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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Hello There. Ha i can't believe you actually signed up!:tongue: unfortunately we have Maths tomorrow, yay!
  2. Hello There. Wow your french too! i believe there are other members which are frenchm and aren't too good with English either, Sorry i don't have their names.
  3. Granted. But it was really Evandixon's avvie I wish a won a LED screen tv.
  4. Hello There. When i 1st saw the title, i though someone had a typo. Anyway PM me if you have any questions, it saves any unnecessary topics. :biggrin:
  5. Granted! but the only computer related thing is: "How to open files" I wish my computer was Pentium.
  6. Wow i can't really help you much but wow only 13? and he a put a hole through a wall. My Mum on the other hand is surprisingly tough, because of how sportsy she was during her time at school, so even if you think about doing something like that to her, the only thing your going to get is a big red hand mark at the side of your face.
  7. Happy Birthday!!! Umm. Seriously i really want some cake, send me a picture, and i will give you my address k?:tongue:
  8. HottSushiz


    Hello! I'm HottSushiz! :bidoof::bidoof::bidoof::bidoof::bidoof::biggrin:
  9. Hello There. This place is where all the fun is held. :biggrin:
  10. The Acekard 2 is a very good card, and it's cheap. But the 2 best are the CycloDS Evolution, and M3 Real. The Cyclo is the most expensive, but probably the only Flash Cart that can connect to Pokemon Battle Revolution. But if that doesn't concern you. The M3 is much cheaper, and your able to use the beautiful, and smooth, M3 Sakura firmware.
  11. Hello There. I didn't exist until 1995. :biggrin:
  12. Hello There. Ohhh you made those codes...... Awesome! although i have never used them, that's pretty cool.
  13. Sorry it seems like you wasted some money. With Flash Carts most, or not all require a. "Micro SD Card" they look like this: The one you purchased is this correct? You mostly use those type of cards with cameras.
  14. HottSushiz

    Hello ^^

    Hello There. What does D.A.P mean? or stand for? I'm getting curios. :biggrin:
  15. Wow i assumed the Acekard 2i would be update able. Does the Supercard update regularly or what? I'm not that experienced with the Supercard team. :tongue:
  16. When i was in China my Dad's download speed was 355 KB/sec. Siriusly Kitty!!! When I'm older I'm defiantly getting the fastest speed. But that does depend if i get a job that can keep up with the payment. :biggrin:
  17. Try visiting Gbatemp regularly. The only thing i would suggest is to give it time. I'm just sure that with the M3i Zero your able to update it. So i think it will be a constant struggle between Nintendo and the Flashing world to see the outcome of the DSi.
  18. Well each Pokemon excel at different subjects. Like for one Mew dominates every Pokemon at cuteness... ness. While Mewtwo looks awesome using Shadowball in PBR.
  19. Ohh cool. Wow it's been a while. I recently got back from vacation, so I'm pretty outdated from the world. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  20. Hello There. :eek: Whoa! your avvie/sig is awesome, although using the same image makes it look repetitive, very slightly.
  21. LOL! i still like it. But I'm am getting sick of the whole spoiler in a spoiler thing. Plus i have a Track Pad so it's more tiring.
  22. Oooooo now i know the secrets of smudging. *goes to test it out*
  23. Hello There. PM me if you have any further problems. This site is basically all about Pokemon, there is a gaming, and off topic section. But the main thing it's about Pokemon.
  24. If you think about it, Pokemon is kinda like a game of abduction. So i would do exactly, grab a Eevee from the wild, then run.
  25. No. I believe the Action Replay wouldn't work, because with the DSi, it stops any device from skipping it's intro, where the DSi screen pops up, with the health warning. I think it's one of Nintendo's efforts to stop piracy....... and cheating.
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