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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. If you already have the info in the thread, it isn't needed in the Wiki. The wiki really is no longer in use. There is no reason you can't post it in the appropriate forum/sub forum
  2. The Wiki is really only used by developers/researchers. I'd say put whatever your research in into the appropriate Game Mechanics forum rather than the wiki.
  3. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14379-READ-BEFORE-POSTING Your question was already answered. If you give your Pokemon illegal stats, they'll revert to normal upon being put in a PC. If you don't want them to revert, don't put them in the PC.
  4. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14379-READ-BEFORE-POSTING
  5. General rule of thumb is that you construct the team and people in the forum can offer constructive criticisms, suggestions, etc...
  6. Well, prevention is the best bet. As in don't save after you activate a botched code. Otherwise,you have two choices. Continue on and hope it doesn't do anything negative to your save, or delete the save and start over.
  7. I wouldn't mind handing out some of the badges, but I think that is an Admin exclusive power... EDIT: Apparently, I have admin powers. Anyone can feel free to PM me suggestions with users who contribute and I can see if there is a currently fitting rank/badge. Creation of new badges/ranks is beyond my understanding and would have to go through SCV/Alpha/Sabresite.
  8. This has nothing to do with PokeGen. Either way, yes, if you delete your save file, you lose anything associated with it. I'd try turning your game off and on without any AR codes active and see what happens. And don't say the error message is "or something like that". People are more likely to be able to help if you get the EXACT error message down and tell us EXACTLY what happened.
  9. To the best of my knowledge, it was never the goal to translate everything. Just translate it to the point of making it playable. I'm shutting this topic and the other related ones. Anyone directly involved with the project thinks they need to be re-opened, please PM me and I will.
  10. The problem with hosting a PO server (isn't there another simulator nowadays being used) is that it isn't worth the effort to host a simulator when there aren't enough people around to battle. Simulators typically have 3-4 major servers constantly active, and the others basically are used as glorified chat rooms that sometimes people battle in. We have a chat room and your best bet is to join a PO server or whatever that has a lot of people in it already. Closing this. Feel free to start your own server and link it in your sig. Maybe you'll get lucky...

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>If you want to be a contributor, then contribute something. It isn't that hard. There's a whole Research and Development section of the forums to look at.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>You registered 3 days ago. I'm not gonna change your name now since you should've thought about it upon registration. There is a name change thread, though, and maybe someone else will do it. But I'm not going to because you seem a bit indecisive to me. Sorry.</p></p></p></p></p></p>


  12. The solution should be to stop using shitty antivirus.
  13. <p><p><p><p><p><p>I've changed your username back to Avia. There's been some concern that SuperSkarmory is too similar to other known users on other sites and that could lead to some confusion.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

  14. Yep. I believe red is admin, green is super moderator, and a dark blue color for regular moderators. I don't think other colorations apply for any other type of users besides admins and forum mods. Sorry.
  15. In no way does "Legendary Pokemon" ever meant to be "cannot be defeated easily". All a Legendary Pokemon is is one that is defined as such by GameFreak, Nintendo, etc... All the fan-made rules of what constitutes a Legendary Pokemon often are invalid a generation or two later (The Kanto Bird trio aren't tied into the plot of any game, Latios/Latias/Heatran all have genders, Shaymin can have two different abilities, the Golem trio have a non-Pressure ability, etc...). Typically, Legendary Pokemon are challenging to catch in-game, if they're able to be encountered. But what happens in-game in the Gyms and E4 challenge is a different environment than what happens on a battle simulator.
  16. Really has nothing to do with Game Mechanics soo.... Feel free to re-post in Competitve Battling Discussion.
  17. The badges reflect the work people have contributed. Most of the badges are various official rankings on the various PP entities such as the mods of various types on the forums and IRC, the administrators of the entire site, etc... Other badges include people who are not official Staff but have contributed research to PP in one way or another. If you scroll your mouse icon over the badge it'll tell you what the badge is for. It might say "Researcher" or "former staff" or "moderator" or whatever.
  18. Yeah. you use a Pokemon editor like PokeGen and go through the process of outputting your edit as an AR code.
  19. Don't "help" unless you know your contribution is legit. In the case of DW/Global Link pokemon, that means you caught it yourself.
  20. If you want a legit one, go get it yourself.
  21. Mewtwo is one of several banned Pokemon when it comes to the Random Match feature in BW.
  22. You can send any Pkm file at all to any cart that IR-GTS or any of the other fake GTS programs working out there, regardless of legality. If your question is does Ir-GTS work for B2W2, that's really a question for the IR-GTS thread in Misc. If your question is if your pkm file is legal, you've already stated that and you can upload it to Pokecheck to double check. Question answered.
  23. If you're using a physical cart, you can not send wondercards to your game via IR-GTS or any other fake GTS program. Even if you attach the key item to a Pokemon, the event itself won't activate. IR-GTS is only for sending of Pokemon and regular items.
  24. You should let the PC box take the Pokemon you're sending. If it goes right into your party, the Pokemon itself might be corrupted. No, it won't harm your game in any way, shape, or form.
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