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  1. Version 15.4.2020


    These are Pokemon FireRed savefiles which contain a compilation of legit event Pokemon for the Generation 3 games (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen). These savefiles have been in development by several ProjectPokemon members since April 2016, but has been hosted exclusively on another website. As of now, these savefiles will be concurrently hosted on ProjectPokemon as well. The Genaration III Pokemon games had a ton of events, many of which are extremely hard to obtain today. The Gen III games predate any sort of internet trading, and the event Pokemon from this generation have often been migrated up to newer Pokemon games. These factors make it quite hard to find legitimate event Pokemon for Gen III. The only way we can expect to obtain more event Pokemon for Gen III is if others share their save/pk3 files, so please consider sharing if you happen to have some! To learn more about Pokemon events in Generation 3, you can look over the following pages: List of English event Pokémon distributions in Generation III List of Japanese event Pokémon distributions in Generation III List of Journey Across America event Pokémon distributions List of Party of the Decade event Pokémon distributions List of PCNY event Pokémon distributions in Generation III List of Gather More Pokémon! Campaign event Pokémon Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc ----- The main savefile contains the following event Pokemon in each box: Box 1 & 2: 10th Anniversary (Europe, Top 10 Distribution) + Aura Mew Here we have a full set of all European 10th Anniversary Pokemon, each of the ten Pokemon in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. The OT for each language is as follows: 10ANNIV (ENG), 10JAHRE (GER), 10ANNIV (FRE), 10ANNI (ITA), 10ANIV (SPA) These Pokemon were selected through a poll and later distributed at various locations in 2006 for the "Top 10" event throughout Europe to celebrate 10 years of Pokemon. We also have a full set of Aura Mew distributions from Europe, each in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. OT is the same for each language. Aura Mew was distributed at various locations in August 2007 throughout Europe. Note: The English 10ANNIV distribution rom and English Aura Mew distribution rom have been released to the public. Unlike the English 10ANNIV, the English Aura Mew will distribute all five languages of Aura Mew. Due to legality reasons, the roms can not be shared here, but a simple Google search should help. Box 1: 10th Anniversary (Europe), Part I Charizard (x5, one of each language) Pikachu (x5, one of each language) Articuno (x5, one of each language) Raikou (x5, one of each language) Entei (x5, one of each language) Suicune (x5, one of each language) ----- Box 2: 10th Anniversary (Europe), Part II + Aura Mew Lugia (x5, one of each language) Ho-Oh (x5, one of each language) Latias (x5, one of each language) Latios (x5, one of each language) Aura Mew (x5, one of each language) ----- Box 3 & 4: 10th Anniversary (United States, JAA + PotD Top 20 Distributions) Here we have both full sets of United States 10th Anniversary Pokemon. One set was distributed at the "Journey Across America" event, and one at the "Party of the Decade" event. Both sets are nearly identical, though have different Trainer IDs. JAA has the TID 00010, and PotD has the TID 06808. JAA has an extra distribution that makes this set unique, that being Celebi. PotD has a unique Pikachu that differs from the JAA counterpart, due to knowing the move Fly. Box 3: 10th Anniversary (United States), Journey Across America (10 ANIV, Trainer ID: 00010) Bulbasaur Charizard Blastoise Pikachu Alakazam Articuno Zapdos Moltres Dragonite Typhlosion Espeon Umbreon Raikou Entei Suicune Tyranitar Blaziken Absol Latias Latios Celebi (x10) ----- Box 4: 10th Anniversary (United States), Party of the Decade (10 ANIV, Trainer ID: 06808) Bulbasaur (x2, one evolved to Venusaur) Charizard Blastoise (x2, one with gained experience) Flying Pikachu Alakazam Articuno Zapdos Moltres Dragonite (x2) Typhlosion Espeon Umbreon Raikou Entei Suicune Tyranitar Blaziken Absol Latias Latios ----- Box 5: Pokemon Center New York (PCNY) Distributions These Pokemon were distributed at Gotta Catch 'Em All! Stations in the New York Pokemon Center between 2003 and its closing in January 2005. These PCNY sets are incomplete, however we have a good portion of them. Some of the Pokemon distributed here also were poorly documented, so we have some PCNY events that aren't listed on Bulbapedia. Due to this, there may be other PCNY events that we don't yet know about. Dragon Week Seadra Dragon Week Flygon Dragon Week Altaria Dragon Week Flygon Monster Week 2, Lv50 Exploud Monster Week 2, Lv100 Exploud Monster Week 2, Lv50 Aggron Monster Week 2, Lv100 Aggron Monster Week 2, Lv50 Wailord Monster Week 2, Lv100 Wailord Monster Week 2, Lv50 Crawdaunt Monster Week 2, Lv100 Crawdaunt Campaign 4 Zangoose Campaign 4 Seviper Campaign 4 Milotic Pokemon Box Promo Flygon Pokemon Box Promo Seviper Pokemon Box Promo Spite Absol Pokemon Box Promo Wish Absol Campaign 6 Machamp Spring Fling Tropius Spring Fling Gardevoir PCNY Wish Chansey Egg PCNY Wish Drowzee Egg PCNY Wish Exeggcute Egg PCNY Wish Farfetch'd Egg PCNY Wish Kangaskhan Egg PCNY Wish Lickitung Egg ----- Box 6: English Events This box contains the remaining English events not yet mentioned. Several JEREMY are still missing. Note: Several savefiles from FireRed carts that were officially used to distribute Mystery Mew by direct trade have been released to the public, which as a whole contain all 420 possible selections of the boxed Mews. If you wish to make your own selection from the 420 Mews, please see this page: MYSTRY Mew FireRed Distribution Cart Savefiles. The Doel Deoxys distributon rom, and the GBA cartridge version of the English Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon distribution used in the UK, have both also been released to the public. Due to legality reasons, the roms can not be shared here, but a simple Google search should help. Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon (x2, OTs RUBY and SAPHIRE) ROCKS Metang (x2) SPACE C Deoxys DOEL Deoxys MYSTRY Mew WISHMKR Jirachi (x2, Salac and Ganlon Berries) CHANNEL Jirachi (x2, Salac and Ganlon Berries) METEOR Jirachi (UNRELEASED, prototype distribution multiboot file found hidden alongside WISHMKR's multiboot file in US Bonus Disc) Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi (x9, every possible shiny Jirachi from US Colosseum Bonus Disc) Shiny CHANNEL Jirachi ----- Box 7: Japanese Events, Part I This box contains most Japanese events, excluding Egg distributions and GMPC(GCEA) events. A few are still missing, as noted by empty slots. Wishing Star (Negaiboshi) Jirachi (x2, Ganlon and Salac Berries) Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon (x2, OTs ルビー[Ruby] and サファイア[Sapphire]) 2004 Tanabata Jirachi (x2, Apicot and Petaya Berries) All Nippon Airways (ANA) Pikachu PokePark Meowth Yokohama Pikachu Hado Mew GW Pikachu 2005 Tanabata Jirachi (x2, Apicot and Petaya Berries) Festa Metang Sunday Wobbuffet Hado Regice Hado Registeel PokePark Mew PokePark Celebi 2006 Tanabata Jirachi (x2, Ganlon and Salac Berries) Mitsurin Celebi ----- Box 8: Japanese Events, Part II This box contains a complete set of all "Pokemon Center 5th Anniversary Eggs", a complete set of all "Egg Pokemon Present Eggs", and a complete set of all "PokePark Eggs". Wish Pichu Egg Teeter Dance Pichu Egg Shiny Wish Pichu Egg Shiny Teeter Dance Pichu Egg Wish Ralts Egg Charm Ralts Egg Wish Absol Egg Spite Absol Egg Wish Bagon Egg Iron Defense Bagon Egg Leech Seed Oddish Egg Petal Dance Meowth Egg Sweet Kiss Poliwag Egg Teeter Dance Bellsprout Egg Mud Sport Psyduck Egg Follow Me Pichu Egg Tickle Igglybuff Egg Mud Sport Corsola Egg FeatherDance Taillow Egg Mud Sport Surskit Egg Teeter Dance Whismur Egg Rollout Skitty Egg Water Sport Plusle Egg Mud Sport Minun Egg Uproar Spoink Egg Sing Spinda Egg Encore Cacnea Egg Water Sport Corphish Egg Tickle Wynaut Egg ----- Box 9: Japanese Events, Part III This box contains the first four campaign sets of the "Gather More Pokemon! Campaign" (aka "Gotta Catch Em All") distributions. First Campaign: Treecko Torchic Mudkip Second Campaign: Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile Third Campaign: Ekans Pikachu Meowth Growlithe Bellsprout Slowpoke Shellder Chansey Kangaskhan Scyther Electabuzz Magmar Tauros Murkrow Misdreavus Qwilfish Sneasel Delibird Mantine Fourth Campaign: Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle ----- Box 10: Japanese Events, Part IV This box contains the last two campaign sets of the GMPC (GCEA) distributions. Fifth Campaign: Pikachu Lotad Seedot Surskit Skitty Sableye Mawile Meditite Plusle Minun Roselia Zangoose Seviper Lunatone Solrock Chimecho Sixth Campaign: Pikachu Hoothoot Mareep Aipom Sunkern Wobbuffet Pineco Gligar Snubbull Shuckle Teddiursa Houndour Stantler Smeargle ----- Box 11: Special Pokemon from "Colosseum" and "XD: Gale of Darkness" for Nintendo GameCube This box contains all special pokemon from Colosseum and XD, such as the MATTLE Ho-oh which is very tedious to obtain. This also includes the unreleased English variants of the Japanese Bonus Disc's Celebi and Pikachu, and the Japanese e-Card exclusive Togepi, Mareep and Scizor. Lastly included is the Johto starters from XD, as they are also incredibly tedious to obtain. JP Ageto Celebi JP Colosseum Pikachu JP Mt. Battle Ho-oh JP e-Reader Togepi JP e-Reader Mareep JP e-Reader Scizor EN AGATE Celebi (UNRELEASED) EN COLOS Pikachu (UNRELEASED) EN MATTLE Ho-oh (x3) EN e-Reader Togepi (UNRELEASED, x3) EN e-Reader Mareep (UNRELEASED, x3) EN e-Reader Scizor (UNRELEASED, x3) XD Chikorita (x2, English and Spanish) XD Cyndaquil (x2, English and Spanish) XD Totodile (x2, English and Spanish) ----- Box 12: Special Egg Gifts from "Pokemon Box: Ruby & Sapphire" for Nintendo GameCube After a certain amount of Pokemon are deposited into Pokemon Box from one of you GBA games, you are gifted an egg that contains a Pokemon with a special move. False Swipe Swablu Egg (x5 + one hatched) (after first deposit) ExtremeSpeed Zigzagoon Egg (x5 + one hatched) (after 100 deposited) Pay Day Skitty Egg (x5 + one hatched) (after 500 deposited) Surf Pichu Egg (x2 + two hatched) (after 1499 deposited) ----- Box 13: In-Game Special Pokemon This box contains rare in-game Pokemon such as standard legendary Pokemon, and event-exclusive island legendary and mythical Pokemon. Several of these are also included as Shiny. Note: The American Aurora Ticket distribution rom has also leaked to the public. The American version of this rom only supports FRLG, not Emerald like the European version (not public). Due to legality reasons, this rom can not be shared here, but a simple Google search should help. FRLG Articuno FRLG Zapdos FRLG Moltres FRLG Mewtwo Southern Island Latias Southern Island Latios RSE Regirock RSE Regice RSE Registeel RSE Kyogre RSE Groudon RSE Rayquaza Faraway Island Mew (UNRELEASED, English) Navel Rock Ho-oh Navel Rock Lugia Birth Island Deoxys Shiny Regice Shiny Rayquaza Shiny JP Faraway Island Mew Shiny Navel Rock Lugia Shiny Navel Rock Ho-oh Shiny Southern Island Latias Shiny Southern Island Latios Shiny Birth Island Deoxys ----- Box 14: Helpful Pokemon & JEREMY Trade Events This box contains Pokemon that can be helpful in-game for the Battle Tower and for Pokemon Contests. Battle Tower: Salamence Suicune Snorlax Contests: Cool Swellow Cute Milotic Beauty Camerupt Tough Donphan Smart Banette JEREMY Toys R Us Trade Events: Ekans Vulpix Oddish Psyduck Growlithe Machoke (devolved) Machamp Haunter (devolved) Gengar Staryu Tauros ----- **POKEMON STILL NEEDED** Japanese: STAMP Absol STAMP Pichu Sapporo Pikachu Hadou Regirock (plus more Hadou Regice & Registeel for research) PokePark Jirachi English: More of any PCNY events JEREMY Sandshrew JEREMY Shellder JEREMY Slowpoke ----- The extra savefiles contain the following event Pokemon in each box: The extra savefiles provided contain overflow of the existing event pokemon from the main savefile. As the main savefile usually provided only one or two of each event, these overflow savefiles contain a larger selection of each event to choose from. However when it comes to Japanese events, there are far too many available to be necessary to include here. Most overflow of each Japanese event are included here, the only exception being the hundreds of event Pikachu. So if you want the full compilation of overflow Japanese events, please see this page: Ahiru's Wonderland Gen III Event Savefiles Event Savefile 2: Box 1 - 3: PCNY events (x83) Box 4: Journey Across America 10 ANIV events (x28) Box 5: 10 ANIV Celebi (x10) + Wishing Star (Negaiboshi) Jirachi (x11) + Doel Deoxys (x6) Box 6: German Aura Mew (x24) + Spanish Aura Mew (x1) + Shiny CHANNEL Jirachi (x5, one of each language) Box 7: Space C Deoxys (x30) Box 8: WISHMKR Jirachi (x18) + CHANNEL Jirachi (x10) Box 9: Ageto Celebi (x30) Box 10: Pokemon Box Eggs (x5 hatched, x9 eggs) Box 11: In-Game Island Captured Events (x14) Box 12: In-Game Unown full set (x28) Box 13: Debug distributions from the German Debug version of Pokemon Ruby (x30) Box 14: Debug Unown full distribution set from the German Debug version of Pokemon Ruby (x28) Event Savefile 3: Box 1 - 3: Ageto Celebi (x77) Box 4: Pokemon Center 5th Anniversary Eggs (x30) Box 5: JP Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon (x27) Box 6 - 7: Egg Pokemon Present Eggs (x48) Box 8 - 10: PokePark Eggs (x90) Box 11: Hadou Mew (x10) + 2005 Tanabata Jirachi (x2) + Festa Metang (x10) + Sunday Wobbuffet (x5) + PokePark Mew (x1) Box 12: PokePark Celebi (x6) + 2004 Tanabata Jirachi (x1) + PokePark Meowth (x1) + 2006 Tanabata Jirachi (x4) + ANA Pikachu (x18) Box 13: GW Pikachu (x15) + Yokohama Pikachu (x15) Box 14: Mitsurin Celebi (x30) Event Savefile 4: Box 1 - 5: GMPC (GCEA) (x139) Box 6 - 14: *empty boxes for potential future expansion* In-Game Trades Savefile: Box 1: Full set from Ruby & Sapphire - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese respectively Box 2: Full set from Emerald - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese respectively Box 3: Full English set (x2) from FRLG Box 4: Full German set from FRLG Box 5: Full French set from FRLG Box 6: Full Italian set from FRLG Box 7: Full Spanish set from FRLG Box 8: Full Japanese set from FRLG Box 9: Full English set from Colosseum and XD ----- Credits: Although @InsaneNutter started this project in 2016, and has put many hours into its development, it would have never grown this large without the massive contributions from the following people. If you contributed something that has made its way into these savefiles and you aren't credited below, please let us know! @vi3t - The original FireRed savefile this was built upon. @InsaneNutter - Started the compilation of events in this savefile, and continued developing it alongside HaxAras. @HaxAras - Continued help with developing this savefile, and has contributed many Pokemon from his personal collection. Big Mike - Contributed events to his friend HaxAras. @King Impoleon - Overflow Box of German Aura Mew, Overflow Box of Space Center Deoxys, and one Doel Deoxys. @Nigoli - 111 Ageto Celebi @Deoxyz - The English, French, German, Italian and Spanish Top 10 & Aura Mew in the main save, the 5 Doel Deoxys in the overflow save, as well as two of Mystery Mew distribution savefiles. Also the 10ANNIV, Aura Mew, BGF Shiny Zigzagoon, and Aurora Ticket distribution cartridges. Recently did the massive revamp of these savefiles to their current appearance and organization. @Misdreavus - The full set of JAA 10 ANIV Pokemon with two 10 ANIV Celebi, all in the main save. @Invader TAK - Three 10 ANIV Celebi in the main save. SWAMP.N - JAA 10 ANIV Articuno Zapdos, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Celebi, Latias, Latios, and a Space Center Deoxys all in the overflow save. @arjun - The shiny Regice & shiny Rayquaza in the main save, and full set of Unown in the overflow save. Ahiru's Wonderland - A no longer existing website which actively archived tons of Japanese event pokemon from 2003 to 2006. @Sabresite - Legitimacy checking many of these event Pokemon with his currently unreleased tools. @Kaphotics - Developing PKHeX, the program which without would have made the massive revamp of these savefiles a complete nightmare. @Gridelin - The Shiny Channel Jirachi and providing a detailed guide on how it was obtained. @yamipoli - Two untouched ROCKS Metang. @XxPhoenix1996xX - Replacing suspect pokemon in the 'In-Game Trades" savefile, as well as adding a few missing in-game trade pokemon.
  2. Version Gen 1 - Gen 9


    This is a collection of all possible Trades and Gifts of in-game NPC's credentials in every language possible. All Generation I-IV Trades are obtained at the lowest level possible with thorough research. Please refer to the Guide.txt included in the collection archive for details on what to edit to make any of them to your personal liking. NOTE: If you're reading this in the future and a new game came out, please do not expect any updates with its trades immediately or anytime soon, unless users contribute them to me. Credits: @Taargüs Taargüs - For providing the PK5s for all languages of B2W2 Yancy and Curtis trades, and also the Korean B2 Petilil! @RobustRabbit - For providing CHT SM and USUM trades! @ViolentDarkBrown - For providing all languages of trades in Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee, Sword/Shield, Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, and Scarlet/Violet! Serebii and Bulbapedia - For providing the location whereabouts and details for the lowest levels possible of NPC's requested Pokemon. (Even though they contradict each other sometimes...) And of course, anyone who reports errors! If you would like to share this collection archive around other websites, you are free to do so, but please give credit to the mentioned users for their generosity to contributing. Thanks! PSA: If PKHeX flags any Pokemon as invalid, please do collate the files that do so and report them in the PKHeX forum. And if you think a Gen 1-4 Pokemon can't be at a certain level, please do notify me about it (and provide sources).
  3. I am a native English speaker, but I study French on the side. One day, I thought to myself, "Why not try playing Pokémon Mystery Dungeon in French?" So I did. I started with Explorers of Sky, and there's not really much to say about it besides practicing reading a foreign language while learning one really helps. When Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon came out, I lost interest in that playthrough and moved on. While the French Explorers of Sky (Explorateurs du Ciel) was pretty straightforward translation that said more-or-less the same thing as its English counterpart, in Super Mystery Dungeon (Pokémon Méga Donjon Mystère) it's clear that the team took a few liberties... and it worked out great, especially in comparison to the English translation, where at some points there's obvious errors in translation. I'm going to point out a few of my favorite differences, including the English text, the French text, and my best loose translation of the French text back into English (literal translations are hard to read, so oftentimes loose translations are better). This post contains unmarked spoilers. Stop reading now if you have not played the game and want to avoid spoilers. 1. Realizing you're a child English Nuzleaf: Why, your childish pranks even got me caught up in your mess, I reckon! Hero: (Childish pranks? Do I look like a child or something to the Pokémon in this world...?) French Pifeuil: Heu là ! Avec tes bêtises, me v'là embringué dans des histoires de gamin ! Héro: (De... de gamin ? Est-ce que je suis un Pokémon enfant, dans ce monde ?) French -> English Nuzleaf: Why, your nonsense got me caught up in the business of a child! Hero: (Of... of a child? Am I a Pokémon child in this world?) This difference is a minor one, but shows that instead of simply looking like a child, you've become one. Gates to Infinity's English translation did the same thing: you think to yourself about how you look like a Pokemon, rather than thinking how you've become one; however, I don't know off-hand what the French version says. 2. Entering Foreboding Forest English Pancham: [To hero] Where'd you come from? You're not from the village. Pancham: What's the matter? Skitty got your tongue? Shelmet: Well, no one's gonna understand you if you don't ever speak up. French Pandespiègle: D'où tu sors ? T'es pas un gamin du village, ça c'est sûr. Pandespiègle: ... Bah alors ? T'as perdu ta langue ? Escargaume: Tu sais, y'a un truc qu s'appelle « communiquer ». C'est pratique. French -> English Pancham: Where did you come from? You're not a child from the village, that's for sure. Pancham: ... So? Have you lost your tongue? Shelmet: You know, there's this thing called "communication". It's useful. It took an extra few months for the European version to be released, presumably to perfect the non-English translations. I say it certainly shows with things like this. 3. School Life: Evolution English Audino: All right, children! It's time for health class. Audino: Today we will be learning about evolving. Shelmet: What? Evolution?! Partner: Isn't that, like, maturing quickly? Pancham: What are you talking about? Don't you know what Evolution is? Pancham: Evolving just means that you get bigger. I for one want to get bigger. Audino: Well... That's one way to sum it up, yes. Goomy: What? We'll get bigger?! Audino: It's not only your bodies growing larger, though. It causes many other changes. Audino: Evolving does bring you closer to being an adult... so in that sense... Audino: [Partner]'s assumptions are not entirely off base. Deerling: (What's that supposed to mean?) French Nanméouïe : C'est l'heure du cours de sciences ! Nanméouïe : Aujourd'hui, les enfants, je vais vous parler de l'évolution. Escargaume: Lévo... l'évolu-quoi ? La Partenaire: L'ébullition ? Genre quand ça bout et qu'il y a des bulles ? Pandespiégle: Pfff, n'importe quoi ! T'es complètement à l'ouest ! Pandespiègle: L'évolution, c'est quand tu deviens un grand Pokémon balèze ! Ça me fait trop envie ! Nanméouïe: Hé bien... oui, on peut voir ça comme ça. Mucuscule: C'est vrai, on peut devenir plus grand ? Nanméouïe: Oui, sauf que l'évolution ne concerne pas que la taille, mais aussi bien d'autres aspects. Nanméouïe: Elle permet en quelque sorte de devenir adulte... Votre corps bouillonne... Nanméouïe: [La Partenaire] n'avait pas tout à fait tort en parlant d'ébullition, en fait ! Vivaldaim: (Je ne vois pas trop le rapport, mais si Madame Nanméouïe le dit...) French -> English Audino: It's time for science class! Audino: Today, children, we're going to talk about evolution. Shelmet: Evo... evolu-what? The Partner: Boiling? Like when it boils and there's bubbles? [Note: the difference between the words for "boiling" and "evolution" is the same as the difference between "b" and "v"] Pancham: Pfff, whatever! That's completely wrong! Pancham: Evolution, that's when you become a big strong Pokémon. That makes me want to evolve too! Audino: Well, yes. One could see it like that. Goomy: That's true, you can become bigger? Audino: Yes, except evolution is not just about size, but also a bunch of other aspects. Audino: It allows you in some way to become an adult... your body boiling/seething... Audino: [The Partner] is not entirely mistaken when talking about boiling, in fact! Deerling: (I don't see how that relates, but if Mrs. Audino says so...) This is probably my favorite. Too bad this joke just doesn't work in English (and that the English translation team missed out on opportunities like this). 4. School Life: The Temperature English [The bell sounds] Goomy: Phew! I thought today would never end! Pancham: It's a real drag lately, huh? And it's been so crazy hot all the time. The Partner: Yeah. When it gets this hot, I feel feverish and my brain gets flunky! Shelmet: Your brain gets "flunky," huh? More like you're kind of flaky, [Partner]! Espur: [Partner], I don't think that's the word choice you were going for. French Mucuscule: Pfiouuu, c'est enfin fini ! Pandespiègle: J'suis trop crevé... Vous trouvez pas qu'y fait super chaud ? La Partenaire: Ouais... Il fait vraiment chaud, c'est la faute du « réchauffage climatique » ! Escargaume: Bouahaha ! Mais quelle gourde ! Elle sait même pas parler correctement ! Espur: Mais non, [Partner], on dit le « réchauffement climatique ». French -> English Goomy: Phew, it's finally here! [Summer vacation] Pancham: I'm so exausted... Do you not find that it's super hot? The Partner: Yeah, it's really hot; it's the fault of "global reheating"! Shelmet: Hahaha! What a blockhead! She doesn't even know how to speak correctly! Espur: No, [Partner], it's called "global warming". As an inexperienced French reader, this is the same kind of mistake I'd probably make. Note the difference in the suffix of "réchauffage" and "réchauffement". "-age" is more in the context of cooking, while "-ment" is what she meant. Also, in case you didn't know, the French translation assumes the player to be male and the partner to be female (hence Shelmet referring to the partner as "she"). This is because there's not that much wiggle room to control what the characters say in response to the gender of the player and partner. Items Most of the item names are more-or-less the same in both languages. A few of the emera's stand out. The Type Bulldozer is an "Ignore-Type", which doesn't sound as cool in my opinion. They make up for it by making the Toughness Emera the "Esprit Tenace", or Tenacious Spirit, which is way cooler. There's various other differences, but these stood out to me. Overall, both translations do the game justice, and the partner is just as adorable in both. ("[Hero]! Good mor-ning!" and "Ohé, [Héro] ! Coucooou !"). Hopefully this was an interesting read. If anyone who's more experienced in French found I made any mistakes in the translations, feel free to let me know. [Upon learning the Nexus is destroyed regularly] English: "(From what I saw yesterday, I can imagine...)", French: "(Eh ben, la vie n'est pas facile pour ce pauvre Pilier Atlas...)", French->English: "(Oh, well, life is not easy for the poor Pokémon Nexus)".
  4. Hello Researchers! Today I have discovered an exploit for Generation 3 that affects Pokemon Legality for RNG. The exploit can be done in 2 ways. One way is to take a save file with Japanese/Localized dual compatible names and nicknames from a Japanese Gen 3 game, flash it to an English cart, and then take any already-nicknamed Pokemon (pre-naming fixes a bug with bank compatibility for Japanese-exclusive Pokemon like mew) to the name rater to enjoy longer English names when kept on that same file. The more legit way is to RNG both region games to have a 5 to 1 digit cross region OT, with the same SID and TID, similar to using RNG to rename event Pokemon via OT RNG manipulation. The next step to do is Nickname the Japanese Pokemon, trade it over, and rename it on the English game with the cross region characters. Accent letters for Latin and Japanese will pose problems, along with RS copies with the nickname flag bug. Anyhow, this process obviously fails when trying to make longer Japanese nicknames. This means Nicknamed 3rd gen event Pokemon, Nicknamed Shiny Jirachi, Nicknamed Celebi, and Nicknamed In game events are possible now to RNG users. Hopefully this helps Legality checkers! Thanks, and have fun!
  5. Hi everyone, I've been lurking around this site since it was still pokesav.org, and I always liked how it had translations of Pokesav. And now that COM has released pokesav for HGSS, I decided to translate it. EDIT: COM has only just released v0.03a! And I've already translated it: EDIT: New link, I fixed a few errors: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?tylkmhae45j I have also included a little readme about the translation in the .zip package. Tell me what you guys think. Enjoy!
  6. well i was looking on gamefaqs and someone posted a link i downloaded it and it works pretty well there are som features that just havent been enabled and some things like abilities and moves that haven't been translated at all you can load pokemon save pokemon edit most things so it isnt all that bad but here it is for all of you who wanted it the original person who made this said that come next week it all would be translated and ready to go. enjoy Pokesav_HGSS-ENG-Ver.0.02.zip
  7. Could somebody put all the english pokemon into storage box 3 and make a code for it?
  8. I'm not sure where to put this thread, so forgive me if I'm wrong in putting it here! I was just wondering if, when HGSS finally come out in English, would I be able to rename my Japanese save and play it with the English Rom? Or must I start again? Thanks~
  9. Basically whenever I sav a pokemon for HG it alway gets boosted exp despite having same ID, secret ID etc. I believe this is to do with the size of writing. When you enter your OT in pokesav it appears in game same size as English version writing. However the English version writing is smaller than the English text used in Japanese games causing this problem as the Japanese games use a larger font size. You'll notice this if you flick between an in-game caught pokemon and a pokesav generated one. Does anyone know how to get the Japanese sized English language generated by Pokesav? Many Thanks.
  10. Okay, can someone make me ARDS codes for the 5 UK 4th Gen event Pokémon for these games: Alamos Darkrai and UK GAME Shaymin for Diamond UK Summer Regigigas, UK Video Game Championships 2009 Milotic and Michina Arceus for Platinum please and thank you!
  11. Is there a way to resize it? If not, then can you people at Project Pokemon fix it?
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