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Version 1.4
Project 22796 - "Every" Event Pokemon Save File(s) All of the Mythical and Legendary Pokemon in three save files. (Well "all" of them, there's still some missing out there, like the 1997 CoroCoro 20th Anniversary Mews, and so on.) Also includes Shiny Locked and Unreleased Pokemon. (AZ’s Floette, Azure Flute Arceus, Oak's Letter Shaymin, Member Card Darkrai, Original Coloured Magearna, and etc.) All of the save files listed are: USUM: "Gen 7 - Project 22796 (USUM) 1" - Has all events from Gen 1-6. "Gen 7 - Project 22796 (USUM) 2" - Has all events from Gen 6-7, Unreleased Pokemon, Shinylocked Pokemon, and Other Events. "Gen 7 - Project 22796 - Mystery Mew (USUM)" - Has all of the Mystery Mews from Generation 3. ORAS: "Gen 6 - Project 22796 (ORAS) 1" - Has all events from Gen 1-5. "Gen 6 - Project 22796 (ORAS) 2" - Has all events from Gen 5-6, Unreleased Pokemon, Shinylocked Pokemon, and Other Events. "Gen 6 - Project 22796 - Mystery Mew (ORAS)" - Has all of the Mystery Mews from Generation 3. XY: "Gen 6 - Project 22796 (XY) 1": Has all events from Gen 1-5. "Gen 6 - Project 22796 (ORAS) 2" - Has all events from Gen 5-6, Unreleased Pokemon, Shinylocked Pokemon, and Other Events. "Gen 6 - Project 22796 - Mystery Mew (XY) - Has all of the Mystery Mews from Generation 3. BW: "Gen 5 - Project 22796 (BW) 1" - Has all events from Gen 1-4. "Gen 5 - Project 22796 (BW) 2'' - Has all events from Gen 4-5, Unreleased Pokemon, Shinylocked Pokemon, and Other events. "Gen 5 - Project 22796 - Mystery Mew (BW)" - Has all Mystery Mews from Generation 3. IMPORTANT: WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD THE SAVE FILE(S), PLEASE RENAME IT TO "main" (obviously, without the quotation marks.) IMPORTANT FOR DS GAMES (DP, HGSS, BW and B2W2): WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD THE SAVE FILES(S), PLEASE RENAME IT TO YOUR ROM NAME. OTHERWISE IT WOULDN'T WORK. All of these save files have a 100% Pokedex and a Completed Story. All events were Injected from PKHeX and PKSM. All the credits go to and ProjectPokemon’s Event Gallery. This wouldn’t have existed if it wasn’t for them. Special thanks to theSLAYER, Sabresite, Kaphotics, jasenyoface, The Flagbrew Team, ProjectPokemon, and the Project Pokemon Event Gallery. READ: NOT ALL POKEMON IN THIS SAVE FILE ARE LEGAL, ALL OF THE GENERATION 1 EVENTS ARE NOT LEGAL, SHINYLOCKED AND UNRELEASED POKEMON ARE NOT LEGAL. KEEP IN MIND OF THAT. -
ultramoon Pokemon UltraMoon ROM won't open in Pk3DS
bobertdps4 posted a topic in ROM - 3DS ROM Hacks
I've been want to make a Ultra Moon ROM hack where all battles are changed to double battles, but after extracting the files in packenglish and when I try to open it in Pk3DS nothing happens. I've used pK3DS with Pokemon X before and it worked just fine. When comparing my Ultra Moon files with my Pokemon X files and the UltraMoon files in a tutorial I noticed that the usual ExtractedBanner, ExtractedExeFS and ExtractedRomFS instead where called ExtractedManual, ExtractedN3DSUpdate and ExtractedO3DSUpdate. The contents of the files where also different. I don't think I did anything different and I'm pretty sure it's just a normal Ultra Moon ROM, so does anybody have any clue what might have happened and how this could be resolved? -
Project Cherish - An Sequel to Project 22796. All of the Non-Mythical/Legendary Pokemon in six save files. Also includes Unreleased Event Pokemon. This save file has a 100% Completed Pokédex and the Story Completed. All save files are listed: USUM: “ProjectCherishUM1”: Contains events from Generations 2-3. ”ProjectCherishUM2”: Only contains events from Generation 3. ”ProjectCherishUM3”: Only contains events from Generations 3-5. ”ProjectCherishUM4”: Only contains events from Generations 5-6. ”ProjectCherishUM5”: Only contains Events from Generation 7 and includes the unreleased Event Pokemon. ”ProjectCherishEggsUM”: Only contains eggs from Events. (The eggs are hatched.) IMPORTANT: WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD THE SAVE FILE PLEASE RENAME IT TO "main" (obviously, without the quotation marks.) All events were Injected from PKHeX and PKSM. This was my 2nd little project that I’ve done. All the credits go to and ProjectPokemon’s Event Gallery. This wouldn’t have existed if it wasn’t for them. Special thanks to theSLAYER, Sabresite, Kaphotics, jasenyoface, the Flagbrew Team, ProjectPokemon, and the Project Pokemon Event Gallery. NOTE: SOME OF THE EVENT MONS ARE NOT LEGAL, SO KEEP IN MIND IF YOU USE THEM ONLINE, YOU HAVE A CHANGE OF GETTING BANNED. IT IS NOT MY FAULT IF YOU GET BANNED. ENJOY!!! -
I recently corrupt my ultra moon save file and honestly I don't if this is the same file anymore after all the different types of methods I tried to recover the data. If there is anyway someone can restore this file I will be eternally grateful! If not, it unfortunately is what it is.
Version 1.0.0
Just got my 3DS CFW working and got the saves for the Solgaleo and Lunala shiny popped over to upload. The PID says they are not legit, but I have done nothing to them and they are directly from my save (I moved Lunala from my Ultra Sun via Pokémon Bank). I am guessing that it is going to be illegitimate like a few others I brought over from the events, but here they are. Mewtari -
So i used pk3ds to randmoize my USUM everything works and i can run the game just fine but the trainers that I randomized have random levels which makes no sense and I dont know why... They have random pokemon names and classes which is what i checked off in the settings but my first rival battle was versus lvl 54! The game that I randomized is USUM please help!