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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. If you just pick 3/4/6 Pokemon together, they aren't really a team, and they'll quickly fall to a player who knows what they're doing. Tyranitar, along with Hippowdon and Abomasnow, basically require a team to be built around them due to the weather. Only a select few types are immune to hail and sand, and only ONE POKEMON IN THE ENTIRE GAME (Mamoswine and it's pre-evolvs) is immune to BOTH. That makes it very hard for frail Pokemon like Weavile to work with Tyranitar, especially if they have to deal with Stealth Rock damage, setting up a substitute, or Life Orb recoil. You need to pick a theme, or roles that you want to fill, and them go out and select the best Pokemon for the job. For example, if I want a Pokemon who can soak up special hits like there's no tomorrow, Blissey is the best choice, bar none. Blissey has ONE weakness (fighting), an immunity to ghost, and a ridiculous movepool that supports teams. Softboiled means it can heal itself. Wish means it can heal team mates. It can paralyze punks with Thunder Wave, and do all kinds of other stuff. All while soaking up special attacks like there's no tomorrow. Now, is Blissey the only Pokemon who can take special hits? No. If you want someone who can take special hits but also punch back physically, Tyranitar and Snorlax and a few others might be better suited. They won't take as many special attacks like Blissey, but they'll probably score more KOs. I'd highly recommend reading up on the inner game mechanics (EVs, IVs, base stats, etc...) and comprehending those before you get into competitive battling. Since this thread will inevitably go in circles, I'm gonna close this. Good luck.
  2. Nobody here produces Pokesav. That's like asking Nintendo when a new Xbox system is going to come out.
  3. Dratini picks up Extreme Speed as one of the many gift-type of Pokemon you get in the game.
  4. Fail You're welcome to answer questions in the Small Questions/help thread.
  5. What other Pokemon should be debated? I don't want Easy Mode to just remove any "powerful" Pokemon so that it only leaves the 20 OU that seem to barely cling onto their OU status. Gyarados is powerful, but can easily be stopped. Though some of the non-DD sets require a bit of thought, they aren't overpowering, and DDdos is by far the most common, as far as I can tell. Zapdos, while it can run various sets, is usually run to keep a check on Scizor and Swampert. I had a whole new list typed up to go against other arguments, but I think once we play around with this mode, then we can add more if need be. But I don't want Easy Mode to just ban anything that's overpowering. Many of them run very specific sets even though they can run many others.
  6. While I'd certainly like to know WHAT was fabricated, it's out of curiousity and nothing more. regardless of that, my question was answered, so....
  7. Congrats on using the big questions thread up top. Legit=you went to the event yourself. Otherwise, you'll never know.
  8. Assuming that's true, then why not just treat him like any other user? Give an infract for advertising, say "keep it to your signature" and be done with it? Blocking the link to the site seems a bit excessive.
  9. Why is Fenzo's site blocked? I mean, he thanks multiple people from PP on his front page. To my knowledge, no other links are censored, so why is his? What I mean is it comes up like this: http://www.********** Compared to: http://www.serebii.net http://www.google.com http://www.pokemonsecure.com EDIT: If for some reason this information is more appropriate via PM then a public post, then those with answers can PM me. I'm just curious.
  10. It's Fenzo's new site.
  11. blissey is one of the easiest Pokemon to counter. Your counter is any physical attacker.
  12. No. First off banning Metagross due to "Ninjask Baton pass set" would mean banning all BPers, and that's dumb. Second, Roar/whirlwind.
  13. Honestly, I agree. For the most part, DDdos serves the same role as Mence but with a different move pool and typing. It's a monster in the game and very hard to counter if you're not familiar with porygon-2 and the Rotom forms. Thanks for telling us how you feel on something you won't participate in?
  14. Closing. This thread became a spam filled cesspool anyway with "oh noes r u 0n yetz?" and "wait" and "okay, I'm on now".
  15. This isn't feedback. This is complaining. Your original post in your other thread, you came off as kind of a jerk. And strangely enough, you still do. However, I opened up the other thread because I feel the issue you raised had some merit, even though you go about making your point in an inappropriate way. Next time you have a complaint with a staff action, PM the staff member instead of making an entire thread for a simple question.
  16. I'm not EXTREMELY familiar with Vbulletin, but I doubt that's possible without some type of modification. I really don't see the point in username changes. On some boards I'm on, they offer to ban your original account and you can register a new one, but I'm fairly certain the ban system here bans the IP as well as the username. *in before someone mentions MY username change:bidoof: *
  17. While the OP did it in kind of a jerk way, I fully agree with his point and see no reason to lock the thread. I often access the forums through mulitple computers on my college campus and at the public library. Checking the box to stay logged in would be pointless since these computers are set to auto-clear anything at the end of the day. Oftentimes, the box intrudes directly over the username/password box, making it hard to see if I entered my user name correctly. It is an incredibly annoying feature and honestly, poorly designed. Another forum I visit has a "Register" message too, but it's just a banner at the top of the page. It could also give the impression that PP forums allows pop ups, which is what entered my mind when I first saw it. That said, and since the other thread seems to be dead, I'm opening this back up.
  18. 5 Pokemon is not a team. Feel free to re-post once you have a full team.
  19. Post a full team with EVs, description/roles, and all the other things that the rules say you should have, or this gets closed.
  20. If a bad case of hax is going to make someone quit, they have much bigger problems then what happens in a Pokemon battle. Whenever you start doing a ban of "allowed but powerful" (for lack of a better phrase) there's ALWAYS going to be a handful of Pokemon still allowed in that will end up on everyone's team. In a Kanto only tournament I recently participated in, all teams except one had Gengar. Another tournament had a similar theme to this, banning the most powerful, centralizing Pokemon, and allowing the rest, to foster creativity. But the OP even put "Even though I know all of you are gonna use Togekiss." What about Trick users? That can mess someone's game up right away. There goes Gengar, Mismagius, Starmie, Spiritomb. Butterfree, Smeargle, and Breloom all have access to (near) 100% sleep. There will always be good Pokemon allowed. But Togekiss is honestly one of the easier ones to counter (IE Swampert).
  21. How are Zapdos and Infernape as centralizing as the ones I outlined?
  22. Exactly. People should keep in mind that the uber tier is not meant to be balanced. It's just a ban list for the standard tier. A Pokemon that doesn't perform well in ubers means jack if it should be there. It should be there if it centralizes the standard tier.
  23. You're going to be kicking yourself once Blissey gets statused. Use this instead.
  24. The list doesn't make sense at all. If it isn't a part of this project (and apparently, it is, since you posted it in this thread, and said you and wraith were working on it), then why'd you mention it? Does it have anything to do with PP at all? Or was this just going to be done in secret? I might be overreacting slightly, but it seems just as horrible as that tier list that was posted when the forums first opened. It's like you made drastic changes for the sake of making drastic changes instead of having any support behind them. EDIT: As for the actual tiers, I still think this is the best method. You all can argue over names later Uber Standard whatever our equivalent of UU is whatever our equivalent of NU is. When something is being tested, it's just assigned a "limbo" tag or something similar. I really don't see why there needs to be a 5th or 6th tier, which basically end up being BL limbo tiers and just end up confusing the hell out of people.
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