Some interesting results from using DW.exe.
So since my laptop, for whatever reason, refuses to run DW.exe, and my other computer is Linux, I've only been able to use it on campus computers. Which means that even I don't use the same computer twice and each time Fennel gives me the spleel about the DW, what to do in the house, etc...
And I wonder if that's why I get these odd results.
Sometimes, I'll run DW.exe, and it fully completes, DW.exe's window stays open, runs fully, and I end up with 7-8 pages of Pokemon at my Tree of Dreams or whatever.
Most of the time, DW.exe will run for 2-3 island runs, and then it just closes. No error messages or anything, but it closes. And when I log back into the GL and into the DW, the Island of Dreams is still active. I can find items, do mini games, etc...
And then this only happened to me once, but it gave me an error message in the middle of DW.exe running telling me that the program encountered an error and has to close. Still resulted in 2-3 island runs, but still more to do in the Island of Dreams when I logged back on.
Not complaining, because even with only 2-3 island runs, it's a huge time saver and is usually enough to level up a Pokemon. But I find it odd and really wish I could always get 7-9 pages of befriended Pokes.
EDIT: I suspect, based off of no knowledge whatsoever, that it might be the older computers I'm on where I get the errors, whereas the newer computers I use run DW.exe with no problem.