ROM hacks
Section for patches of ROM hacks.
Please note that as per our site guidelines, posting or linking to ROMs, nor posting files directly from ROMs (like files for LayeredFS etc) is strictly forbidden, and breaking will lead do infractions and removal of those uploads.
To reiterate:
ExpandShould you need to share an edited ROM with others, you must use a patch file; linking to or uploading a ROM, even if it has been edited, is strictly forbidden.
38 files
Pokemon Grand Colosseum
By Kya
Very happy to finally be able to share the first full Pokemon Colosseum QOL and difficulty ROM hack to date!
Grand Colosseum not only acts as a difficulty hack to one of the hardest pokemon games out there, but brings a host of QOL changes, including but not limited to
. Physical/Special split
. Fairy type
. 65 New moves
. Stat/type/Ability updates and changes (In line with Drayano's hacks)
. Revamped TM list with 8 new TMs
. Infinite TM use
. New shadow encounters
. Gym themed Colosseum battles
. Higher difficulty
. Alolan Ninetales and Marowak
. Paldean Tauros
, Different versions based on which set of starters/legendario trio you want
. Ability to access the PC anywhere by pressing R
.Revamped UI
Patreon for anyone who wants to support me here
Head on over the the gamecube pokemon hacking discord to shout at me about anything I might have missed.
Must give a massive shoutout to Stars who has helped me throughout this process, and who without his tools I'd have not even managed to turn a Zigzagoon into a Linoone. Would also like to thank FanficPheonix, mikeyX, Brawlersinthezone and Lan for their contributions as well, couldn't have done it without you guys!
There are plenty of other features I'd love to bring to this project in the future, so anyone knowledgeable in the ways of coding who wants to work on a project like this please get in touch!
How to patch
Download either the Johto, Kanto, or Hoenn version of Grand depending on which set of starters and legendaries you want to catch and play with
Apply the patch file to a clean Pokemon ColosseumISO using any UPS patcher. This patch was made for the NTSC (US) version so it will not work on other versions. The iso is quite large so it may take a few minutes.
Always patch onto a clean ISO, even if you are applying an update.
When patching make sure file isn't a nkit file. If it is, please note that the patch will not work and you will need to convert the file into an ordinary ISO, or source another ISO.
Recommend using a fresh save for all the features to work properly
Make sure to use the nuzlocke patch after you've patched it using the main patch
PMD Expanded Sky - EoS New Gen Starters Mod
By xanam
This is a rom hack of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky that adds in all starter Pokémon from across gens 5-9!
On top of just adding the standard starters, Zorua, Axew and Rockruff have also been made starters, Eevee can evolve into Sylveon, and all partner pokémon across all rescue team and explorers games are available. New portraits and animations have been added to existing starters. Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak and Hisuian Typhlosion have also been added as branch evolutions for their respective base starters (as of v1.3.0). Implements the fairy type, updating all fairy pokemon and moves to have the correct typing. Milk Drink has been replaced with Disarming Voice, and the placeholder move data for Judgement has been replaced by Moonblast. Due to limitations to the amount of partners in the game, the mod has been split into two separate patches, MIDDAY version and MIDNIGHT version. Both have the same hero options, but MIDDAY includes all fire, grass and water starters for gens 1-7 as partners, whereas MIDNIGHT version includes all other new partners added by this mod, as well as all other partners from rescue team and explorers (pikachu, eevee, machop, riolu, etc). Check the document included in the zip file for specifics and use whichever patch aligns your dream team best. Applies several quality of life patches that come bundled with skytemple - such as confirming your hero choice after the quiz, exp share, move shortcuts, mass-appraisal of boxes and fairy gummies. A full list with credits can be found in the document included in the zip file. A copy of XDeltaUI has been included in the zip file for ease of patching. Instructions for patching the game can be found in the document included in the zip file. XDeltaUI might not work if you're on a mac - if not, I've been told this tool works instead: UniPatcher works well for Android devices. This is purely a starter modification hack - there are no story changes. Learnsets, IQ Groups and evolution info can be found in this spreadsheet:
NEW 23/05/24: A lot of you reported issues with Grovyle's sprite not behaving as intended. This has now been fixed. A bug causing the game to occasionally freeze when advancing floors should also now be resolved.
NEW 10/03/24: Axew and Grookey added as starters, replacing Shinx and Riolu respectively. Shinx and Riolu are still available as partners in MIDNIGHT, to use them as heroes use version 1.2.1 or below. Additional portraits/sprites have been added for evolutions of all playable heros/partners where applicable, and sleep animation has been copied over to EventSleep where missing. Greninja's moveset has been updated and Sobble's full evolution line is now implemented. Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak and Hisuian Typhlosion are now available for evolution (see ingame evolution help via new cyndaquil NPC on the crossroads, alongside sprite/portrait/patch credits, or check learnset spreadsheet linked above.
15/06/23: The evolution flag for Litten and Froakie was erroneously still set to false in the previous update, but this is fixed as of 1.2.1, so be sure to update if you have either of those two. Despite doubts expressed in the changelog I can now confirm the update DOES work for existing save files!
08/06/23: Litten now evolves into Incineroar - and Froakie evolves into Greninja (mid-stages aren't available yet). Now includes a version compatible with Melon, RetroArch and DraStic emulators. Fairy gummis can now be bought or received as mission rewards, and existing pokémon that learn moonblast and disarming voice in sun and moon now learn it here. (Accidentally said Dazzling Gleam in the txt and changelog, but this is what I meant!). Several other bugfixes and improvements included - check the changelog for details!
17/05/23 Sobble is now available as a starter! 🎉 This means Skitty had to be removed as a hero unfortunately (but is still a partner) - if you'd like Skitty as a hero, be sure to download version 1.0.0 of this mod instead of the latest version. Sobble is also now available as a partner in MIDNIGHT version. For full list of heroes and partners, check the last two preview images for this hack. Updated the rescue team partners (Cubone, Psyduck, Machop) to use additional sprites and portraits created for the PMD Sprite Repository. Splashscreen credits for the artists have been swapped over to the title screen for readability and visibility.
All portraits and sprites are the work of artists contributing to the pmd sprite repository (Spreadsheet of individual credits with links when provided is here). Because work on the repository is ongoing, evolutions for Chespin, Fuecoco, Spritgatito and Quaxly are unimplented as of now, as are Torracat and Frogadier. Certain portraits may not show up in-game for the same reason. A set of exclusive items have been added and set across all new pokémon (Enigma bow, brooch and scarf, and ultima prism) - but I've not yet figured out how to modify the functionality of these yet so they're likely pretty useless as of now. Due to the size of the expanded starter list, all starters are sadly gender-locked. Check the document to verify what gender to select in the quiz in order to get your preferred hero. I've not ran into any issues so far with this, but feel free to message me here if you notice anything. I'm also contactable on tumblr (pyromaniac-cynadquil) and bluesky( I'm currently looking into a potential version 2.0.0 featuring a third version with extra new starters as well as an overhaul to stats and patches used, but this is up in the air right now. Sprite and portrait credits (Detailed fully here): Chunsoft, gromchurch, Emmuffin, puropoly, 0palite, thechargingrhino, Emboarger, Miju, Garbage, baronessfaron, Meganai, PhillipsYoung, felis_licht, Audino, JFain, ShyStarryRain, kitkarma, dmDash, Vynnyal, starwolff, NeonCityRain, lemongrass, NOLASMOR, C_Pariah, Caitemis, Deeshura, Noo, Luna-Alex, Murpi, Ginnie, XModxGodX, lovefulpup, Smalusion, MilesFarber, NeroIntruder, Blanca, Noivern, NikolaP, 3P1C, mucrush, ◥θ┴θ◤, TopKec, XxWindpawxX, FrivolousAqua, Pink_no_tori, Jhony-Rex, Reimu\_needs\_$$$, CamusZekeSirius, avalancheman, Fable, psittacidae13, Bwappi, TawnySoup
Pokemon Rumble: Weekend Edition
By WindyPrairie
This is a mod of Pokemon Rumble (Wii) that was made for the shiny hunting community event Rumble Weekend! The original Pokemon Rumble contains only the 1st and 4th gen Pokemon, but this mod reintroduces the 2nd & 3rd gen Pokemon (and their shinies) to the game in a new terminal known as "GX"! The layer of fog on all stages has also been removed, and the collection screen has been updated to support all 493 available Pokemon!
The original base game also remains fully intact in order to preserve the rarity of certain Pokemon.
Included are 3 bps patches to be applied to a USA version of Pokemon Rumble to get you into GX! Due to slight differences in dumps of the games out there, there were 3 patches made to ensure it works. (details on how to obtain the original game obviously not provided)
This is fully cross-compatible with save files from the original Pokemon Rumble (USA natively, PAL/JP with some additional steps detailed in the FAQ doc linked below), and it can be installed on actual hardware via homebrew. This patch currently ONLY works with the USA version of the game due to slight scripting/file structure differences that exist in the JP/PAL versions of the game, so if you want to play it on a Japanese or PAL Wii, you will need to do some region changing upon installation with homebrew.
This mod is still very much a work-in-progress, and for full details on what's available/what is planned for the future, read the readme file inside the zip folder!
There is now a document with frequently asked questions and answers! I hope to continue updating this as I keep updating the game!
- pokemon rumble
- wiiware
- (and 2 more)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers Remixed!
By Gala1D
This is a ROM Hack of Explorers of Sky that adds an entirely new starter list, new mechanics, as well as tweaking the expressions and dialogue of the entire main story!
Hey, my name is Gala and I wanted to share a hack I created! This hack has been in the works since October of 2023, and is a very big feat of mine. The game’s plot itself is unchanged, but bits of everything else have been altered in minor or major ways. There’s a lot of stuff to cover, so I did my best to lay it all out below! If you don’t feel like reading a wall of text, that’s okay! Download it for yourself and enjoy! (This hack was made using the US version of Explorers of Sky!)
UPDATE: As of 2.0.X, I have gone on hiatus. I wish to dive back into other passions of mine for the time being. However, this project will return someday! Join the Discord to keep up to date on the latest news regarding EoS: Remixed! You can also check out my YouTube!
All the starters have been almost entirely replaced, and many of them have new typings and/or move pools. I recommend checking them all out to find which team comp works best for you!
I have added pretty much every SkyTemple community patch, which includes things such as Complete Team Control, Fairy Type, Choosing your Starter, and many more! It all comes together to make the experience fresh and exciting!
I've also provided the necessary applications to apply this patch, all you've gotta do is provide your own untampered ROM of Explorers of Sky.
I used assets provided by many people through places such as the PMD Sprite Repository, so check it out to give the artists some love!
As a reminder, this hack alters aspects of the game’s story. Some characters look different with new names or are different in their entirety. The entire game’s script has edited dialogue to remedy poor translations and poorly conveyed emotions. The portraits of characters are more expressive where possible, as well. However, that is the extent of my meddling. This isn’t EoS rebuilt from the ground up, it’s more so a modified experience that allows me to learn the ropes of making an EoS ROM Hack.
I've added many new moves to the game to go along with Fairy Type as well as the newer gen Pokémon added to the hack. As well as this, Protean replaces Color Change, Moxie replaces Pure Power, and Contrary replaces an unused ability slot.
Added Moves: Echoed Voice, Disarming Voice, Plasma Fist, Infernal Parade, Bitter Malice, Gigaton Hammer, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Play Rough, Accelerock, First Impression
I have added new Pokémon to every main story dungeon. They now include all mainline starters from Gen 5-9, as well as the overhauled starter list. Some bosses have been altered as well, as well as potentially adding new boss fights that weren’t there before. Every dungeon will include level-scaling, where evolutions of mons within the base spawn pool will appear after certain points of the story. Best stay on your toes when returning to past dungeons!
Here's the list of Starters + Partners and a little bit about them!
Due to there being so many different options, I had to divide them in half based on the gender options in the quiz. Please refer to which group your starter choice is under! However, the partner list was unaffected by this decision, so any Pokémon with "(Starter/Partner)" is on the partner list regardless of which group it's in.
Pikachu (Starter) [Group 1]
Type: Electric
Can evolve into Alolan Raichu
Kantonian Vulpix (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Fire/Fairy
Eevee (Starter/Partner) [Group 1]
Type: Normal
Type: Water/Poison
Evolves via Vaporeon at Lv. 36
Type: Electric/Bug
Evolves via Jolteon at Lv. 36
Type: Fire/Ghost
Evolves via Flareon at Lv. 36
Type: Psychic/Fighting
Evolves via Espeon at Lv. 36
Type: Dark/Steel
Evolves via Umbreon at Lv. 36
Type: Grass/Rock
Evolves via Leafeon at Lv. 36
Type: Ice/Ground
Evolves via Glaceon at Lv. 36
Type: Fairy/Flying
Evolves via Sylveon at Lv. 36
Mareep (Starter Only) [Group 2]
Type: Electric/Dragon
Cyndaquil (Starter) [Group 1]
Type: Fire
Can evolve into Hisuian Typhlosion
Togepi (Partner Only) [No Group]
Type: Fairy/Flying
Swablu (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Dragon/Flying
Altaria is Dragon/Fairy
Wooper (Starter Only) [Group 1]
Type: Water/Ground
Snorunt (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Ice/Ghost (Female)
Female evolves into Froslass via Lv. Up
Type: Ice/Dark (Male)
Male evolves into Glalie via Lv. Up
Treecko (Starter/Partner) [Group 1]
Type: Grass/Dragon
Ralts (Partner Only) [No Group]
Type: Psychic/Fairy (Is Male)
Turtwig (Starter) [Group 2]
Type: Grass/Ground
Beldum (Starter) [Group 1]
Type: Steel/Psychic
Completely overhauled learnset!
Piplup (Starter) [Group 2]
Type: Water/Steel
Riolu (Starter/Partner) [Group 1]
Type: Fighting/Steel
Joltik (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Bug/Electric
Sandile (Starter/Partner) [Group 1]
Type: Ground/Dark
Archen (Starter) [Group 2]
Type: Rock/Flying
Rockruff (Starter/Partner) [Group 1]
Type: Rock
Lycanroc Midday
Type: Rock/Fairy
Learns Play Rough!
Lycanroc Dusk
Type: Rock/Psychic
Learns Zen Headbutt!
Lycanroc Midnight
Type: Rock/Dark
Learns Night Slash!
Unovan Zorua (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Dark
Ability: Super Luck
Salandit (Starter/Partner) [Group 1]
Type: Fire/Poison
Fennekin (Starter) [Group 2]
Type: Fire/Psychic
Mimikyu (Starter) [Group 1]
Type: Ghost/Fairy
Ability: Sturdy/Shadow Tag
Espurr (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Psychic
Wimpod (Starter/Partner) [Group 1]
Type: Bug/Water
Phantump (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Grass/Ghost
Galarian Farfetch’d (Starter) [Group 1]
Type: Fighting/Flying
Alolan Vulpix (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Ice/Fairy
Snom (Starter/Partner) [Group 1]
Type: Ice/Bug
Hisuian Growlithe (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Fire/Rock
Hisuian Zorua (Starter/Partner) [Group 1]
Type: Normal/Ghost
Hisuian Sneasel (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Fighting/Poison
Has missing Portraits until the Repo updates.
Nymble (Starter) [Group 1]
Type: Bug/Dark
Tinkatink (Starter/Partner) [Group 2]
Type: Fairy/Steel
Has missing Portraits until the Repo updates.
PMD: Gates to Infinity Demake
Do not set the top screen menu to "Map and Team", this will break the game! This is a demo and does not contain the whole game yet.
Gates to Infinity Demake is a project that aims to recreate Gates To Infinity in the form of an Explorers of Sky rom-hack. Made In celebration of GTI's 10th anniversary, this hack aims to recreate the original game as closely as possible with minor improvement along the way. With improvements such as more starters, faster text speed, improved graphics (very subjective), and reworked dungeons. This project is a work in progress and is constantly changing.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is this hack complete? Not yet. While I plan to cover the entire game, It is currently just a demo for now.
When will this hack be complete? Not for a while. It takes a lot of work to make rom-hacks, and considering how ambitious this hack is and that I'm only one person, it may take up to two years or more to complete. However, I will be updating the hack with more story and gameplay so be sure to check every so often. I also have a twitter where I'll tweet when major updates come out.
How do I play this hack? You'll have to patch a clean US rom of Explorers of Sky in order to play this. You can use xdelta to patch the rom which come preinstalled with the download. After that, you can play it on any nds emulator or on an actual DS.
Will this hack feature base-building Yes
Some of the Pokemon are different species from the original game. Why? All gen 5 sprites for EoS are fan-made and many sprites don't exist yet for certain Pokemon. These are currently placeholders with whatever species is the most similar.
If you find any bugs, issues, or have any suggestions, then feel free to ask me on the SkyTemple Discord:
Special Thanks to TheKitchenSunk for helping with gameplay and balancing
- explorers of sky
- skytemple
- (and 6 more)
mystery dungeon Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventure Squad Series Wii Translations
NOTE: FOR THOSE HAVING SCREEN STRETCHING ISSUES IN DOLPHIN, use ShowMiiWads to match your system. Dolphin gets weird about Region-Free patching.
Finally the Japan-exclusive WiiWare Pokémon Mystery Dungeon titles, the Adventure Squad series, have been translated! Patches for each game have been released after months and months of hard work from fans of the series. The team has also worked with the Wiimmfi and RiiConnect24 teams in order to restore the event Pokémon that were distributed for this game. Other features of the translation include:
-Pokémon nickname limit expanded to 10 characters (Japanese 5)
-Buddy Passwords fully functional. These can now be found by hitting the Wii Home button, then pressing the "Operations Guide" button.
-Pre-patched with Wiimmfi and RiiConnect24 for ease of event access. Friend Rescues do not work currently, but are being looked into.
-Item icons and many descriptions ported from Super Mystery Dungeon
-Dummied/beta items ported from Explorers of Sky have been restored. Inaccessible in-game, can be accessed with cheats.
-It's in English now, which is cool.
Pokemon: Renegade Battle Revolution
By PomTron
The first publicly available hack for Pokemon Battle Revolution, apparantly! (???)
This hack modifies the stats and typing of Pokemon and moves to match up with those found in Pokemon Renegade Platinum, in the hopes of creating a cool way to do battles between players of that game. Documentation is included, with a step-by-step guide on how to import from your Renegade Platinum save via PKHeX.
Comes as a .xdelta patch - use xdelta patcher to apply it to an unmodified US rom. Move names and descriptions are only updated in english as of right now.
- Regenade Platinum
- battle revolution
- (and 1 more)
Pokemon Box: Ruby & Sapphire (Universal version)
By WindyPrairie
A weekend project that got really out of hand turned into this.
Pokemon Box: Ruby & Sapphire is a cool storage utility, but it has some pretty big drawbacks... so I fixed 'em. (This is also 100% compatible with original Box Ruby/Sapphire save files!!)
-compatible with all language Gen 3 Pokemon games on the same save file (official cartridges only) (R/S/E/FR/LG)
-in the original game, you can ONLY withdraw Pokemon you didn't deposit if your save file has caught 100 Pokemon in the Pokedex. This limitation has been removed
-in the original game, in FR/LG and Emerald, a certain flag was checked on the save file that only gets set if you handed the Sapphire to Celio (FR/LG) or beat the Elite Four (Emerald). This prevents you from withdrawing OR depositing Pokemon until the postgame on both of these games. This limitation has been removed
CURRENT BUGS: (may or may not get fixed in the near future)
-currently all Ruby/Sapphire games are detected as Ruby. This is purely cosmetic and should not affect usage of the storage utility. This WILL cause only Ruby to be booted in Adventure mode, but there is a Gamecube Action Replay code you can run to make it Sapphire instead:
Force Sapphire Version [Ralf, Absol] 0403009C 38000000 040300A0 28000000 040300AC 38000001
Force Sapphire Version [Ralf, Absol] 040310C0 38000000 040310C4 28000000 040310D0 38000001
Force Sapphire Version [Ralf, Absol] 0402F788 38000000 0402F78C 28000000 0402F798 38000001
-in the PAL version, Adventure mode will only boot the English Ruby/Sapphire despite whatever version you are actually using - I may look into this feature to restore the multi-language adventure mode files eventually.
-the boot screen on the GBA will always display the Japanese splash screen - that is because in order to make this all possible, modifications were made to the JP multiboot GBA file
1. download the appropriate .xdelta patch for the version of the game you wish to run (usa, jp, or pal). You will also need a Pokemon Box iso for the appropriate version of the game you are looking for (obviously, not provided here). If your file is a .nkit.iso, you will need to convert it from that to a .iso file before patching it.
2. use delta patcher ( to apply the patch to your .iso
3. You will now have a new .iso file to run on your modded Wii/modded gamecube and will be able to use all the new features
Pokemon XG: NeXt Gen
By StarsMmd
Main Features:
Physical/Special Split Gen VII type matchup chart including fairy type New set of shadow pokemon and other obtainable pokemon Over 100 Shadow Pokemon Over 50 Shadow Moves Over 75 Wild Pokemon Moves and abilities from later generations Mostly Gen VII Game Mechanics More challenging opponents How to patch your ROM:
Known Bugs:
If you have questions about XG, modding gamecube/wii pokemon games or just want to chat with like-minded fans then join us on discord here
b2w2 Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2
By Drayano
Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. The usual rules with my hacks apply; the main feature is that all 649 Pokémon are available for capture somewhere in the game, and the trainers have all had their rosters changed in order to maintain a much harder challenge than the original game, as well as having an increased variety of opponents to fight. There's also a large amount of alternative features these hacks offer, which range from differences to the Pokémon themselves to the presence of a couple new TMs. If I'm not mistaken, these are also the first Black 2 and White 2 hacks on offer.
Additionally, the two versions only differ in terms of their aesthetic differences, such as the appearance of Opelucid City, the title screen, etcetera. So basically, just pick whichever colour takes your fancy!
Pokémon Fuse White 2
By Didus
Pokémon Fuse White 2 based on Pokémon Volt White 2 made by Drayano.
Main features :
- 649 fusions (some with alternate forms like castform, sawsbuck, arceus, ...)
- Available in English OR in French
- Every Pokemon (from bulbazaur to calyrex) is fused at least once. This includes alternate forms like alolan, galarian, ...
- Every type combination (mono type included) is represented by at least one fusion in its last evolution stage
- There are some fusion with mega pokemon
- Some easter eggs (with the fusion's name or their look)
- Drayano's changes to overworld legendaries, TMs, ...
This version is meant to be randomized since I don't have edited Fusion moveset and trainer teams yet.
Everything is explained in the readme.txt. Make sure you read it
- MikuGoya, Likouns, Victistar, Tracker, EcranPlasma, Friskette, Laxofirm, Nékrami, Anthomrtrx, Brahim, Dronia, Mxt dog, Mega tree ho-oh.
Special thanks to all these spriters
All their work represent around 50% of the Fusiondex
- Drayano That made a huge work with pokemon Volt white 2
- All the spriters that made 5th gen style sprite for 6th gen pokemon and above (LeParagon, King of the x road, N-Kin, G.E.Z, Blaquaza, Princessofmusic, TheAetherPlayer, ...)
- Volt white 2
- Fusion
- (and 3 more)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Kirby
(Tags: nds, romhack, pmd, skytemple)
Welcome to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Kirby! This may look like Vanilla Explorers of Sky, but with a twist, a big one at that!
The protagonist talks! Our heroes also must deal with the forces between those worlds! Will our hero succeed in saving the world that they were living in with their trusty partner?
I also have a Discord Server!
Join me on a discussion on the story of our 2 main heroes, who will end up being the ones to save the world.
Patching instructions are below ->
Please ensure you are using a USA ROM of Explorers of Sky Download XDelta (Windows) - Download Delta Patcher (Windows) - Download MultiPatch (MacOS) - Download and extract the patch below Patch, and enjoy.
Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Sketch Version
Pokémon Colosseum and XD where you can only use Smeargles. Simple has that. But why play this hack instead of using Smeargles in the base game?
First, the Smeargles are given to you and/or have to be captured, so you don't need any external software to put them in your team.
Second, que Smeargles have edited stats. The goal of these hacks is to beat the game taking moves from enemies, not grinding. After testing this myself, I think I got the sweetspot for the new stats, where they aren't that great but they aren't trash.
-You can only use Smeargles. Shadow Pokémon have a stupid low catch rate, and wild Pokémon don't appear in XD. You'll get a Master Ball in Colosseum, but you'll get something else in XD.
-Smeargles are slightly improved to minimize level grinding. Their new stats are 55/55/55/55/55/75. Their ability is now Trace.
-Miror B. won't appear for rematches, since you can't capture the Shadow Pokémon anyway.
-Very few text changes to adapt the changes.
-Custom banner.
- *.xdelta file and the software needed to path your iso.
Check out my other hacks:
Pokémon Heart Red
By TriggerHappy
The files here are from @DeadSkullzJr's archiving efforts. @TriggerHappy *should* have control over this page, so more files can be uploaded at user's discretion.
Original Thread:
Route 10 Restoration Project
This project was originally W2 only. And apparently the musician NPC in Opelucid was also bugged (but I didn't notice)
So I figured out how I did it previously, and made a B2 patch too (as well as fixed the NPC in Opelucid).
Things to note:
- No idea why the B2 patch is smaller (perhaps it is because I didn't import maps used by W2 into B2, while W2 did import maps for B2?)
[in case the previous point leaves anyone unclear, any game has both B2 and W2 maps in them.]
- BW Victory Road cannot be directly restored, cause the map sizes are different. That's beyond my expertise.
- If I'm not mistaken, you'll need the USA version of the game to use the patch. Below checksums are for clean games:
B2 MD-5: 1C5CE747E7ED4431E2044F123EC7C951
W2 MD-5: 32485892A6F36D80F7D9B54FB398EB12
- Utilizing the patches will probably shrink the game. (SDSME seems to do that?)
- I probably will not work on this further, so don't bother leaving suggestions or request.
Old thread:
Pokémon White Deluxe
By Oxnite
This is the version 1.0 release of Pokémon White Deluxe.
The game can be fully played until the Elite Four and shortly after. However, not every after-E4 event has been fully updated.
Please enjoy!
- Oxnite
Many more changes were planned, but may only be delivered later due to time constraints - or never at all.
- pokemon white
- rom hack
- (and 8 more)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Special Episode 0: In A Dark Past (Complete!)
By Canete16
Hello everyone! My name is Canete16, and I'm the creator of this Pokémon Mystery Dungeon which revolves around two of the most, if not THE most, memorable characters of the entire franchise: Grovyle and Dusknoir from Explorers of the Sky.
In this hack, you will discover how they ended up having such opposite ideals and objectives starting off from a context where they both were allies and even close friends. The hack will then, of course, connect with the Explorers storyline at its very end, adding up for a great backstory for this two great characters in addition to their contribution to the plot and their beloved Special Episode, which concluded their story beautifully.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Seven Symphonies (Demo / 1st Act OUT!)
By Canete16
Hello everyone! My name is Canete16. You may know me from my previous work on Special Episode 0: In A Dark Past, another PMD hackrom that you can check out here:
The project turned out to be a great success and many people were asking for a sequel to it. I was and I still am motivated enough to keep writing and creating stories, therefore,
after gathering enough resources and teaming up with my talented co-creator Assidion...
We decided to go for that much desired sequel, which will continue the events of both SE0 and Explorers' late postgame!
This time, the plot will unfold throughout the legendary Destiny Tower, which will have a drastically different nature to the one we already knew in several PMD titles.
New features:
- Randomized dungeon disposition & tilesets for a much more replayable experience
- Typing (starters/fairy-types) and balance changes (all included in the README .txt)
- New Hidden Stairs gimmick: The Divine Domain
- Test your luck at Gholdengo's Phantombola!
And much, much more to discover...
- Twitter:
- Discord:
Thanks for reading this post! We dearly hope you found the project appealing ❤️
H Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of H
By Mudkid
A very dumb, scrappy hack of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon based off the Pokémon H hack for Pokémon Red made by IoIxD (and conquered by Saltydkdan), made with SkyTemple.
you can download the original Pokemon H hack on IoIxD's site here:
Custom H Sprites made by Me, Mudkid
The original Pokemon H had very in-depth lore that i didn't realise it had until i completed this, and i don't know if i can really live up to that with anything, so for all intensive purposes this hack is non-canon and just a spinoff.
The purpose of the hack is that it replaces almost all of the Pokémon with the letter H, along with most of the digits in the font, making a Pokémon experience which is just like playing in a foreign language while also being half blind and hopefully not insane soon enough.
I'm not too experienced with SkyTemple as I began learning how everything works for the purpose of this hack, and the hack might be rough around the edges (namely certain cutscene specific sprites that show up in some situations still showing Pokémon other than H), but almost everywhere info is obscured.
many animations are weird too since of how the game handles animation slots (you'll see this in how most of the Pokémon use the sleep animation for a lot)
I put this together mainly because I thought the Pokémon H experience would be so much more stupid in Mystery Dungeon, with things like the heavy item usage, Belly, PP management and even random Pokémon like Drifblim spamming moves like Ominous Wind which you now wont ever see coming nor understand your first time
The files include the hack as a delta patch, with the delta patcher included for ease of access. the hack is suited for a US rom of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
if that doesnt work try something else maybe, that's all i really know.
If anyone wanted this to exist then here you go I guess, enjoy H.
Non H Pokémon
Bellsprout: Replaced with I (I believe the original hack did this) Dialga: Replaced with Luigi (Luigi is important in this series) Palkia: Replaced with Mario (Mario brother) Luigi and mario both use sprites from Super Mario World, i chose not sprites from a Mario RPG game on purpose
Extra Digits Changed to H for maximum obscurity
Numbers ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 ), Changed to H in the original hack, but also in the name of the Pokémon Porygon-2 Hyphens ( - ), In names Ho-oh, Porygon-2 and Porygon-Z Single Quotation Marks ( ' ), In name Farfetch'd Periods ( . ), In names Mr. Mime and Mime Jr. Gender Symbols ( ♂, ♀ ), In names Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀
The only gender is now H, take from that what you will
don't go to my twitter or other external sites, I probably don't deserve it, follow someone else
Disclaimer: i bet people liked the Kecleon J when they saw it but i removed it, the thing is its not nearly as funny as what "I" was in the original hack for pokemon red, just because you cant catch I in that hack, doesnt make turning kecleon into J any funnier, because i felt rare in the original, as opposed to the J here being seen constantly after the 2nd dungeon. you could still challenge yourself to catch a Kecleon H if you really hate yourself, but the extra flair isnt needed.
besides, maybe youll get the shop owner in dungeons confused with regular enemies and doom yourself on accident, that'd be funny.
Pokémon Grand Colosseum - Original Rui Restored
This is a simple patch to modify the brilliant Pokémon Grand Colosseum made by Kya.
While Grand Colosseum is an amazing romhack, if I had to make one complaint it would be my personal dislike of Rui's redesign. I've come across many others who also prefer the original design. So I have taken the liberty of restoring her design to the original sprite used in the Japanese versions of the game (see images attached). This sprite was later slightly censored for the US release. (Refer to this video for a comparison)
Essentially this patch fulfils a similar function to the “Localized Title” patch from Pokemon Colosseum Restoration, but for Grand Colosseum instead! It is built for the most recent release v3.1 of Grand Colosseum. There are three versions of the patch corresponding to the version of Grand Colosseum you used (Kanto, Johto or Hoenn).
How to patch:
1. Apply the Grand Colosseum patch of your choice to a clean Pokemon Colosseum ISO, following the instructions given by the creator. (Recommend using v1.0.0.0 of NUPS patcher which is included in the zip file, as other patchers are known to cause issues)
2. Download the corresponding version of this patch and unzip it. Apply it to the patched ISO produced in step 1 using the same NUPS patcher.
3. Done! To confirm if it is working, check if Rui's design on the title screen matches the images attached above.
(If for some reason the patcher shows an error (which should not happen), set "If file is invalid" to "Ignore" in NUPS patcher before patching.)
Other notes:
This patch is compatible with the Nuzlocke Patches made by Kya for Grand Colosseum.
For all info and documentation regarding Grand Colosseum, please refer to the Project Pokemon page for that hack linked above. This patch does not change anything apart from Rui's design.
All credits for the original romhack go to Kya. My contribution is quite insignificant. But hopefully this is useful to someone!
My first ever romhack. Its nothing groundbreaking, just a small story hack with 3 dungeons and (technically) 3 bossfights. Hope people will enjoy it!
Two pokemon get sent into a virtual simulation of a mystery dungeon, for research. However...
things of course go wrong...
Hakamo-o portraits: Emmuffin. Hakamo_o sprites: TopKec.
Clobbopus portraits and sprtes: Emmuffin.
Custom Slowking portraits: Emmuffin.
Duosion portraits: Caitemis, Noivern and Chesyon.
Duosion sprites: powercristal, baronessfaron and Emmuffin.
Custom Charmeleon portraits: 0palite.
Custom Roserade portraits: baronessfaron and Garbage.
Duskako portraits and sprtes: Emmuffin.
Custom Dialga portraits: Garbage.
Custom Palkia portraits: baronessfaron.
Arceus portraits: baronessfaron. Arceus sprites: baronessfaron and JFain.
MissingNo Egg portraits: Emboarger and ShyStarryRain. MissingNo Egg sprites: Embaorger.
Custom Lanturn Portraits: minarchu.
Toxtricity Portraits: Emmuffin.
Toxtricity sprites: baronessfaron.
Story: BarniBarnstone
Skytemple dev team: Capypara, techticks and marius.
Eu rom needed for patching.
Stadium (N64) Cries in Pokémon Colosseum
By FrankBlack22
The Nintendo 64's Pokémon Stadium series had a very unique take on the Pokémon's cries that made them sound a lot more distinct, and even somewhat real.
Sadly, those sounds never made it past Stadium 2, as Colosseum went back to the old 8-bit sound bits of the Game Boy, and after that, the main series took a different direction remastering those sounds.
I, like many, really miss those sounds and wished they'd at least stuck around for the 3d battle sims... Which is why I decided to take matters into my own hands !
With this romhack of Pokémon Colosseum (USA), I replaced every single "cries" sound effects, for every Pokémon from Gen 1 and Gen 2, with there counterparts from the N64 Pokémon Stadium series !
Watch this little trailer to see the result !
Play as Red in Pokémon Colosseum!
By GameBeast92
I want to start this post with a MASSIVE shout out to StarsMmd⭐ for helping me with all my persistent questions I had on the way. Without him this would've never been possible! Thanks for being an awesome help!
There seem to be no action replay codes to Play as... in pokémon colosseum so that's why I started making this patch for you guys.
It's not entirely perfect but it doesn't affect gameplay in general.
For example Red has no throwing pokéball animation like Wes does and Green(or Leaf) doesn't blink when she sees a shadow pokémon.
Also you'll still see the Wes and Rui bike riding animation when you move to other places on the world map.
I also changed the starter pokémon to pikachu and charmeleon 'cause yeah.. you know why.
👇Check the trailer to see it in full action!👇
Apply the patch file to a clean Pokemon Colosseum ROM using any UPS patcher. Newer versions of the NUPS patcher give an error saying the system ran out of memory. Find an older version of NUPS or use an online UPS patcher. This patch was made for the NTSC (US) version so it will not work on other versions. The ISO is quite large so it may take a few minutes.
Always patch onto a clean ISO, even if you are applying an update.
Enjoy everyone and let me know what you think!
Pokemon Colosseum: Poison Version
Hello, Poison types are my favorite in Pokémon, and thanks to StarsMmd I was able to mod my favorite game to make all the Shadow Pokémon poison type.
Since there aren't enough poison types, the unevolved forms received stat changes so they can still perform well. They don't evolve so they have their own role. For example, the Nidorans are fast and have great attack, while their evolutions have more balanced stats.
I was still short of Shadow Pokémon so I made up new ones, like Umbreon, who is Dark/Poison since his sweat is poisonous.
The hack is tested and possible to beat.
-All the Shadow Pokémon are poison type.
-The unevolved Pokémon have updated stats. They don't evolve and the stat total is the same than their last form.
-"New" poison type Pokémon, some with modified textures.
-Slightly modified learnsets for few Pokémon.
-Shadow Pokémon are purified faster.
-Opposite teams are changed but bosses retrain the same strategies. Nobody uses poison type Pokémon except you, aside from the shadow ones. Mt. Battle and Battle Mode trainers are unchanged.
-Custom title screen and banner.
- *.xdelta file and the software needed to path your iso.
Quick summary of changes in the Pokémon you can have
Check out my other hacks:
Pokemon XD: Groovy Version
Pokémon XD is a fine game, but it would be better with dancing Pokémon. Introducing the first XD hack with custom music: Pokémon XD: Groovy Version, a hack where you can feel like Miror B. (more or less). Every usable Pokémon has animations that resemble dancing, or fits Miror B. in some way or another.
-Custom music (mostly in combat).
-Changes done to some Pokémon.
-Every trainer is changed in some way, specially bosses.
-Only the grooviest Pokémon are obtainable.
-Make a full party of Ludicolos.
-Some text is adapted to the changes.
-Custom title screen and banner.
- *.xdelta file and the software needed to path your iso.
Known bugs:
-The music loops aren't perfect.
-Eldes has his Shadow Pokémon duplicated.
-Duking doesn't take your Trapinch for the trade.
-The Shadow Monitor has mutiple empty Torchic entries.
-Zook's battle doesn't have the intended music.
Custom Music list:
List of changes to the Pokémon
Check out my other hacks: