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Everything posted by Okami

  1. I have only played Wii and Xbox360. The Wii is fun for party games with family and friends, while 360 is great for online play (No, I don't have Live, but I watch my stepdad on it all the time) As for the length of these consoles, it's been estimated that they will live for 10-15 years, if not more. (Read that in GameInformer a while back) As for PlayStation, the 2 is still living, and it's been about 9 years for it. If any of these consoles will be known beyond it's lifetime, It will be PS3, because not many people still talk about Xbox and GameCube anymore, but PS2 is still at it. So it gives me hope for PlayStation because of that :]
  2. But remember we've also got the Manga thread out there in the grave somewhere
  3. Coming right up, Lucario! EDIT: Here it is! I hope it's to your liking...your name was hard to fit, so I apologize if it seems cramped in there.
  4. False in every possible way Your god is still the powerless creation you will lose your hope in Now you bleed for the lord of hate that you stole from the pages of truth And separate the product from its own account, to birth a gospel of inferior view Black reign is all in dream Your truth is absolution’s end Fiction Kingdom - Demon Hunter These lyrics send chills down my spine, they are raw and convicting and remind me of who I am, compared to the God I love, compared to the gods this world has to offer...Demon Hunter is great in that matter. The Wrath of God - DH is up next. This is a wonderful cd, StGoH...
  5. At this point, I must say that I agree with Heatran being hard to capture. I took a brave team of six in, was left with Showers the Vaporeon @ Leftovers in the end (the results exactly as I wanted) and was just casually throwing greatballs, along with 3 ultra and 2 timer balls, totaling up to over 80 balls in the end, before it struggled itself to death. Luckily I saved before entering battle and can retry. I want to throw out this question, though. What makes a pokemon hard to capture? Is it the length of time it takes to capture said pokemon, the number of balls used in capture, or something else? Because honestly, in that respect, Heatran was not hard in battling, nor was it frustrating, or anything else. It was simply a failure in the end. My next time I'm going to try my set of ultra balls as the main and see where it leads.
  6. I find it very gentlemanly of a guy to allow a woman to go first, like in opening doors for her out/into a car, or into a restaurant. That to me is so sweet, no matter who the man may be. As they say, "Ladies first, after you, m'dear" And hey, guys. Please be respectful to us women here. (Not saying you aren't, but it's the tone that I feel...) Not all of us are snotty. =/ (All of us have our moments, but give us a break, we have reason for it! :tongue: )
  7. *gestures over at the tv to her left* Nascar!
  8. Awesome. Merci :] This will come in use for finishing my signature brush. I've been working with a few different designs, but think I've finally got one I like! Thanks again.
  9. ^Me too. Plus, I'm trying to complete my pokedex in a fully legit way without use of AR...which means lots of trading, breeding, evolving, and catching. It's sort of a new concept for me. Because I'm working to catch two of each pokemon (Unless it is genderless or a legendary) and train them all to lvl 100, which will include my Regigigas :]
  10. This is good info to know, as I haven't gone through catching/finding the three yet. :] Thanks guys, now I can go add 3 more to my pokedex ..Only after I finish my breeding projects. Dang, 15 more eggs to hatch and I can go do that. </lazy>
  11. Lol, friends on my facebook went there, too. They said MJ was going to be with Elvis at a Burger King in K-Zoo, MI.
  12. Dragon...I don't think I responded to this one, so I'll have to say Dratini. Why? I had this awesome little plush of him as a kid <3 I no longer have it, though....all I've got from my pokemon era anymore is my little stuffed Raichu. And maybe a big Pikachu pillow in my closet, I'll have to go check. Even still, Dratini has always remained adorable! There's just none other like it ^___^
  13. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I redesigned the Okami sprite myself, using my friend's color scheme of a new set of sprites she made for me. This version captures her spikes better, though <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy.png" alt="^_^" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  14. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I redesigned the Okami sprite myself, using my friend's color scheme of a new set of sprites she made for me. This version captures her spikes better, though <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy.png" alt="^_^" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  15. <p><p><p><p><p>Yes, divorce is bad, but in the case of my mom and dad, they're better friends now than they ever were as a married couple. If it weren't for thier divorce, I never would have met my best friend of nine years...and may not be a Christ follower because of it. In that way, because I met her, I met Jesus, and without her...well, I'm scared to think what would have become of me.</p></p></p></p></p>

  16. <p><p><p><p><p>Yes, divorce is bad, but in the case of my mom and dad, they're better friends now than they ever were as a married couple. If it weren't for thier divorce, I never would have met my best friend of nine years...and may not be a Christ follower because of it. In that way, because I met her, I met Jesus, and without her...well, I'm scared to think what would have become of me.</p></p></p></p></p>

  17. I don't see how that is being a troll, Wraith, as I am contributing to conversation here. I am just saying that I caught a Beldum with little problem, and I don't see what's so hard about catching one-because you guys were stating that is was difficult for you to capture it. And again, I'm still Munchlax hunting. It's still evading me. That is on topic, because in saying that I haven't found it yet, I haven't been able to capture it myself; therefore, it is the most difficult pokemon for me to capture! EDIT: And of course, trolling is in my nature. I'm from the lower penisula, for cryin' :tongue: Come on, you've got to love good Michigan humor! don't kill me >.> It's a joke! Also, I'm going towards Heatran tomorrow, so we'll see how hard it is to capture. ^__^ I need to go load on some Ultra Balls, which means getting more money!
  18. ^ Holy cow, Loky!! How do you find anything in that sea of icons?! P: Wowza, that's insane! And I love the simplicity of yours, Mikey.
  19. I took a shot at yours too, GC, because I was bored doing nothing... Plus, I was in the mood for another Gallade avvie
  20. Well, $50-100 is a lot for a person heading off to college, where any money gained can basically only be placed towards college needs...when your tuition alone costs more money than you've ever seen, let alone had in your posession, in a lifetime. And when you live in the land of the unemployed like I do, that money becomes even more precious, because you have to stretch it all the more. So I'm not complaining at all, I just have priorities over gaming I really am interested in seeing how the 'Walker turns out, though. I'm more excited about that then the game itself, it means I have a reason to walk around campus (Considering that I have a chance to get it over holidays or something...maybe if I were to get some GameStop money and wait for the US release?)
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