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Everything posted by girox

  1. Well, I live in Mexico and you know what? swine flu (btw called human flu not swine, cause it doesn't comes from pigs just a freaking mutation whatsoever) is just Bullsh!t there are 100 million mexicans in the country and just 2000 were infected and just about 60 died because they didn't get treatment, because they thought it was a normal flu. Media exaggerates everything and what really pisses me off is that many countries (south american countries mainly) have shut their doors to us telling we are the source of the flu, and haven't checked out what we mexicans are doing to stop the viral sh!t... Gosh! I had to take that off my chest
  2. agreed! Seth is... well he just makes me yell him FAGGOT all the time OH right, my characters of choice are Chun-li, ken, and in IV El fuerte hahaha he makes me laugh
  3. I don't know about you but when I see the Fire Legendary pokemon in SSBB, they make me run like a little girl (wait...I use Samus...oh well) you know... I think they're far more intimidating than other Pkmn also a lot more useful (Entei, Groudon, and Ho-OH)
  4. Hahaha I just noticed, that in spite of being "General Gaming" threads they all fall in pokemon (not that it's bad) but you know I wanted to talk about something else... for a change So, who likes Street fighter (for example) I love it, all of 'em since SFII but guess what? I suck a those hahaha! Thoughts on street fighter? :bidoof: plays with me all the time, he also wins all the time (THAT bad I play)
  5. Nidoking [sprite]034[/sprite]
  6. Yeah, even though I got meself an r4, yes I will be buying it. Silver Soul to be precise. It was after all, the only pokémon game I didn't play (complete)
  7. gee... I also think this is bound to happen I dunno why but I believe that at GameFreak they have some sort of sign that says: For the fans: "Gotta catch 'em all" For Nintendo: "Gotta catch 'em wallets"
  8. Man... wasn't this topic for wow-ing gold & silver remakes? by the way...fuck!ng WOW @ Gold & Silver remakes yeah baby! :bidoof: also WOWs @ Gold Silver remakes
  9. Hahahaha my standard trick is "Left+B" or sometimes I make circles hahaha I know it doesn't works but kinda gives it teh magic By the way I haven't been able to catch that elusive :bidoof: ...not even with tricks...
  10. Firefox I want to try Google chrome how is it?
  11. Glaceon [sprite]471[/sprite]
  12. I own a 60 Gig iPod video, now those things can stand some serious hits (for example) mine fell from a 2 floor (definitely NOT on purpose, just an accident) , hit every damn step and Mint (yeah that's what I call my iPod) still intact. And about Zune, well haven't toyed one around but I heard it's not so popular Edit: Oh yeah! iTunes is kinda PIA but oh well...
  13. I agree, respect's quite important in every kind of society (real and teh internetz ones) And you know, fortunately, I haven't seen this problem (but I do believe the moderators have had this issue) It's okay to disagree from time to time but no one should fall into insults
  14. quite indeed Btw does anyone remember the music that played when you fought mewtwo? Man! that one really rocked!
  15. Sorry gonna let you down on this one, but the only record on a poketch app on teh internetz is the first one "match-up maker" app, and was given away the year Diamond and pearl were released (being 2007) but nothing else sorry
  16. ^Quite indeed. but hey I was researching and as expected, the apps 23, 24 and 25 were given away in Nintendo Events. Not sure if there's gonna be another (poketch app giveaway) soon but... you could also hack the apps but then again if you want them legally well... good luck
  17. Boy, those were awesome times... Funny story... the first time I read the Pokémon Manga: a friend send me a link for the manga, but it was a hentai doujin hahahah and there I was thinking Pokémon in Japan was porn stuff hahaha
  18. As far as I'm aware of, Munchlax STARTS with metronome, so here's a simple way to have a munchlax with a metronome through breeding: get yourself a ditto and a FEMALE Snorlax delete all of her move set and when you hatch a munchlax it should start with the following moves: Tackle, Metronome, and odor slut...i mean odor sleuth BTW: Don't forget that the Female Snorlax must be holding Full incest...(damn innuendo!!) i mean Full Incese ... Or you could hack it ¬¬U
  19. Munich by "The Editors" [Album: The Back Room]
  20. I'm assuming you read the electric tale of pikachu?
  21. For App 21 you need to show a snorlax to the girl in pal park (first in your party) and she'll give you the kitchen conuter (useless app) and for app 22 you gotta show her (same girl) a keckleon (first in your party also) and she'll give you the color change app (cool app) and the others are event apps and i have no idea in how to get them
  22. I just HOPE, if it is a G/S remake, they put up a GOOD use to the voice chat taking into account that the game, in fact HAS a phone.
  23. Who has read it? A little thought, I think the anime should have look at what was going on in the manga, meaning, there are 4 err.. "volumes" one per generation,which leads to a different protagonist per manga (and game) but oh well... btw... who knows where to find it on teh internetz? :bidoof: erased my downloaded manga bad bidoof bad bidoof!... hey put that knife down!!
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