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Everything posted by fenzo666

  1. No warez requests. Infraction issued.
  2. So according to one of my buddies, it will be a Mystery Gift distribution, but the decoration doesn't go to your default bag, it goes to some special secret base bag :B Now we need to get that WC.
  3. Yeah, we definitely need a template for the Wiki Dex entries.
  4. Greencat has been promoted. He is now the moderator of the entire Pokemon Games Forum.
  5. Problem: It states that NoK Mew's PID is static... It isn't. EDIT: Another problem. All UK Shaymins are deemed hacked. :\
  6. OBTW. You use Poksav on SAV files. Not ROMs. Just pointing that out.
  7. This is NOT a request thread. Go to the Wifi Battling/Trading sub-forum or request thread to get your Meowth.
  8. braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap Happy birthday! It's been almost a year now and it's been quite the journey. Hope the fun continues until next year! :kikkoman: And.... Wz-mJed_bP0
  9. Well, me and friendsxix go way back. He is a constant contributor to the PP.org community but isnt that active on the forums. There is like a 0.1% chance that it's a hack.
  10. It's already on the main site... files removed.
  11. Thanks a lot Mewtwo2000! :grog: Also a big thanks to all others who offered to dump the event for us!
  12. The others were GBA events :B
  13. In Japan they tend to distribute using a slot-2 device similar to this one: How do you think they release pre-order movie events without making them available to everyone?
  14. t56X1Cnwctc
  15. Posts in some sub-forums do not count towards your post count (i.e. introductions sub-forum)
  16. Do not get it from the Pokemart guy. Download the wonder card, but dont get the Pokemon. First dump your SAV, post it and then do whatever you want
  17. Uhm... if by transfer you mean trade Pokemon... then no. However, if you're going there, we need the wonder card which would require a backup of your SAV. If you backup your SAV no data will be lost. Don't bother going there if you're going to waste the wonder card though The PKM will be relatively easy to find, but the WC will not. Also, if I recall correctly, the tanabata distributed last year was only distributed to some lucky lottery winners, so you may want to check if it's available to everyone or only those who win the lottery.
  18. "This combination became even better in DPP, with Linoone's new Gluttony ability." ... If you Pal Park the Zigzagoon to D/P/Pt and THEN evolve it, it can have the ability Gluttony. Back in the RSE days, Zigs and Linoones could only have the ability "Pickup". Please read the article carefully next time
  19. I hate Pokémon sooo much.
  20. Please don't post fake PKMs on here... Thanks.
  21. You can use it on a US version, but the name and OT will appear as "???"s. (interrogation marks)
  22. Winner winner chicken dinner.
  23. Welcome to the forums. :]
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