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  1. Oh, this is an intended behavior then. thanks for the clarification.
  2. I'm using PKHeX version 23.12.22. When I generate a raid encounter Pokémon from the encunter database and manually adjust its height or weight, it is flagged as illegal. However, after I enable the shiny flag, it is considered legal, regardless of any further adjustments I make to the height or weight. Additionally, the stat nature remains unchanged when I generate a Pokémon from the encounter database; the nature is randomly determined correctly. I've attached two sample .pk8 files to reproduce the behavior. 0350 - Milotic - EC9B0698687B.pk8 0350 ★ - Milotic - A3D80698687B.pk8
  3. Thanks for the quick fix, @Kaphotics! I downloaded the nightly version and confirmed that the problem was solved for 2 cases. But the remaining 4 cases (1131, 1132, 1134, 1135) were all distributed the same way, so it seems they have the same problem.
  4. KOR USUM distribution of 6 Pikachus (Original, Unova, etc.) are marked as illegal. I'm not sure if this problem is due to PKHeX or mgdb since it's just fine for SM distribution. The only differences between the two wc7full files are game bit which is correct (0011 for SM/1100 for USUM), checksum and held item id. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create empty blank US or UM save 2. Import USUM version of wc7full file from following thread (or pick them from PKHeX mystery gift database) 3. It's marked as illegal with "Mystery Gift cannot be received by this version." message Unova: Original:
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