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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Granted. But deaths that occur during stage performances rises to a staggering number. I wish Moonshell 2 could support better video playback quality.
  2. Granted. Hordes of screaming old men race after you once you take a step out of your home. I wish that I'm able to get sprint faster without training so hard each day.
  3. Well with doubles, i tried getting two or three Pokemon with Explosion/Self destruct, and killed at least one Pokemon with a bang, and the other Pokemon that don't have suicide moves are to counter the Pokemon I'm unable to kill with Kamikazes, like high defense Pokemon like Rhyperior, or Aggron. It was pretty fun, like 5 times i killed 4 Pokemon in a few turns. >Explode>Protect>Explode>WIN! When i wanted a black trainer card, i hacked a Blissey with high speed, and special attack, and gave it the move "Water Spout" and watched the Pokemon go down.
  4. Granted. It's really 2-D but you got TRICKED!!! I wish i had a better British impression.
  5. Helloo Well i believe you must download the compact version of Pokesav, which is somewhere here, or on the main site. And if that doesn't work, try modifying the resolution of your computer.
  6. Hello There. Well Pokesav is really just editing your save file, although what's so bad about hacking? games are fine, it won't hurt anyone. But hacking the government is a different story.
  7. Granted. You burn yourself, friends, and loved ones. and somehow implode your house.... with the fire........ don't know why. I wish it would never rain, so i can run with my dog everyday.
  8. LOL i snake too. Granted, But now they discover another glitch, making them always obtain Red SHEEELS!!! I wish Kanye West did another performance in Auckland once again.
  9. LOL I've been following/playing Pokemon all my life, and i didn't even know the man's name. And by Tajiri, i thought it was the Japanese wrestling mane who does the awesome kick, and mouth spray.
  10. Yay for him! I hate the media for giving misleading information of the King of Pop. And his story is pretty sad, that he never had a childhood, and how vicious and mean his dad was, and now when he's older he still thinks he's a kid, that why he seems a bit odd, but it's just because he didn't really have anytime to be a kid when he was young.
  11. Well first of what's the name of the Flash Cart you are using? and you must convert the save file into .sav, then convert it back once done making your desired changes.
  12. Granted. but the it will last for a 2 seconds. I wish i could do Parkour, a nd Freerunning like Damien Walters.
  13. <p><p><p><p><p>It's defiantly a good product it was highly anticipated and i believe a few days ago the M3 Team released a Firmware Bypass for the DSi</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Have you found any good Homebrew i think Moonshell is pretty useless because it's M3 and your able to install M3 Sakura which is based of Moonshell 2</p></p></p></p></p>

  14. ^ ^ Your still listening to that. :tongue: College Dropout - Kanye West (album)
  15. Granted. But you Ummm.You develop strange cells which alter your desires, so you get addicted to, wait for it..................... ScHoOl!!! I wish people will stop ruining my Reversal Set, and my Baton Pass Set.
  16. Wow looks so cute, and anime like. Although it's kinda sad. *Nearly Tear*
  17. Granted. A porcupine attacks you now, every time you drink liquid, it just spills out from the holes from your body. I wish Paramore released another album.
  18. Hello There. Well just to let you know, my dream is to hug a fuzzy real panda without being mauled, or hurt in anyway.
  19. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Don't you love the ability Regigigas possess.
  20. Granted. It's really hot chocolate. I wish i would never get sick of awesome songs.
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