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I have the worst luck ever with this emulator. Nothing I do seems to work. It runs slow, it doesn't save, it crashes, the speed up button, etc, doesn't work. I'm trying to make ribbon master Pokemon and I don't want to have to constantly rely on other people to help me get the wifi ribbon. Usi...
Hello there I would love to have this team to battle with. I already made the PKHex files. I hope you can acces the files by clicking the link? If not, please let me know. I would like to Wi-Fi Trade them. IGN: Ben FC: 2466-4209-0751 Thank you in advance.
After the WiFi got shut off I can't trade for Pokemon anymore on Black 2. I really want to complete the local pokedex, and I don't have an Action replay so I can't see Skitty, or Rufflet, or Reshiram. Is there a way that I can see them without trading for them?
Is there any possible way to get WiFi back on black 2 without an Action Replay, or a Flashcard because I don't have either of those? If there is a way I really need to know.
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Thankyou alot for reading my thread. <3 I need help creating a Shiny Cherish Ball Salamence. Their was an event for one in Japan a long time ago. I was wondering if it was possible to create a Shiny Cherish Ball Salamence using Pokegen. Can someone please tell what to put in the fields in the to mak...
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My friend got a dragonite on the GTS in HG. He's the one who got it the ribbons and PKRS, though. So, I was wondering how such an awfully made pkm file could even go on the GTS(Note that it said it was hatched, only I pokecheck wouldn't let me upload i...
Warning: Please do not get scammed on Wi-fi trades. Anyone who offers you an "egg" of Volcanion, Hoopa, or any hacked Pokemon claiming they can be traded is lying to you. Deeply apologize if this is the wrong place for this, so mods feel free to do what is appropriate. I thought I'd post this in R&...
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(please let this thread stay, or PM me so I can edit it.) This needs to be addressed:why do they keep making awesome pokemon and give them next-to-nothing, low as dirt stats? Game Freak always does this and they've now pulled it with practically every Pokemon in the Kalos region, under 5 of them a...
Okay, I have Pokésav, I just extremely fail at making legal Pokémon. I'm in need of a Slaking and a Magnezone, but neither are there in the list of pkmn files, is there any way someone could make me legal ones? I can edit the rest from there. Thanks~
Iam looking fo the Toys 'R Us Regigigas and Toys 'R Us Shaymin if any one can please trade them to me via Wi-Fi my FC is 5370 6550 4392 , send me a PM please when you can so I can add you and be on , also Im sorry if this was the wrond thread to post this in but I belive it is lol.
I'm in need of someone to just upload these Pokemon to their game through Pokesav and transfer them through WiFi. I would greatly appreciate it. FC in sig. Thanks in advance!
can you do this for me Species: DARKRAI Held Item:master ball Trainer ID: 30148 OT: Hades Level: 67 Nature: calm Gender: None Shiny: yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Nickname: Leshi Ability: Bad Dreams Moveset: Dark Void, Dream Eater, Dark Pulse, Magma Storm
Species: DARKRAI Held Item: Reaper Cloth Trainer ID: 72945 OT: Hades Level: 100 Nature: Modest Gender: None Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Nickname: Thanathos Ability: Bad Dreams Moveset: Dark Void, Dream Eater, Dark Pulse, Magma Storm This is possible to receive through Wi-Fi, righ...
Ok, I have made some pokemon, but I'm currently unable to download codes to my action replay, could someone please trade them to me? Link to the .pkm files below.
My setup is a Linksys WMP54G PCI Wireless Adapter, using modified drivers, acting as a soft access point. Packet logging done by Wireshark. So far, I have analyzed these stuff: The client (DS) and server do a SSL Handshake while connecting. Most data (except data about IPs/ports) is encrypted...
can someone make me two of this pokemon? my friend wants one too. Friend Code: 3266 1177 5334 name: ELLIOT Species (Pokémon): Darkrai Held Item: Enigma Berry Trainer ID: 07147 Secret ID: 29045 OT (Original Trainer): えいがかん Trainer Gender:Female Level:50 Nature: Quirky Gender: Genderless S...
I can't think of anywhere else to post this so tell me if I'm wrong I've gotten EVERYTHING ready with RWT and I've gotten the program and the FTP server running. I can start the dump and it goes for a while, but it ALWAYS freezes! The max it's gotten too is 49%. I don't know if it's my computer or...
Does anyone wanna connect in the wi-fi CLUB (not the plaza, the club) :kikkoman::kikkoman::kikkoman::kikkoman::kikkoman::kikkoman::kikkoman::kikkoman: ---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ---------- Uh-oh, gtg, but, still post, ill read it l8r.
CAN U guys plz make me this pokemon with Pokesav Swellow OT-Falkner nature-Jolly item-flame Orb moves- ~Facade ~ Brave Bird ~ U-turn ~ Protect EV- 252-atk 252-speed 6-spd IV- all 31 effect-guts -SHINY trade with me in wifi FC KAI 2407-8806-5697
Hello everyone. I'm Corbin. I'm new to Project PokéMon, but I've been using PokéSav for almost a year. Recently, I had to give my R4DS and AR to my little sis because of DSi incompatibility. I am getting an R4i Gold in 2-4 weeks, but I can't make PokéSav PokéMon and put them on my HeartGold game car...
No matter what I read or try I cannot seem to get these guys legal using Pokegen. I generate AR codes to use and I have created Pokemon before that worked in white, so I am a bit stumped as to why these guys aren't working. I would really appreciate any help making these guys legal for random wif...
I've seen some posts around here that said they thought that having a gts on their droid would be a cool feature. I already know that if you go onto on your droid, it acts just like a GTS, but it looks terrible on that tiny little phone screen. I've designed a frontend to use for the si...