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Everything posted by fenzo666

  1. It's right here: http://projectpokemon.org/games/eventdownloadsitemsjap.php
  2. Correction: He is looking for GTS 2009 events. And I know some people with legit ones who just aren't willing to share them with me
  3. Old Pokesav members, I have a winning link for you guys! Tell me how much you love it. CLICK ME
  4. http://projectpokemon.org/rss.xml
  5. Good to see you back!
  6. Four things: 1) You post a lot of useless posts. It's not about your post count. It's about quality. 2) Spoilerize your sig. 3) At least the Meowth isn't a Pikachu. 4) I know the news posts are looking ugly... I am trying to fix that.
  7. Awesome code. Just CRAZY. It will be of significant help for those without a flash cart.
  8. So your cousin, who is in college, is studying something related to computer programming and has been assigned to do a project with a basic coding language (VB), but she's asking you to do it for her? That just spells fail.
  9. We are hoping to change that. We will have new battlers coming in, so don't make that assumption.
  10. I just embedded the video into the news post for anyone who missed it. Once again, huge thanks to friendsxix :]
  11. rofl... I can't believe you have that avatar.
  12. UPDATE: The European Pokémon Ranch Event Download Page and the American Pokémon Ranch Event Download Page have both been fixed. Prior to this fix, the American one was completely messed up and the European page did not exist. Thank you to mewcuss for pointing out these errors.
  13. Sweet. Just PM me the SAV or WC when you get it or attach it to one of your posts in the Event Pokemon sub-forum.
  14. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  15. Awesome! Remember not to use the wonder card until you have dumped your SAV for us! I added you to the "Upcoming Events" list on this thread. When you get it, feel free to attach the SAV or WC to one of your posts there. Remember folks. We can always use more than one person to help us out! If anyone else can make it, let us know!
  16. Nicely done. Stickied as requested.
  17. Anyone planning on becoming a tournament registrant to grab this bad boy?
  18. Please use spoilers NeoDraven. I did it for you this time.
  19. Actually it was implemented after I made the topics.
  20. This is NOT the AR code forum. Topic moved.
  21. We would like to let all our forum members know, that starting today, you can now log in to Project Pokémon's Wiki with your forum username and password! The Wiki is still a very preliminary part of the site, so we can use as many contributors as we can get! By default, all users are able to edit and create their own Wiki pages. If you decide that you want to contribute, please do not copy content from any other site. All your content must be 100% original. By contributing quality information on a constant basis you can even earn the contributor rank on the forums. I would like to also point out that this new synchronization will not work in the opposite manner. That means you cannot create a Wiki account and then expect the username and password to work on the forums. That is all for now! Enjoy!
  22. First of all that was projectpokemon.NET. Second of all, that Dragonite was a PNG that made it seem like it was loading until 99% just to trick you. Epic fail. hahahaha I can't believe you actually waited
  23. Use SPOILERS and don't double post. Posts merged.
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