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Everything posted by Jiggy-Ninja

  1. If you'd really like a head start, just download the appropriate .ts file from here: http://svn.projectpokemon.org/ppse/trunk/qtresources/res/TranslationFiles/ I also updated the French and German ones with some extra text I added.
  2. First, it's not ready yet for translation. Those other guys only have the translation files because they got them from the SVN when I made a few to figure out how things worked. I didn't give the files to them. Second, I'll probably bug SCV to do it. He's on IRC a lot, so I can have it done quickly once I'm ready for it.
  3. The thing with the Location stuff is that the location that is displayed depends on the game reading the data, not the Pokemon's hometown. As for autodetecting encryption...it might not be possible to do that guaranteed.
  4. How'd you manage to find that small of an error? I blame SCV. I blame SCV (even though he had nothing to do with that. ) I actually noticed that, I just didn't update the .ts files in the SVN.
  5. Awesome, dude. :kikkoman: As for your suggestion, that's actually a mistake. I was messing around in that area and ended up commenting out a couple lines, and forgot to uncomment them. Thanks for catching that. What it's supposed to do is swap the places of the target and source.
  6. The Pokedex is stored in the RAM the exact same way as it is in the save. The current blocks in the save are loaded as-is into a certain location in the RAM, so by knowing the save location and applying some simple arithmetic, we can make AR codes for anything related to the save file without having to hunt for each individual thing. That being said, much of the information in the Pokedex is stored as bit fields. If you don't know what that means, basically, it would be very difficult (read: almost impossible) to modify individual entries with AR codes. The benefit of AR codes being as simple as they are is that it's easy to learn how to understand them. The curse is that there's limits on how powerful they are. As an analogy, take a piece of paper, and without creasing it, using anything sharp, or ripping one of the edges, try tearing a hole out of the center. I could do this using an ASM hack, but the code for even just one entry would be pretty decently sized. If you want to modify a dozen at a time, it'd be huge. The best I can reasonably do is instead of one giant batch, I have separate options for Seen, Caught, Genders, each of the Special Forms, Languages, and the Dex Flags. It'd be easy to generate the code for each separately and mush it all together into one big code.
  7. There's no deadline yet, since I'm not even ready to start translation stuff at the moment.
  8. One great advantage that PPSE will have over Pokesav is that the toolkit being used to develop it has great support for translation and alternate languages. However, I don't know any languages besides English, and a very small amount of Japanese. So we will need volunteers to do the translation for us. Here's how it will work. If you want to work on translating PPSE, just post here with the language you'll translate into and I'll add your name to the list of people doing translation work. You will need to download and use a special program called "Qt Linguist" in order to do translations. The previous download link is for the full Qt SDK, Qt Linguist is one of the components in that package. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to download just Linguist. After the next release of PPSE, after I finish researching how to do translation stuff and review the code to make sure it's okay for translation, I will post .ts files that contain all the text that needs to be translated. I'll post a little tutorial for Linguist once that's up, but it's not very difficult to use anyway. Once you're done with translation, send the file back to me, and I'll work on putting it into PPSE (and giving you appropriate credit on the credits page, not like many people look at that anyway. ). Please keep in mind that this will be an ongoing thing. Each new release will have new things that need to be translated. Fortunately, you won't have to re-translate the whole thing each time. So, begin the multi-language party! :grog: Translator List German: nintenboy Spanish: SilverFox Russian: SilverFox French: matt123337
  9. The only traces that may be left are traces made by incomplete knowledge or bugs. We will leave no deliberate "THIS SAVE WAS HACKED BY PPSE!!!" traces. And if you don't believe me, you can always peruse the source code yourself.
  10. I thought I fixed this....or maybe I just didn't release a fixed version. Anyway, it's not a very serous bug. Depositing/Withdrawing the Pokemon from the box will reset the stats. If he had done that, I wouldn't have noticed this problem.
  11. Then, Happy Birthday! Back to our regularly scheduled programming (lol, pun, sort of)... It's not quite so simple as "the location homebrew starts at". Here's a bit of an abstract explanation for how computers work at their lowest level. Series of instructions are stored in the RAM in chucks called functions. These instructions are loaded in sequence into the processor to be executed. Certain statements indicate a "jump", which tell the processor to start execution at a different location rather than the next instruction. These jumps are the basis for how functions are called and returned from in the operation of the computer. So from that, it's not just a matter of inserting the right code into the right location in the memory. You also need to hijack the DS's execution sequence. Fortunately, that might not be that hard. The IV Check code hijacks the function used to view a Pokemon's unencrypted data and temporarily redirects it to a custom function that the code sets up in a normally unused area that extracts the Pokemon's IV data and writes it to the TM bag. Is that anything like the infamous "buffer overflow" that seems to be behind every major software security vulnerability?
  12. Codemonkey recently found this out too. Something about PID%6. I'll direct him here next time I see him.
  13. Actually, the proper form is EXXXXXXX ZZZZZZZZ YYYYYYYY YYYYYYYY YYYYYYYY ..... Where: X = Memory location to write the stuff to. Z = Number of bytes to write. Y = data Oh, and did you just have a birthday recently?
  14. The code posted is made for English Platinum. If that's the game you (OP) are using, then this isn't the problem.
  15. I replaced Satoshi's with a version compiled by Balrog. However, that one so far only works on Intel Macs. He said he can make on for Power PCs in a few days.
  16. 512 KB raw save. We know. A fixed version should be up soon.
  17. I don't think they actually turn into Eggs, the program just doesn't read the IsEgg flag, so the Egg Sprite isn't shown. I assure you, they are still Eggs, even if PPSE doesn't fully show it. That will be fixed for the next release.
  18. Oh. I don';t know how to help you then. Pokesav isn't made by us, it's made by a guy called COM. So apart from translating the GUI and a few other simple things, we can't really do much to change Pokesav.
  19. That would be fantastic if you could. I'll need to look up the best way to do that, and I'll get back to you. One of the advantages of Qt is that it has some built in ways of handling internationalization and translation, so there won't need to be multiple versions of PPSE in each language like there is with Pokesav.
  20. If the stat is HP, X = Level + 10. N is the bonus Nature has on that stat. It's always either 0.9, 1.0, or 1.1. Floor means that you always round the number in parenthesis down. Floor( 2.999999 ) = 2.
  21. How much of the data are you transferring? Battle videos appear to be exactly 7,520 bytes (~7.3 KB), including what looks like the footer at the end of their block. If you're transferring all of that data, it's unlikely the checksum would be causing the problem. Codemonkey and I were analyzing the Battle Video block footers last night (or more accurately, this morning ) and found a few odd things that I'm going to look into some more today.
  22. We don't make Pokesav here. It's made by a guy named COM.
  23. It shouldn't crash. In fact, it should do anything when you click on "Edit". Anyway, like Kaarosu said, that feature isn't anywhere near finished yet.
  24. On the other hand, when the video is uploaded to the GTS it is checked for legitimacy. And I've heard that the GTS legit checker is even more strict than PBR. That, to me, implies that the Pokemon must be stored with the video. There is plenty of room. IIRC, the battle video area takes up ~5.7 kilobytes, and 12 Party sized Pokemon is just a bit shy of 3 KB.That leaves about 3 KB for the actual video script. I'm sure the problem you had has to do with the save ID of some kind in the footers. I might look into this myself a bit, from time to time. I wish No$ Debug worked on my computer. T_T
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