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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Hello There. I guess i have to know you a little before i shall befriend you.
  2. Hello There. Don't worry if you don't speak much English, we are Nice people. :biggrin:
  3. Granted. They are famously horrible, and bleeding eye inducing. I wish i didn't get all sticky, and itchy, when i get sweaty.
  4. It think the beetles are ok, but Guitar Hero isn't my favorite game, and it gets way to repetitive in my opinion.
  5. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Demo hmm i like that name! may i play you.
  6. Hello There. I'm Asian too? and yay! you have joined the other migrated birds to Project Pokemon.
  7. Granted. But Ash obviously is more durable then you, and Pikachu zaps you to death, yes your own faithful companion layed death upon you. I wish i was able to sleep at night instantly.
  8. <p><p><p><p><p>Ok Thanks i was using 2.00 Stable so i downloaded the newest one which is 2.03 and the Skins work! (HooraAH) but the media panel doesn't work or is it a new button combination you know the little tray that pops up that has play foward and rewind thou when i press L+Left nothing happens </p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Have any idea why?</p></p></p></p></p>


    <p><p><p><p><p>Woops boy I'm stupid in General Settings i forgot i tick for the L+R uses to always off.</p></p></p></p></p>

  9. Hello There. Wow so you have followed Pokesav/PP for that long without signing up, i guess you probably know quite a lot. Oh and do you remember me? i use to be named KnightVVing.
  10. Granted. But doing so stops every artist from creating anymore images, because you would Copyright it so, all of humanity is stuck with the already existing artwork. I wish Miley Cyrus didn't make her songs so dam catchy, uhh it's stuck in my head!
  11. Well a Flash Cart is a little cartridge exactly the same size as your normal DS cart. The Flash Cart is able to play roms, music, movies, view images, and utilize Action Replay codes, although it's illegal...ish. You can make a legit Flash Cart by backing up the roms yourself, instead of downloading from sites.
  12. Granted. But Nintendo sues you over $$$NINTHOUSAND!$$$ I wish that Nintendo didn't put any Anti-Piracy stops in their games. (Mario & Luigi Bowsers Story so far has 36 Piracy Stops)
  13. Hello There. I guess you'll fit right in, and there are lots of member here to assist you with problems you may encounter while using your Action Replay. I may even have some knowledge to help.
  14. I'm quite sure it's the sav compatibilities. Heart Gold and Soul Silver is a actual new game, while Diamond and Pearl are exactly the same, just a slight different Pokemon.
  15. Granted. But now your as oblivious as me. I wish i can find a code, or patch, to bypass the anti-piracy of Mario & Luigi Bowsers Inside Story.
  16. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. It was OOOOOOOKaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy. It didn't make me watch it over, and over again. Though it did have those scenes i hate, where Person A says something, then Person B comes in at the wrong time and listens to the wrong words, and gets sad/angry/negative emotion, which drives the person/thing/donut away. Although i practically love Rhino.
  17. Granted. Now you hate the word or combination of letters. "Hsiw" I wish Lina will change him mind about stuffing me into his sandwich.
  18. DarkIain...... hmm ......... i don't seem to remember that name. My name was KnightVVing do you remember? Anywhom, Hello There.
  19. LOL Yeah! we miss you. Why must the love die!?! Also question, why did you change your name from ShinyPolitoed?
  20. Granted. But your confined to the airport, forbidden to leave. And it's "The Terminal" Tokyo style. I wish i would never disconnect while playing Gunz: The Duel.
  21. Hello There. Weird what a coincidence, there's a dude at my school is around 14, and people call him Patchy because he always wears a eye patch, due to his lazy right eye, or left eye. And I'm not making this up even ask Renegade Shroom.
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