. can anyone give me a file for the pokemon lugia from soul silver and the WiFi mew you get from wifi event in heart gold or silver???? thanks!!!
  12. AR code, please.
  13. Just as the title states, I would love to have a Lugia! These are the specifics: Level 25 Ice Fang, Hyper Fang, and you can choose the two other moves Male Original name And that should be it, but if you need anything thing else, just tell me.
  14. I was originally intending on posting a poll but the poll would include 34 choices so I decided against it. My favorite legendary believe it or not is NOT Shaymin. My favorite legendary would definitely have to be Ho-Oh or Celebi respectively. What is yours? Post it here
  15. Games: CoroCoro Scans Reveal Heart Gold and Soul Silver Info! Posted on May 12th, 2009 05:40 PM by fenzo666 Comment on this news here! Read This Article...
  16. Gaming: Pokémon Remakes Heart Gold and Soul Silver Confirmed! Posted on May 5th, 2009 10:21 PM by fenzo666 Comment on this news here! Read This Article... Heart Gold and Soul Silver... here we come!
  17. I doubt it'll happen, but do you think they should? I mean we all know the original plot that they wanted to use for it and how they just dropped it. Questions and speculation will in fact pop up once again about it now that Heart Gold and Soul Silver have been confirmed.
  18. Which Starter Are You Going To Choose? Which starter from Pokemon HG/SS are you going to choose? _______________ I think I'm going to choose Cyndaquil this time. Before I choose Tododile, but I think I should give Cyndaquil a turn this time, but I do <3 Tododile. Mh. I'm going to have to debate o...
  19. Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Speculation Thread Please use this thread to discuss possibilities of things that you think might or might not be in HeartGold and SoulSilver. Please make a note of confirmed information in the thread here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?p=50138#p...
  20. Well, we all know that Lugia and Ho-Oh started this "boss" legendary thing, with Ho-Oh ruling over the legendary dogs and Lugia ruling over the legendary birds. What I would like to know is if you like the whole idea of legendaries have bosses. I mean do you think the franchise would have done just...
  21. Hi, As The Title Say I'm Having Trouble Fixing This " Invalid TrashBytes " Of Both Lugia,Ho-oh And Jirachi, Can Some Tell Me How ?? Also How Can I Change The IVs And Nature Of Both Jirachi And Lugia While Keeping Them Legit, I Don't Want Them To Be Very High Just A Little High !! , Because Once I C...
  22. Who was easier to obtain for you? Colosseum's Ho-oh or 's Lugia? [sprite]249[/sprite] or [sprite]250[/sprite] Lugia or Ho-oh To obtain Lugia and transfer it to a GBA game you need: To purify its heart. And to do so, you must have all purify chambers in their maximum rotations. That requires...
  23. Sorry for the late post... but here it is. In celebration of the new HG/SS game coming up, what's coming up should be obvious to you [sprite]249[/sprite] [shinysprite]249[/shinysprite] LUGIA PSYCHIC/FLYING HP: 106 Atk: 90 Def: 130 SpA: 90 SpDef: 154 Spe: 110 BST: 680 Advantages: - The...
  24. My question is fairly simple; seeing how crazily fast Pokémon took off do you think the second generation was the best to keep the momentum? I do, in fact I believe the second generation to be the best off all four. If it had come in any other order I don't think the franchise would have sky-rocket...
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