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Everything posted by Poryhack

  1. I never went in-depth with sound files, but I'll explain what I know. Most sounds in the game aren't going to be what you think of when you think of sound files. For instance, in an MP3 you have one long stream of information that is a direct representation of sound(waves). In an effort to save space, and because most music for the DS is synthesized anyways, sounds on the DS are more like a MIDI than an MP3. MIDIs, instead of storing direct sound data, store information that tells a set of virtual "instruments" what to sound like in a sequential fashion. An SSEQ is equivalent to a MIDI, in fact you can convert using some neat tools. SBNK files are the equivalent of "sound fonts" for MIDIs; a set of digitized instruments. AFAIK there's no existing tools to make a sound font from an SBNK. SWAVs will also be in there, these ones are more similar to MP3s (or if you're familiar with the format, WAVs, heh). I know this is used for stuff like pokemon cries where it wouldn't make sense to use any kind of instrument sequence. Any other files you see are just gonna be some archive format containing the formats I mentioned.
  2. It's new to me. =) I'd never tried it as I never played the Japanese version, but it's good to know nonetheless. On a side note where'd you get the nice screenshots? Dolphin or USB Gecko?
  3. Not necessarily. Nintendo's servers check for more obvious things that legality checker doesn't.
  4. There's not anything special you have to do; just have a pokemon that is legal. Well, somewhere close to it anyway. I started trying to figure out the exact criteria but it was just too damn tedious.
  5. All you want to look for is raw saves and compatibility with the series of Pokemon ROMs. I'd say about 95% of cards offer that.
  6. I pity you... Haha, welcome.
  7. Had a brief look at it and just wanna say I'm glad you made this. Mine really wasn't sufficient for most purposes, which was fine with me because I'd hoped something else would come along. And now it has!
  8. http://crackerscrap.com/ (Scroll down and download GBAATM.)
  9. I just wanna say thanks for making my day with that topic title. I loled. Yeah, my mind has a tenancy to go straight to the gutter...
  10. Replaced the battery and it's working like a charm. =)
  11. I was informed that it's affected because Rudolph uses the RAM to store something that says the equivalent of "Hey, there's a save/ROM in the NOR that needs to be written to the microSD!" so his program knows to prompt on next load. I wasn't getting that prompt.
  12. I think that's intentional. If you posted it then it's not exactly an "unread post" to you is it?
  13. Yeah that's what happens, but I'm not using a newer 3in1 (Ive actually got the full-size model, which is equivalent to the oldest DSL one AFAIK). Since posting this thread somebody on GBAtemp gave me a good suggestion; seems likely that I'm suffering from the infamous dead battery. I'll be getting a new one tomorrow and hopefully that'll do the trick.
  14. I noticed that the "What's New?"/"New Posts" (they go to the same place) list shows unread posts like it should, but doesn't have the divider to mark your last visit. I frequently used this feature to find what posts were really "new" to me and which ones I simply had not read on my last visit. Obviously I don't read all unread posts every time I logon. Will this be corrected? Am I actually the only person who uses it?
  15. Probably a long shot, but I'm wondering if anyone here has used NDS Backup Tool 3in1 (not the wifi or slot-2 versions) to backup a ROM or save. I ask because I can get to the point where the DS has to be powered off and back on, but after that I can't seem to figure out what needs to be done (or maybe something is going wrong). I've tried booting the app again, as I'm pretty sure you're supposed to, but I'm not prompted or getting and option to copy from the 3in1 to the microSD.
  16. They weren't the only ones, but it's confirmed now. Personally I don't see how the games could be released here without them.
  17. I just uploaded since so many people were having problems. Hopefully it'll help you.
  18. Wish we could... Then we could edit it as well. Afraid there's no such luck there though. If you're good with that kind of thing you could probably find it in the ARM.
  19. They can be extracted to MIDI files, but you need to use the right "soundfont" (basically a set of instrument sounds the MIDI pieces together). I haven't looked too hard but I haven't seen any way to extract the instruments from the games. What the above means is yes, there is a way but it will not sound entirely true to the game. My music vocabulary isn't very good but what I'd call the "tune" itself will still be obvious, but the way it's played may or may not be similar. Compare it to playing a saxophone piece on flute or something like that...
  20. There isn't one. It's possible to do the same thing I did here with HG/SS but I didn't make patches for all the games
  21. $$$$$ to get myself a kickass laptop sometime before going to college next year Acekard2i (I have an M3 Simply from when they were actually a good card to buy) and ezflash expansion thingy (for backup and GBA ROM playing purposes) this a computer chair that doesn't squeak (i've tried WD40) *cough*hackintosh*cough* And at least 8 GB of RAM? Explain...? NO!!! In all seriousness though, it's not even being worked on...
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