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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Granted. It improves to a point where your artistic ability is so gorgeously beautiful, it's ugly. And only people with a mind like yours can truly understand the concept. I wish the M3i Zero supports the ability to connect to Pokemon Battle Revolution.
  2. That seems odd, so as soon as you go straight into your Party, the game freezes? well the only thing i can think of is: With Action Replays, if you use a lot of codes simultaneously, then the game freezes while attempting to activate the desired cheats. So reduce the amount of codes.
  3. Hmm isn't Final Fantasy 13 50 gigs, or quite large? because it is 3 cds, so i think that's where the extra gigs come useful. It's funny, as soon as Sony releases a price drop, Microsoft and Nintendo follow. Ahh bitter rivalry, though Nintendo is always on top.
  4. HottSushiz


    Hello There. I'm a semi competitive player, though I'm not that great. And your sig and avvie looks great, and Feraligator is awesome.
  5. Well you could use the program Poksav, though you require and Action Replay, or a Flash Cart. If you have Wi-Fi, i believe some member here can help evolve it.
  6. Hello There. Wow your 13, i was 13 at May 21 but not anymore, well i should shoddy you later.
  7. Granted. You have frozen time all around you permanently, you now roam a world where the only thing moving is you. (Nimbus is a cloud in Dragonball/Z which Goku uses as transport) (Well me and my friend after school would grab Rene and force him to walk to the destination we are going which is the opposite where his home lies I wish Sengoku Basara's 2nd Season came out today. (it's an anime)
  8. Granted. All users of photoshop get's a painful shock, and lose all of their artistic ability. So they have much artistic ability as me. Muwhahaha! (Yeah we kidnapped you but we set you free ) I wish Nimbus was real, and it was all mine.
  9. Kimi no Suki na Uta - UVERworld I can't understand a word they're saying but i still love it!!
  10. <p><p><p><p><p>LOL! Yeah that's DealExtreme for you. Great prices, and service. But horrible shipping speed, there were even reports of people waiting around a month for a single flash cart.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>But i guess the wait is worth it. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt="xD" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  11. Hello There. Aww sad to hear about your son, and wow 34! I'm kinda intimidated. :biggrin: Wow you sell art, can you upload one i would love to see some, though not so excited about the vampires. :tongue: You are someone i would love to be when i get older. That physically I'll be old, but mentally I'll be the same young child.
  12. Granted. You watch Asian horrors, and now you CANNOT! forget them. I wish i was able to in clocked myself in Flames or Ice to escape the freezing cold of winter, and burning heat of summer. And i get no negative points of using this power, like getting burned.
  13. MSN of course. Although recently since, the update, it has been crashing as soon as i log in, but miraculously it stops crashing with out an update after a few months have past. Oh i pick it because it was my first ever instant messaging client, and all my friends use MSN.
  14. HottSushiz


    Hello There. I love Absol too! Super Luck + Razor Claw + High Critical Moves = DOMINATION! though it's speed ruins it. I am also a member who is pumped for the English Heart Gold and Soul Silver. I wanna try out the game, but it may be like Platinum where, i ruin it although i love the sprites. Have you seen Tyranitar? in my eyes they ruined it, look at it's tiny arms/
  15. HAHAHAHA! (laughing behind my tears) They ruined Tyranitar, look at it's tiny arms. *laughs* *cry* Every sprite looks so awesome, and Machamp look like just waataah!
  16. Granted. But the monkeys of South Africa will break in, and steal it. Plus throw all the belongings of the car at you. I wish i was immune to DOMS. (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) i hate it, and when i have it, it makes me despise stairs.
  17. Hm the Matte like finish seems to be the rage. Although like the DS lite, to DSi, I'm going to miss the sexy gloss finish. (me like Shiny Shiny)
  18. Hello There. I took french as a class for 2 terms, i passed it, but i never used it again. And don't worry if you can't speak much English, we have a few french members, though not sure if they're active.
  19. Holy Potatoes!!! Nintendo is raking in the money. Take that Sony, and Microsoft. The kiddie like game that has been around for 14 years, and it's selling like hotcakes. Hmmmm hotcakes.
  20. Hello There OMG! I think I've just found my twin! Although I'm not really a Pokemon trader. I kinda like acting too, i had a drama performance a few weeks ago, i had to perform it in front of year 7's, it was pretty awesome, and my group was the funniest out of all the others.
  21. That problem is found to Vista users of Pokesav. And i've had that problem where you type in the name and nothing happens, even when you do that backspace trick, the way i get around that is name it a different name.
  22. Granted. But the power source has a massive effect on cute, and fuzzy animals, causing them to die. I wish i could fully understand Japanese, so i could play all the major games, and not be limited to what I'm able to understand.
  23. Well a full translation is quite big even, for a team of translators. And Pokemon has quite text heavy, even if you do find a way to translate all of Heart Gold and Soul Silver, it would possibly take years. And you are required to do such things like opening up the rom, and opening some graphics, and replacing them as english.
  24. Hello There. The game came out a few days ago, and there are English patches being made, but it's not full translation, just menus and attacks. To make getting around the place easier. And i am also super pumped for the English Heart Gold and Soul Silver!
  25. Granted. But they are able to fail you without any reason, and can apply the same pranks back. I wish i had roller skates.
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