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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. Ok guys, this is an Intro forum. Take further conversation to the appropriate forum, or VMs/PMs.
  2. Use the Report button in the future, since it automatically gives me a link to the post itself as well as the reported user's profile. A VM or post about it however, does not include this information.
  3. Your concern is without any logic or evidence whatsoever.
  4. Anybody who has played the games/read Serebii/read Bulbapedia already knew most of this.
  5. The short answer is no, he can't sprite-hack, at least not with just an Action Replay. Saving and editing and whatever within the game means you can only edit the information that';s available within the game. I can give Butterfree the Flame Body ability, for example, but I can't make up my own ability.
  6. If you know the origins of it, then you already know the answer.
  7. "on paper" it's deadly, but in practice I don't see how it could be useful. Belly Drum sets are basically a thing of the past with entry hazards and weather being everywhere. It doesn't even get the good base 100 speed Charizard has, and relies on one weak priority attack and one weak 100% accurate attack.
  8. Your best bet is to contact one of the admins.
  9. Anyone can edit, but it appears now that accounts for the wiki are separate from the forums.
  10. It's been a fairly good thread in HG/SS, so here's one for Sinnoh! Please state what game you're playing. Game: Platinum I finally beat the E4 and got to the Battle Zone and did the Double Battle with Rival Jun. Then I realized I had 5 holes in my Pokedex: The Lake Trio (deliberate), Chatot (easy to catch), and Tentacool. How in the world did I go through 8 gyms + the E4 and not encounter a single Tentacool?
  11. Unless this is for Wi-Fi, I don't see what makes this different from Suicune, who does Sleep Talk better due to Pressure. I'd never use these only one attack sets anyway. Makes it easy to counter.
  12. <p><p><p><p><p>I wish it would move....</p></p></p></p></p>

  13. <p><p><p><p><p>My Caterpie avatar/profile pic won't move. But it's moving when you put it on Wraith's VM page <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" alt=":(" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  14. As Poryhack said, Google-fu would tell you we don't make Pokesav (though we do release translations if possible). We've got our own stuff in the making for hacking up 4th gen games. I'm sure a forum search will turn stuff up.
  15. Held items will not work in passing down nature or IVs if the two Pokemon meet the requirements for the Masuda method (IE one Pokemon from the native language/region of the cart, one foreign to it).
  16. <p><p><p><p><p>Happy birthday.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Check the staff forum.</p></p></p></p></p>

  17. Held items won't work with foreign Pokemon + native Pokemon due to the Masuda Method.
  18. There are guides posted all over this forum for this kind of stuff. I highly recommend you search for them, read them, then ask specific questions when and if you get stuck. You'll need a flash cart, an Action Replay, or the knowledge and a working Wi-Fi signal to use sendpkm.exe.
  19. Stop being a cry baby. Be fortunate I'm in a good mood and not automatically banning you from the forums. Want to discuss an infraction or ban? Contact staff. If you want to whine about it, take it to Live Journal or whatever, not the forums.
  20. I also think a Jolly nature would be better for the set as well. Boosts speed, and hinders Special Attack (which you aren't using).
  21. You're being really risky, and not for any good reason. Sky Uppercut is low power and not great accuracy. Replace it with Superpower. It's a Scarfed Pokemon, so the -atk, -def drop won't matter since you'll be switching out a lot anyway. Another option is Low Kick, but that's usually for Pokemon who don't have any other choice. Flare Blitz or Fire Punch, probably Punch would be better. Your last two slots have a few to choose from, but why consider Brave Bird when you have Earthquake. Rock+Ground type move nets you pretty good coverage, and fighting and fire hit everything else. Superpower/Fire Punch/Earthquake/Stone Edge would be my set.
  22. Uh, can Blaziken even learn Swords Dance? And stat boosting with a Choice Item is a no-no.
  23. Yep. If you caught/went to the event/hatched it yourself in your game cart, it's legit. If a Pokemon you receive elsewhere falls under legal boundaries, it's only legal, since you don't know it's origins.
  24. Unless your name is Heatran, running a Rest Talk set on a Fire type is risky. Fire types are generally frail, and take super effective or neutral damage to the most common types of attacks in the game (Fighting, Ground, Water) as well as SR damage + damage to weather if it's up. Finally, your -Def nature doesn't help. I'd recommend the Scarf version of Typhlosion, but you don't have anyone using Stealth Rock, which is literally the most important move in the entire game. Aerodactyl is fairly easy to come by. Use it. Aerodactyl w/ Focus Sash Jolly/Hasty/Naive (use the latter two only if Jolly isn't available to you) Pressure - Taunt - Stealth Rock - Earthquake - Stone Edge/Rock Slide/Rock Tomb/Toxic If it's slow and without a priority move, Taunt first, then lay down Stealth Rock. If it's another Aerodactyl or has a priority move (like Metagross often does, or Dragonite), Stealth Rock first. Earthquake + Rock attack gives you the best overall coverage. Toxic is an okay choice if you want to wear down bulky non-Steel type leads like Swampert. Stall Sweeper - Focus Blast is a great move to have with 252 Sp. Atk. Eruption + Rest + Sleep Talk + Leftovers is a great combo. Lucario, Sceptile, Flygon, and Gallade are all quite literally doing the same thing. They are all Life Orb sweepers with little differnce in how they play out. The Pokemon choices aren't bad, but the sets chosen for them are.
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