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Everything posted by girox

  1. Mmm... ok I believe you haven't toyed around your pokédex(es) right? In fire red and green leaf you could see the pokémon by -Region: Kanto and National -Habitats Grassland, forest, water edge, sea, urban etc... -A to Z -Lightest (to fattest) -Smallest (to tallest) In Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald you could browse it by -Numerical order -Name -Color -Type and in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum: -Numerical -Alphabetical -Heaviest/lightest -Tallest/smallest -Name -Type -Form So, there's plenty of ways you could watch-browse-look or whatever your pokédex... IMO, i still prefer the numerical order, I think it gives rank to the legendaries, u know, as they say, the best for the last.
  2. Hard to decide... it's between [sprite]026[/sprite] or [sprite]405[/sprite]
  3. Well IMO, mmm it depends, I mean, I'm no spin off fan, I only played Pkmn Puzzle league in 64 and pokémon Snap those were ok but not for buying. They're also ok because it distracts (at least) the real pokemon trainers between "gotta catch 'em all (150)" and "still gotta catch 'em all (493...and counting)" They're enjoyable yes but, well, I gave Mystery dungeon a chance and well... not my type
  4. Legendaries:[sprite]150[/sprite] Normal: [sprite]026[/sprite] Starters:[sprite]157[/sprite]
  5. Mew! gotta love its .. err cry? and in 2 place I'd go for Shaymin, kinda reminds me of my girldfriends pet hedgehog...(now why would that be?)
  6. I agree with it's cool look but for a flying type i understand more a bird like beast so I choose Pidgeot (since it was my first flying slave... I mean pokémon)
  7. girox


    Welcome to you!
  8. girox


    Hey there! Welcome to Project Pokemon
  9. I have to agree with the most of y'all: Mewtwo I don't care if there's an alien stronger or the, well you know sort of god creator of all I still believe Mewtwo kicks ass
  10. Yesteray I got a [legit] shiny ralts from an egg, man was I jumping out of joy!
  11. Umbreon's elegance... also im a fan of the little bug by the way... Am I the only one who thinks colosseum's music rocks?
  12. Well, I choose mudkip, first: I don't like grass types, second: torchic is cute but blaziken just ... i dunno i didn't like it's design so i went for mudkip for it's dual type water ground and also... i liek mudkipz
  13. Charmander, the first time I played Red version I tought I could only choose charmander, teh bastard happened to be real badass Edit: So, same pick for Fire red (shiny charizard even more badass!)
  14. Hell yeah! I think what I liked the most was the bike song!
  15. Groudon: biggest fattest badass! ...after you bidoof :bidoof:
  16. I don't see pokémon Snap or Pokémon puzzle league imo those are the best spin offs
  17. Snes or Ps2 for the real, fun and challenging games, not the casual crap...I mean so called "games" nowadays
  18. Hey, been reading this and I want to get this off my chest: I think Pokémon has gone a little bit to far by now letting a 10 year old bastard the "almighty pokémon god creator of all" but... well what can one say... if there is going to be a next gen pokémon (well like 150 more) I'm hoping to see: a dolphin (f*ckers haven't noticed the lack of dolphins in pokémon), a real shark! not a big piranha, a wolf and a tiger (not another electabuzz please) and as for the legendaries i really would like to see pokémon based on either the "standard" zodiac or chinese zodiac now that would be cool Also, I would like to see a trainer that's definetly NOT 10-15 years old, more like a grown up...or the ability to customize your character ^ t'would be fun to see a 30 year old collector askig his mom to go out of his house that wouldn't be just a lol it would be :bidoof: lol
  19. the first shiny i saw (besides the red gyarados of course duh...) in gold version was a green-gray sandshrew i saw him and didn't pay attention and ended up killing it, my brother was also looking and called me stupid.... lol @ me then in fire red, after beating elite 4, i found this shiny rattata lol captured it and then went for mewtwo, entered the cerulean cave, and the first jackass i met is woobufet, and totally forgot i was training togepi lvl 6 without anything to defend itself (useless creature) then i simply lost my mind and turned it off... funny thing my brother appeared and told me about struggle... you can figure out the rest...
  20. mine was Kimba the blue lion... no wait it's shinx the white lion....oh.. forget it
  21. I'd stick with bibarel, the hellish's beast face makes me laugh a lot
  22. I'd go with ultra balls and timer balls
  23. Well... 1- Raichu (the very first pokemon i saw, weird huh?, also the first "pokédoll" the girl i liked in high school gave me in my birthday in 1997) 2- Seadra It's been my water pokemon of choice since red version 3-Quilava 4- Gardevoir 5-Dialga I decided to choose one per type ( cause my favs are all water type!) lol @ :bidoof:
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