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Everything posted by Guested

  1. It's all the same, anyway. Everyone and their dog should have an Eevee by now. The one you get early in Platinum, the one you get in HGSS, the event distribution they had LAST year, the SHINY Eevee coming up NEXT year. It's Eevee-tastic!
  2. Pretty sure you can't. You CAN, however, add in PokeWalker courses as a Mart delivery using Action Replay codes. Those codes can be found in a HGSS Action Replay thread.
  3. If you're making it look like they were pal parked to Diamond or Pearl, you can leave it blank. I can't remember off hand how it works for Platinum and HGSS. And don't bump threads. This board doesn't move THAT fast.
  4. It's been confirmed. This is not a pokemon distribution this year. If you show the staff at a Pokemon Center your Eevee or Eevee evolution, you get a new Espeon+Umbreon sticker. That's all.
  5. You've done it again! Awesome work! Now foe the big question: Does it support GBA ROMs loaded into the NOR of ab Ez flash? Or only retail carts?
  6. Not always a reliable source. Many users on that site fill in information gaps in event data with whatever.
  7. Thanks a lot, Nigoli. I'm pretty sure you deserve a real badge for all your contributions here.
  8. Nigoli, (and everyone) As a point of reference, do you think you could upload files in .zip files? Browsers like Google Chrome have a problem downloading files with the .pcd type for some reason...
  9. <p><p><p><p><p>I got that badge back when the site opened.....</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>but thanks?</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. No, those are PokeWalker pokemon. The Course Map for that particular course is being distributed as a WC right now, however.
  11. Doesn't help much.
  12. Thanks for your quick replay and detailed info, but it looks like it doesn't work. The Code Manager software still works fine, but when I plug in the AR, driver installation fails. I had it check Windows Update for drivers and it found none. I even manually pointed it to the directory, but it didn't find any drivers there. I guess this is just one of those rare things that isn't supported in 7 yet, despite being supported in Vista (unless someone else has any ideas?). Edit: Nevermind! It looks like I just wasn't pointing it in the right direction hard enough. Here's the solution to the problem for anyone else who might need it: http://us.codejunkies.com/support/article.aspx?article_id=372 Edit Again: Nevermind again. I got the drivers installed correctly, but the software and the AR still don't recognize each other.... ; Continuing to research...
  13. Anyone have any experience using AR DS with Windows Vista or 7? Mine worked when I had XP, but now that I have 7, I can install the Code Manager Software just fine, but my computer can't find any drivers for the NDS Link (the USB thing). Anyone have any advice?
  14. A little research? That was a terrible translation. I hadn't seen this text before, but it turns out that the capsule isn't a key, but can be unlocked with a special key. There's one word I don't understand: がんじょら Are you sure you copied that correctly?
  15. Securely deposited the R/Lock capsule. The R/Lock Capsule has been safely delivered.
  16. I haven't looked deep into this, but from some quick initial checks done by Poryhack, the hometown of an event pokemon is not determined by which game in which it is picked up, but is, in-fact pre-determined by the WC. This may end up being something that needs to be revisited/reinvestigated?
  17. Nigoli, the pgt file will handle generating the random natures. THe pkm file itself is useless before being generated. You should pick up the pokemon, put it in your box, THEN extract THAT pkm file.
  18. THanks for the contribution! Fast, too. But people need to quit extracting the pkm file before the Pokemon has even been generated...
  19. Psst....... http://projectpokemon.org/articles.php?req=read&article_id=126 Old news. And. Those dates are sign-up dates, not the dates of the actual competition. As far as I can tell, the competition (and event) won't start until spring-ish, 2010.
  20. Interesting. I was using the most recent version of the compact Pokesav for DP, though.
  21. It's not a .pkm at all. It's a pcd and pgt. It's a pcd file, Date and IVs aren't set until the Pokemon is picked up. Happiness is 0, as was the Japanese Arceus. EVs are always 0 when you obtain a pokemon, and they grow in BATTLE (or never in the case of this pokemon, since it is level 100). Same as the Japanese Arceus event. Cannot be RE-distributed. Which is how all event Pokemon are. Only some items have been re-distributable.
  22. Link removed and re-uploaded in order to avoid advertising and download services. Just because I re-uploaded this does not mean I am verifying this event (as a disclaimer). (Text in the Wondercard description is pretty corrupted, btw)
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