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Everything posted by Poryhack

  1. Somebody oughta tell those CAP artists to be more true to the game! I actually respect their work a lot, those sprites are pure amazing.
  2. I take it you're trying to get a >16 color image edited in? Photoshop has a pretty awesome utility that will take a palette you give it and reduce an image down to those colors, matching the closest possible color and dithering if necessary. GIMP probably has something along those lines too.
  3. You need to open the PNG and save to the NARC for two separate files, the character (pretty much the image itself) and the palette. If you look at the order of files most pokemon will be like this: Item X --backsprite female Item X+1 -- backsprite male Item X+2 -- sprite female Item X+3 -- sprite male Item X+4 -- palette Item X+5 -- shiny palette repeat for next pokemon... I should also warn you about something that tripped me up a lot. The "transparent color" must be first in the palette for it to work.
  4. The old patch works with platinum, but not HGSS. I can't say if he'll update it or not.
  5. There was an issue before, I've updated the process used to apply the patch so that they'll work.
  6. Bringing this back from the grave because I managed to decompress the files and got a working patch. See here. As for a 3in1 compatibility patch as the OP requested, that's beyond my realm for now but I can say that this would go nicely with a hack like ds22's old one. His does not allow you to overcome the region-lock while you could use the two in combination to, for example, transfer from an English emerald on your 3in1 to a Japanese Platinum.
  7. Download the patch: HeartGold - SoulSilver For those of you who just want to use this and don't give a crap about how it works, follow these simple steps: If you don't have them already, you'll need CrystalTile2 and Tsukuyomi UPS (or any UPS patching tool). I've tailored this guide/patch to work with any HG/SS ROM, no matter how much anti-anti-piracy, translation, etc. crap you've applied. Open your HG/SS ROM with CrystalTile2 (you can ignore the small window that pops up when you first open the program) and go to Tools>NDS File System. A new window will pop up with a long list of files. Scroll down until you see the one labeled "overlay9_0074", right click it, and select export. Save the file anywhere you like. Open Tsukuyomi UPS and select "apply patch to an existing file". Use the file you exported as the target file and apply the patch that corresponds to your game. Switch back to CrystalTile and right click the same file as last time, then select import and browse to your patched "overlay9_0074.bin". You're done! Save the ROM and you're ready to start migrating from your English GBA games. Now for details. I'd done this before on D/P/Pt but HG/SS's overlay files are compressed, so it wasn't as simple as the find and replace it had been in D/P/Pt. Initially this had me stumped because although I knew the files were compressed (and there's documentation around on how they're compressed), I am not much of a programmer and didn't have any tool to help me decompress the files. Yesterday though I realized that the function was included in CrystalTile2, a program that has been sitting on my desktop for some months but never got fully explored. Fail. Anyway, just right click a compressed overlay in CrystalTile's NDS filesystem explorer and you'll have the option of decompressing and saving it or opening a decompressed file and compressing it to that location. The process once you've got the decompressed overlay (#74) is easy enough; do a text search in a hex editor for AXVJ. It'll find a small list of game IDs for the 3rd gen pokemon games in which you can replace all J's with the letter corresponding to your language and vice versa. Save and compress/insert the edited overlay and you're good to go. Any 4th gen game can be hacked to accept any third gen game in a similar manner. Hope this is useful to someone! A big thanks to Mewtwo2000 who originally showed me how to do this for D/P.
  8. Heard that one before; forgive me if I don't believe it.
  9. When you say wifi do you mean the long or short-range variety? Long range is a no simply because the pokemon games aren't designed that way. They connect to a server, not a DS. If you can crack SSL you could set up your own server but your time would be much better spent hacking online banking systems. Short range you still cannot selectively distribute, it just isn't designed that way. Your closest bet is to use the official "share with friend" feature.
  10. I'm not going to try to recreate it myself atm, so I'll go ahead and assume that everything is as it should be and this is still happening. I was experiencing some semi-similar problems before; anytime the logo graphic got bigger than a certain size it would just scramble the remaining part. That size however was significantly larger than the size of the Japanese logo. I couldn't do anything about the issue so I settled for having the logo slightly smaller than I originally intended. As for this new issue, I'm afraid there's nothing I can think of to even try to prevent it. Maybe it's a memory problem?
  11. I highly doubt that; can you confirm it? The fact is that a/the game does not know what is legit, or even what is legal. GAMEFREAK did not know however many years ago what events would be given out today and in the future...
  12. Uh, yeah... It kinda says what it's used on right under the font...
  13. Hardly, people just need to get their facts straight. I took the two minutes and actually checked and I was right, the hometown doesn't change from what is indicated in the WC. End of discussion.
  14. Pokesav won't work because COM hasn't added that functionality to his HGSS Pokesav. It's not a hard thing to do, but I guess he just doesn't care that much. Hex editing is always an option, and a code was posted a page or so back.
  15. I guess that's one way to do it without Pokesav... It's pretty illegal though.
  16. Sourcecode RAR has been updated. See this post for more information.
  17. Hi everybody; I finally got around to updating PCD Safe to work with HGSS. Unfortunately, you will not be able to make full use of the import option because Pokesav HGSS does not currently allow you to add PGTs. Sorry. On the other hand extracting is fully functional. Download here. The download on the main site should be taken care of soon.
  18. Yeah. All I know is that it installs fine on Windows, you just can't preview it.
  19. An old friend of mine recently asked me to identify the font used for the word "VERSION" on the english logo's of DPPt and several other pokemon games. I'd never had a need to do this but I was a little surprised I hadn't. After spending a considerable amount of time tracking it down I had the idea for this thread. Below you'll find my collection of fonts related to the Pokemon video-games. Click the image to download it and use it for your own purposes. Feel free to post an example image of a font that isn't here and I will do my best to track it down. If you happen to have a font that is missing I'd be glad to add it here. You don't deserve to be called a pokemon fan if you don't already have this, but it is here nonetheless. By Neale Davidson (waaay back in 2000!). This one is similar to the above, but I think more true to the official logo. The only downside is that there is not a distinct upper and lowercase set of letters. By DarkAngelX. This is just too cool. It was actually released by Nintendo of America itself; when and where I do not know. Similar to the above, but I think this unofficial version is more suitable to writing on ancient walls and such. By Pokemon Paranoia? The font used in your favorite games! This was intended for use in Pokemod but I'm sure all of you could find a use for it. Made into computer font by kazumi... I think... Also see DarkAngelX's Pokemon Script Collection. As used on the word VERSION in several of the main series games. By Edwin Shaar, based on Futura by Paul Renner. Also used on the word VERSION; this time in the new HeartGold and SoulSilver games. By Aldo Novarese and Alessandro Butti.
  20. I really don't see why anyone would go out of their way to buy datel products. Okay, this one has a save feature, that much is nice. But what else have they ever done that hasn't been outdone and outclassed by a flashcart?
  21. It's not actually. The limit is simply the 2-byte space that stores the number. 2 bytes can hold a value up to 65,535, which is the highest you can hack a stat to be.
  22. You are not inputting an ID and SID that match those of your character. This question has been asked (and answered) literally hundreds of times...
  23. Oh on second thought maybe it was just the regular PokeDSPic. Have you tried that one too? I know one or the other worked for me.
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