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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. Multiple weaknesses, has no status immunities, and even with sandstorm boost and a beneficial nature, it's special defense is only just above average at best. Your "best wall" set also has a nature that hinders it's physical defense and eats up HP with Life Orb recoil. How is that a wall?
  2. No. The only Wonder Card that can legally be shared is the Japanese Secret Key, which is exclusive to Platinum. You can catch them easily just outside of the day-care. The game is basically telling you what they're for.
  3. The Acid Rain gltch is still present. A Ditto glitch involving the move Mimic, and a Transform Glitch involving the move Rage, have been discovered. As to your second query, probably because the specific Pokemon failed to meet the GTS' very lax legality check.
  4. Plat info is programmed into HG/SS. Johto info isn't specifically programmed into the Sinnoh games. There is a "Johto" location that can be used for Pal-Park, but that's about it.
  5. I'd recommend answering the PMs. Those are all very old events that the site already has obtained. No need for them to be re-posted here.
  6. Replacing sweeper Pokemon with sweeper frail Pokemon doesn't help your team at all.
  7. Someone must have surely seen the Held/Small Questions thread stickied. :eek: *closed*
  8. See, the creators of Legality Checker assumed that people like the OP aren't idiots. You can check move and ability legality yourself. You can't (at least not easily) check hex data whatchamacallits and whatnots. So choose. Either you're an idiot, or don't run through Pokemon that you know aren't legal and go "AHA!" It's just as bad when people scan events two minutes after they're released aind go "AHA! INVALID/HACKED. N00BZ LOLSZERS". *closes*
  9. My original criticism still stands. With 5 sweepers, with Life Orb recoil + entry hazard damage+weather damage + a stunning lack of status immunities, your team will go down quickly. It doesn't help that your OP posts no thoughts, roles, strategies, etc... to show that you comprehend how to use this team.
  10. In the movesets for the male and female playable character of Sinnoh, I'm trying to fit at least one move introduced in Gen 4 in each Pokemon set. Similar to the game's NPCs, I'll only put one very useful item on a team, along with maybe one HP restoring berry. I'll only specify an ability if there's more than one to choose from: Moveset suggestions for Lucas: Torterra: -Wood Hammer -Leech Seed -Stealth Rock -Earthquake Magmortar w/ Oran Berry: - Lava Plume - Thunder Punch - Fire Spin - Mach Punch Staraptor - U-Turn - Brave Bird - Close Combat - Return Lopunny w/ Flame Orb Klutz - Switcheroo - Encore - Toxic - Jump Kick Froslass - Hail - Ice Shard - Destiny Bond - Blizzard Uxie - Calm Mind - Psychic - Energy Ball - Rest I'll try to post Dawn's team later.
  11. Your team is a lead with 5 sweepers. None of your team can actually take more than 2 hits from most neutral damage attacks, you'll rack up damage from SR + Life Orb recoil quite quickly, and your Calm Mind Raikou has Choice Specs as it's held item. It's a poorly thought out team, with no real strategy to show that you can use a hyper-offensive team to it's full potential.
  12. If you aren't willing to breed for natures, then you fail at the most basic mechanic of battling other humans. It's really, really simple. Get a Ditto or female, slap on an Everstone, and each egg has a 50% chance of having that nature being passed down. IVs aren't the end all and be all, and EVs can easily be adjusted. Natures are one of the most easily controlled game mechanics while providing a great boost in how useful a Pokemon is. Look at Dragonite. It is a "physical attacker", as you say, but it has a nature that BOOSTS speed and HINDERS physical attack.
  13. Once again, you are wrong. http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70075 Yes, they do. Just because it can't be auto-enforced doesn't make them cease to exist. And a lot of standard and alternate clauses derive from rules found on Pokemon console games such as Pokemon Stadium and PBR. This can be enforced in PBR. Time limits on attacks will cause the AI to select an attack for the player who ran out of time. Running out of time for the entire match causes the AI to give the win to the player with the most remaining Pokemon. You really shouldn't post if you're flat out wrong. False. I'm sure those running Shoddy Battle would like to know about errors in the programming or whatever, but this is simply not true. It's a SIMULATOR. It's based on the same battle system. IT only "seems" like hax occurs more often because you can literally play TEN Shoddy matches in the time it takes to play one Wi-Fi match. Wrong, but thanks for trying. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. I linked to where standard rules is defined and you said "durrr battle me thread". I link and quote the Battle Me! thread, which you obviously haven't read, because it also doesn't back you up. YES AND NOTICE HOW IT DOESN'T BACK UP ANY OF YOUR BULLSHIT CLAUSES. It's not dirty or cheap due to entry hazards. It's dumb,but it is by no means illegal. You are clamingi it's a standard rule. I have dug up TWO THREADS with quotations proving you are wrong. You are clearly not fit to be posting here. Go review the rules of this forum, and the standard rules of ANY competitive battling, and come back in 2 weeks. I'm sorry, OP, that CA ruined your thread. Feel free to open a new one.
  14. First we have to deal with your lead. First, it's just a poor lead. Choice-leads really are for scouting purposes (IE U-Turn) and Trick users. It's attack stat is too low for most leads to care, and it doesn't stop anyone from setting up SR. It only prevents it. You'd have to, for example, attack twice to KO Aerodactyl with Close Combat, and hope he Taunts you first. Otherwise it still gets SR. Same goes with most suicide leads. And if you Taunt them, then you both switch out. Having Taunt on a Choiced-Poke will also hinder you later in the game. Move Roserade up to your first slot. It is a great lead and only really worries about Scarf Jirachi and, to a lesser extent, Azelf and Aerodactyl. Replace Scarf Primeape with Heracross. It, with Megahorn, gets dual STAB, and has a higher attack base stat, with better defenses, and only 10 points less in speed. Ditch Ambipom for someone who can lay down Stealth Rock. If you don't mind waiting until mid game to lay down SR, take your pick of any Metagross sets except Agility-Metagross and put Stealth Rock on one of them. Ambipom is useful in OU, but really, only as a lead. The other option is to ditch Roserade, but that makes Rotom slightly less useful because it isn't spin blocking anything. Disagreeing with CA above. Rotom forms with will o wisp and Reflect can stall out CB Scizor when it's trying to scare you away with Pursuit. You risk Flash Fire activation in some cases, but with Lanturn on the team, I doubt that'll be too much of a problem. Even with non-poison and steep types getting poisoned by Toxic Spikes, Will O Wisp helps out in the many Steel types that attempt to switch into Rotom. However, not much point in carrying Discharge if non-poison/steel will be poisoned, and steels will be burned. Toss on Thunderbolt for extra damage. Or Charge Beam if you want to go gimmicky and boost your Special Attack. Same goes for Lanturn, though you might want to ditch electric attacks completely and go for Ice Beam.
  15. Which is the point of cloning. The point of cloning isn't to create life out of nowhere, but to create a being identical to another.
  16. We have a whole forum for AR cheats. Please direct your requests there.
  17. This is a glitch, as the other poster pointed out. Your best bet is to contact tech support. Apparently newer copies of Platinum in the US fixed this glitch. HG/SS also lacks this glitch completely.
  18. I like the Lawn Mower form because it also acts as a great counter to Swampert with Leaf Storm. The downside to that is that I usually end up not having Shadow Ball making it weak to Gengar and, ironically, other Rotom forms.
  19. Weezing used to be the premiere physical wall in Diamond/Pearl in the VERY early days, and in Gen III. However, now that Garchomp is banned to uber, Heatran doesn't have to worry about the strongest STAB Earthquake in the game. And Heatran is pretty much a perfect counter to Weezing. I mean, it gets powered up by Will-O-Wisp and Flamethrower, and doesn't mind taking the minimal damage from Weezing's Thunderbolt, and resists Explosion. On top of that, Weezing has horrible special Defense and taking a Flash Fire STAB Fire Blast will ruin Weezing's day. Even Skarmory, THE physical wall, doesn't do too well nowadays, though is still a force to be put up with. If it Roosts, it'll loose it's Flying-typing making it weak to something like Breloom's STAB Focus Punch. I'd say use one of the Rotom forms. They can directly counter Gyarados, and keep physical Mence and Scizor in check. After you rip Gyarados apart, watch your opponent send in Scizor. Then burn him with Will O Wisp, set up Reflect, and laugh at how much Pursuit does to you. You'll probably be KOed by the end of it all, but you'll have taken down both your opponent's Scizor and Gyarados.
  20. While Ice Shard is a fine move for anti-lead Weavile, it isn't because of Salamence. Moreso for Dragonite, which is becoming a more common lead.
  21. There is no double sashing clause. The clauses defined on this forum that are standard are the exact same one Smogon's Shoddy Server runs off of. If your BFFs use a double sash clause, good for you. It's not a standard rule (nor is it one I've ever heard of). And before you say "check smogon omgzers" like you did in PM, here it is: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19179
  22. Standard, and I suppose looks good. It's tough to only choose two attacks (besides Fake Out) because you'll be at a disadvantage to some leads no matter what. One way to solve that would be to drop Taunt, or go with Infernape's anti-lead set who can at least also lay down SR. You've got decent enough coverage here. If you want to ditch Taunt and throw on Night Slash, you might want to consider that. Of course, I'd just use anti-lead Infernape because it can lay down SR. But different stoaks blah blah blah. What about sticking leftovers on it, and using Electivire, Jolteon, or a ground type to take electric attacks? Gyarados takes enough damage from weather + SR that even weakening electirc attacks with Wacan Berry can spell a quick end. And I'll have to rate the rest later. I got bored. But I did notice there is no Stealth Rock on your team. You need it. It turns many 3hkos into 2hkos, 2hkos into OHKOS, etc...
  23. Paul is Ash's rival in the anime in the Sinnoh saga. He is much different than Gary. He's apathetic, whereas Gary is cocky.
  24. Hippies and taking over the world are contradictory. Also, hippie hair is LONG and goes down. Galactic grunts and boss hair stand up. it's typical anime hair.
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