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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. You mean the Npower Pikachu. It was distributed at an actual event, but wasn't authorized by anyone official.
  2. Uh, no, not likely. Satoshi and his Pikachu have been mainstays of the anime, and I don't think any Pokemon of a main character's has learned a new move during the movies.
  3. Keep in mind it's also a decade old game. These things aren't meant to last forever. I'd recomend tossing it and going to a locally owned game store. Locally owned/independent game stores (IE not Gamestop) will still stock retro games, and probably could get you one still in the original box never played if you wanted to pay a bit extra. Pawn shops also might have some video games to choose from, as well as garage/yard sales.
  4. People are free to do that in Off-Topic, but I personally think it's a dumb practice. If you have friends on the forums, you can give them contact information, or they can use the contact information that you put in your profile.
  5. Ice Shard, on ice types, has STAB and priority. This makes it a handy weapon for revenge killing Pokes that are in mid-low health that might've gotten a few Dragon Dances up on you or are holding a Choice Scarf. Generally, low-powered priority moves aren't used unless backed up by STAB and/or an ability like Technician.
  6. My understanding is legal.exe assumes that people aren't idiots, and that legality that can be checked visually (IE OT/ID#/moveset/ability) is either not bothered with in a normal check or has to be input manually. Either way, let's stay on-topic here sirs and madames.
  7. <p><p><p><p><p>Pro-tip: If someone posts in Introductions saying they created a new account because they were banned, do NOT welcome them to the forums. Hit the Report button.</p></p></p></p></p>

  8. So thanks for admitting you're ban evading. You lost all second chances when you started trolling me on SPPF. If you had apologized once, I'd consider lifting your ban. But you don't think you've done anything to deserve a ban. You trolled me here and on SPPF. That's reason enough.
  9. It's really hard to rate your team unless you type up how each Pokemon works, their synergy, your strategy, and how you plan on handling these "pokemon you're afraid of".
  10. This doesn't really have anything to do with Team Discussion.
  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Sinnoh is the best region as far as the anime goes. Evolutions, rivals everywhere, a lot of captures, and a GREAT supporting cast. And the first in-game rival that's more than just a cameo since Blue's influence on Gary Oak. Rival Jun/Barry is just great in so many ways. His ideology for Shinji/Paul is similar to how he ideolizes Crasher Wake in Pokemon Platinum. I don't want to spoiler anything for you, Bowser Ex, since I watch the Japanese episodes. But you are in for a treat when you "catch" up. The only bad thing is the English opening theme. I've actually liked all of the English themes so far (Diamond/Pearl, We Will be Heroes, Battle Cry! Stand Up), but this latest one just flat out sucks.
  12. PP is not your personal translation service. People pay good money for translators. Either you need to shell out some dough, or find a friend or family member to translate it for you.
  13. No one is going to make a team for you. I can tell you how great my team of whatever is, but you'll do horrible with it unless you play exactly like I play. And when one Pokemon or one type of team gets too good, counters and strategies that assist in taking that Pokemon or team down start being used, thus restoring balance. It's a constant shift. Apparently (and I don't mean to sound harsh), you skipped the entire 3rd gen. 3rd gen where IVs and EVs were overhauled, abilities, and natures were introduced. And 4th gen where the physical/special split occured. You need to do some reading. There are articles on these forums (usually in sticky threads) but you need to help yourself to information first. Then come back and ask specific questions. Welcome to PP. I hope you stick around for a while.
  14. There is no solid date on when leaks occur. That's why they're leaks.
  15. Yes, it's probably an anti-piracy measure, but let's not get into a debate on it. If you want to start a piracy discussion, do so in the Debate forum.
  16. No one is going to hold your hand and make an entire team for you. That's your job If you have specific questions, ask in the Help thread. Go read an article or two on EV training, then when you get lost, come to the Help thread with SPECIFIC QUESTIONS.
  17. There's no evidence of that happening at this time. The Black/White games are still DS titles, not DSi titles. And you'd be surprised what some research into your router can do. You can use secure routers, that's irrelevant. I'm sure there's some guides out there if you use your Google-fu a bit.
  18. That isn't how viruses are transmitted, and what do you mean "finally allow?" That's how all the Wi-Fi events, and Wi-Fi trades and battles, have been done so far. By personal wireless internet connectiins. Uh, Pokemon has always had a large emphasis on multi-player. Yknow, the battle/trading thing. And this isn't about co-op play (at least that hasn't been revealed). This is simply uploading a save file and being able to play it on your computer rather than a DS.
  19. While it's kind of pointless to have a pkm file of events with PGT/PCDs, pkm files are handy for modifying normal/wild/in-game pokemon. But hey, this is a terrific first step!
  20. I think the series lost a bit of a spark after Rory went to college, but regained some of this in the last two seasons. The first season is, I think, different than the rest of the series. For a drama-sitcom, it has a huge range of music in it's soundtrack. The later seasons just replaced the huge amount of music with the same "la..la..la..lalala" crap that they re-used over and over again.
  21. Why is it your favorite? My favorite contemporary show is a toss up between Community and Parks and Recreation. These two shows, as well as Modern Family, have taken the sitcom and just turned them into something entertaining. Some even subtly, or not so subtly in the case of Community, make fun of sitcoms. The physical comedy in all shows, especially in Modern Family, is top notch as well. The Office (US) is past it's prime, but those prime years are still well worth watching. The original UK series is also great television, bonus points for it being British humor that I actually enjoy.
  22. randomspot555


    The Wonder Card is posted in the Event Pokemon forum. Try searching the forums before posting.
  23. Since the 3rd gen, game carts save TWICE. So your backup save file will load if your primary save file gets corrupted. If you managed to corrupt BOTH of your save files, you've done something to your cart.
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