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  1. I play Gen 3 alot and I decided hoarding Pokemon and items was a pain when storage space was so limited, that and trading takes forever. So I created a PokeBank-like program for hoarding, trading, and managing Pokemon, Items, Pokeblocks, Mail, and Decorations. Trigger's PC is a tool designed fo...
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Legal, maxed stats, several mastered moves. Caught her at lv61 from Coronet Highlands, so if anyone wants to make some changes, don't put her level below 61. Name can be changed freely.
  3. Hello everyone, I wanted to catch all pokemon in there receptive region so I could all transfer them in home and have the special Magearna, so far I caught all of them up to the 5 generation expect for the totemic forms from RADAR (Tornadus,Thundurus and Landorus), zekrom and black kyurem and that's...
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Just got my 3DS CFW working and got the saves for the Solgaleo and Lunala shiny popped over to upload. The PID says they are not legit, but I have done nothing to them and they are directly from my save (I moved Lunala from my Ultra Sun via Pokémon Bank). I am guessing that it is going to be...
  5. Okay so im trying to generate, from scratch, a shiny kyogre, groudon and rayquaza. these pokemon are only available as shiny from gen 3. im using emerald, however if i try to use the ones i have so far in rated special battle, it tells me that something is wrong with one of my pokemon (being on of t...
  6. I found this ageto celebi in gts... is legit or fake? Pokemon Legality Checker - by: Sabresite - vB54-8 File: E: \ celebi_ageto.pkm CheckSum: 0x8E40 - Valid Pokemon ID: 2497318920 - Calm, Genderless, Ability 1, Not Shiny IVs: 28,15,28,4,22,10 Trainer ID: 31121 Secret ID: 0 Trainer Gender: F...
  7. game url : http://www.pokemonpets.com/Register game screenshots : http://www.pokemonpets.com/Screenshots game is called as PokemonPets
  8. Hello all! I have a question for all of you, or maybe just those who look at this thread. I want to make a legit Spiritomb so it looks like I've actually caught it. I actually caught one in-game but want to use some moves that are only accessible end-game and post-game. I'm using Pokegen to make m...
  9. Thankyou alot for reading my thread. <3 I need help creating a Shiny Cherish Ball Salamence. Their was an event for one in Japan a long time ago. I was wondering if it was possible to create a Shiny Cherish Ball Salamence using Pokegen. Can someone please tell what to put in the fields in the to mak...
  10. Fishaman P

    GBA Mew Wanted!

    I just need a legitimate Mew from any GBA game. IVs and EVs do not matter, although I wouldn't be opposed to a better one. :smile: Can be special events (MYSTRY, etc.) or Old Sea Map Mews (JAPANESE ONLY). We can set up a trade through VBA-Link or just post the .3gpkm for Enciclopedia Pokemon.
  11. What is your first actual shiny pokemon that you have ran into or caught WITHOUT THE USE of Pokesav or other cheating device? Mine would be a Rattata on PKM Silver. I attempted to catch it, but it fled eventually.
  12. LVL 100 Iv's: Attack: 24 Defence: 25 Speed - 26 Sp attack: 15 Sp defense: 14 Hp: 27 Ev's: Attack: 85 Defence: 85 Speed - 85 Sp attack: 85 Sp defense: 85 Hp: 85 If not, what should i do to make it seem/look legit? Aslo, based on these Iv's, Ev's, and its LVL, is this pokemon weak, str...
  13. In pokesav is it alright if i put my pokemons Ev's 85 and its Iv's 0 - im trying to make it look legit? Also if i put the Ev's 85 and Iv's 0 will my pokemon suck in battling, will it be good, or will it be super strong?
  14. Hey, How do I make a migrated pokemon look legit? Specifically, I would like my Zapdos to carry the correct message as far as where it was found.I set its hometown to Kanto, but it still says it was found in mystery zone. ---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at...
  15. Everything else is legit but I'm not sure about the stats..... Heres the pic: Sry about the blurry part. If you can't see here are the stats. HP: 281 Atk: 394 Def: 237 Sp.Atk: 103 Sp.Def: 196 Speed: 229 Ability: Technician
  16. Hello, I have a question, if i save a pkm from one version (diamond) and load that pokemon in other (platinum or pearl), i need change in pokesav the "Met in place" to "link trade (arrived)" or "link trade (met)", to look it as legit traded or isn't necessary change it, and when is used "link trade...
  17. NOTE:YOU MUST HAVE THE MICROSOFT .NET FRAMEWORK 2.0. UNOWN FROM GBA NOW SUPPORTED JEREMY POKES SUPPORTED NEW SYNCHRONIZE CHECK NEW SHINY GBA ZIGZAGOON CHECK Update - 02/18/2010: - Fixed the bug with japanese slot 1 pal parking in D/P - Fixed the bug with certain...
  18. shiny garchomp lvl 100 Stats: lvl: 100 attack: 376 defense: 212 speed: 247 hp: 334 sp attack: 187 sp defense: 186 Ev's: attack: 252 defense: 75 speed: 55 hp: 125 sp attack: 0 sp defence: 0 Iv's: attack: 29 defense: 26 speed: 28 hp: 30 sp attack: 19 sp defense: 21
  19. I suck at pokesav; I admit it. :bidoof: I need someone to explain how to create a hacked pokemon look as legit as possible. BUT PLEASE EXPLAIN GOOD. Either explain it good, or dont post at all. ***Also i have the most trouble giving the pokemon its stats, ev's, and iv's, so please explain that m...
  20. I'm new with this but i wanted to check if this is legit for a egg. Edit: Also how do you know your Secret ID?
  21. Hi all, my name is Zappo23! This is my very first tutorial, a complete guide to PokeGen for beginners. I tried to answer as many questions as possible with this tutorial, explaining every part with painstaking detail. This is the first tutorial that I'm posting. The reason I chose to make a PokeGe...
  22. Just wondering, is it allowed to use any pokemon you downloaded that is legit in an online match? One that isn't hacked, but rather "imported" from a download?
  23. I Just beat White and decided to go back to playing SS which i had not finished yet, BUT i decided to start over and customize my team from scratch from the start of the game. Basically what i want to do is choose my 6 Pokémon for end-game at the very beginning so i can level with them and kind of c...
  24. Hello, I've been having problems saving a couple of pokémon for use in Pokémon Battle Revolution, pokémon such as Groudon, Shaymin, Regis and Ho-oh. - This is a Pokémon platinum pokesav. For my UU, NU and OU team there was no problems saving at all, (except for Shaymin and Regis) I can also save fu...
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