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Everything posted by Poryhack

  1. Actually after chatting with Kaarosu last week I am giving more serious thought to loading pkms to/from Ranch saves. Not a full fledged save editor, but then again I am not really considering this out of my deep passion for Ranch (sarcasm). Ranch is actually nice because it gives us a way to access PKM files without requiring the purchase of a flashcart. What I'm on the fence on is if that is really much of a limitation. You can get a good flashcart for <$15, and there is also the inconvenient fact that for what I'm considering to be of any use one would need a Wii, the ability to homebrew it, and probably Diamond/Pearl unless Ranch could be hacked to accept newer games. The DS saves don't use encryption except for select areas, but I understand what you meant by this.
  2. I am curious about your answers to the above question. Please feel free to go into more detail in a post, and if you voted "I get PKM files, but not in any of the ways listed above." please explain how.
  3. Poryhack


    Of course you weren't. You were just asking a question that many people probably were thinking. It's perfectly fine.
  4. Poryhack


    He never said that explicitly. Last I talked to him about a month ago he just said that he wouldn't be maintaining PKMDB and he was doing a lot of extracurricular stuff and preparing for college.
  5. Poryhack


    Just to clear things up, PKMDB is dead. I've closed the forums to avoid confusion. Both fenzo and myself left largely due to disagreements with the other staff, but it would be a drastic oversimplification to say that that was the only reason. At the time both of us had a will to continue what we had been doing for over a year in regard to events. Thus PKMDB was reincarnated. Unfortunately neither or us realized how much our priorities had shifted and PKMDB was left in its current state. At this point fenzo has (I believe) given up pokemon for other things. I on the other hand am still here dabbling in various area that happen to pique my interest. With all the negative happenings on my mind I have pretty much avoided events for the last few months. My future plans are not the topic of this thread but I'd like to say anyway that I still have a desire to operate an event website (separate from PP & PKMDB). Whether I end up doing so or not will be contingent upon my ability to "put my nose to the grindstone" and actually create such a website that meets my own high standards. I hope this post clears up all confusion; if you still have questions please post here as I do not like it when people make assumptions or propagate potentially false information.
  6. Who fed you this BS? It is blatantly false. In order to know a legit event from any other the games would have to know what events will be given out years in advance. The truth is that nobody with a brain has bothered to figure this out yet. Plain and simple.
  7. If you look at a DS there's no port for trades... So no.
  8. Oh, I stand corrected. Do you know if the pokewalkers are also sold separately?
  9. Nintendo is really shoveling out the new systems now... Seems pretty clear that this is not billed as a significant shift from the DSi, just a more adult-friendly version of the same. As a matter of fact I would really question the sanity of anyone who upgrades from a DSi to this. One thing that would majorly bug me is the fact that they seem to just make bigger pixels so that they can scale up the display without changing the actual resolution. In this case the pixels have got to be annoyingly huge... The size is being scaled up so drastically here that I almost wonder if the actually will change the resolution.
  10. I looked for the values needed to change what GBA carts are recognized but it seems that this time around they are compressed or encrypted because the plaintext is no longer there.
  11. He doesn't have the available computing power on the DS for a pokemon to retain legality while editing anything based on the PID or the IVs.
  12. Then I suppose with considerable know-how on the flashcart-maker's part it would be possible to use the IR functions. I don't see it happening though, there are only two games that use it and the pedometers are not sold separately to the best of my knowledge.
  13. Space is only an issue on retail cartridges with limited amounts of built-in memory. This would be perfectly possible, but very difficult. To begin with editing maps (or any 3d models) is out of the scope of most people for the time being. The format is well documented but tools that utilize it have yet to be written.
  14. 999 is max value imposed by pokesav, not the number of bits available. There are actually 2 bytes for each stat on a party pokemon so you can max stats out at 65535 or 0xFFFF. Djidane, make sure you are working with a party (236 byte) pkm file and not a box (136 byte) pkm file.
  15. Graphics for the DS typically have a limited palette. For instance the original Kotone backsprite only has 16 colors, including one set as the "transparent color". Your pokeball throwing one has 34. ._. Fortunately I think I can do some magic and increase the palette size for Kotone's spot to 256.
  16. I have a feeling there's probably more random ones still. You'd be amazed... Anyway people are always bitching about Kotone so I guess I could get these into the ROM for you guys. I hope for your sake that they have a reasonable number of colors.
  17. The other games will be the easy part for me, I'll try to get that information for you asap. EDIT: Here's a BIG version of the background btw: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/258536/HGSS%20Art/website%20bg.jpg It's from the background of the official Japanese HGSS website. EDIT2: Just saw this in my HGSS artwork collection and thought it might make for a better background, it's a lot less busy.
  18. I haven't looked at ranch saves specifically, but when I looked at PBR saves some kind of encryption was placed on the entire block, making it impossible to edit without some debugging. (There is a current and and backup like the main pokemon games.) This was on top of the encryption placed on save files if you use Nintendo-sanctioned ways to get them. Which I suppose is a bit irrelevant in this case because PBR has a no-copy flag...
  19. Chase there seems to be considerable demand for some tool to edit and save wondercards from HGSS. If I gave you some offsets and other related info could you implement this?
  20. A little birdy told me that there are no wifi-related documents whatsoever in the SDK. Reverse-engineering PBR/Pokemon Ranch is exactly what I was proposing. Chances are nobody who already has the knowledge/skills to do that is hanging out here on a Pokemon board though. I personally am focusing on other things before I would even possibly think of learning.
  21. Can you get a screenshot? I've sat through the ho-oh/lugia clip several times and not noticed anything.
  22. Oh, I forgot about that. Technically the extraction of the ROM's filesystem was ndstool and not thenewpoketext (they are by completely different people).
  23. Try it and find out? I really doubt he knows for sure, considering he probably doesn't have more than one or two flashcards. I'm sure he intends for it to be compatible with all carts...
  24. Poryhack


    Damn, I was about to ask the same question as PokeDaemon. That is a great series; I'd recommend reading them if you haven't. Oh yeah welcome and all that.
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