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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. YAY! It's been years using the same Diamond, and Pearl sprites. Now a CHANGE!
  2. Granted. But then you find Twilight books addicting. I wish for a non obsence, or grotesque thing. (whatever that is)
  3. I'm not sure what Homebrew game is any good, except for Super Smash Bros. Although here are some Homebrew applications that is so usefully convenient. (No particular order) 1. Moonshell - Plays music, videos, and view txt files. 2. DSNotes - Just for jotting down quick things to remember. 3. Sleeper Killer - An alarm clock that doesn't stop unless you turn it off. 4. DSOrganize - Every person with a Flash Cart must have this. 5. DS2DS - I believe your able to send files to other DS's with this. 6. lmp-ng-102 - Basically a iPod which is a music player. That's only a few search, Gbatemp for some more Homebrew you may like.
  4. Hello There. Yeah this place is more humbler? and i like your sig of Pichu.
  5. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Yes this place is a lot more friendly then sites like Gamefaqs, oh and SHAZAM! i use to say that word as my signature word yell when i was a kid. Like when we played Long Ball, when i hit the ball far i would shout Shazam! or in basketball when i blocked someone i would yell Shazam! Ahh good times.
  6. Hello There. Well the Pokemon i adore is Weavile, Scizor, and Lucario. I have at least one in my team/party. the only exception is when I'm actually starting the game. Oh and I'm from New Zealand, which is basically your neighbor country?
  7. Granted! But another ism comes to the earth, called Colourism. If you wear feminine colours like pink, and purple, people shall judge you. I wish i can all Flash Carts are able too connect to Pokemon Battle Revolution.
  8. HottSushiz


    Wut? Uhh Hello There? or this would be more fitting: Soup! / What's Up! Very nice introduction, it's like i know you already.:tongue:
  9. LOL! just because of your drawings. I demand them to be based of other anime. or MOAR Steel/Ice/Dragon types RAWR!!!
  10. Granted. But you don't notice it so it's worthless, oh and it completely exhausts your enegry............ then you die, yeah you die. I wish i could understand Photo Shop.
  11. Well the R4 isn't as bad as most people think, i tried out my friends R4 sure some games don't work, then i installed R4Ysauto, and everything is compatible. I haven't come across any game that doesn't work excluding that Star Wars game. Even though, avoid purchasing a R4. It's very VERY difficult to purchase a genuine batch, which would actually run well.
  12. Um i believe the highest is like 60%. Isn't a flinch inducing move 30%, plus serene grace that doubles it.
  13. I don't really like the song, so i didn't really watched the whole thing, and i don't feel l wanna be sad now. :biggrin:
  14. Well no 1st slot Flash Cart is able to run GBA games, you must purchase a 2nd slot Flash Cart to be able to play games. Well it depends if you wanna connect your Pokemon to Pokemon Battle Revolution, and all future DS games that can connect with the Wii. I recommend the CycloDS Evolution, it's arguably the best Flash Cart, although there is a catch. It is the most expensive Flash Cart. While on the other hand if you don't mind not being able to connect to all Wii games with your DS, grab the M3 Real. It's more cheaper, and you can use the ever so smooth, and beautiful M3 Sakura Firmware. I don't know what currency your using. But here in New Zealand, your able to buy it at around $89 - $70, well it's that much because New Zealand's economy sucks, lol.:tongue: Yes quite a few but the one i suggest is the M3i Zero, you're able to purchase one for around $30. Although if you have updated your DSi into 4.1 i think. it won't work. But eventually the M3 team will release a update to bypass the firmware. Um, you are only able to purchase them from online sites, like the following: >>> http://dealextreme.com <<< >>> http://gamebygame.com <<< Dealextreme has much more cheaper prices, so i prefer that one. Anyway that's about it. If you have any further questions just PM, or create a thread.:biggrin:
  15. Ahhhh! that was pretty cool, now I'm sending that to everyone i know, it's simply. AWeSOME!
  16. Aren't all Gamefaqs save files corrupt. Because i haven't come across one that actually worked, or maybe I'm just unlucky with these things.
  17. 1) Well if you aren't planning to buy the DSi, then either buy the M3 Real, or Cyclo. Of course the Cyclo is more expensive, because arguably it's the best Flash Cart, and it's ability to connect to Pokemon Battle Revolution is another bonus. What's awesome about M3 Real is it's able to utilize M3 Sakura, which has a smooth OS. And it's simply beautiful.:tongue: 2) Um. Your Rom, and Save files will be in the same folder. so that's how you access it. And i believe you load your .sav file into Pokesav, then just save your .pkm file somewhere on your computer. 3) Yes. With the Rom your able to do everything you can that you could do with the physical copy, and more. 4) Hmm not so sure, but i think you just grab the .pkm file from your .Sav, then into Pokesav, then export it as a code. 5) Ah you download a file called Legally Checker, or something like that. Which was made by the ever so famous Sabresite. And if i recall correctly you just drag in the .pkm file. Hope that answers your questions. PM if you have any further questions, or just make a thread. :biggrin:
  18. Granted. But he forgot to tell his wish. I wish i have a German Shepherd puppy.
  19. Ahhhh you Humaculie! Where's Edward, and Alphonse?
  20. The only reason i use Focus Sash is with my 2HKO. (F.E.A.R) And on fragile Pokemon that may die before I'm able to set up. Like for example Ninjask, so i can get at least one Sword Dance in before Baton Passing.
  21. Hello There. I think i have battled you before, or it maybe someone else with Dakrai as a name.
  22. Isn't the item Scope Lens? or do they put do the same action?
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