94000130 FFFB0000 - 9 'if' ~ 4000130 is FFFB. activator button = pressed
B2000024 00000000 - B instruction means load value at 0x2000024 as a pointer
C0000000 000000F6 - C instruction is a repeat type instruction, 0xF6 times (0xFF total, see post bottom)
00025C3C 00030000 - 0 instruction means write 32bytes at pointer+0x0025C3C, with a writevalue of 0x00030000
DC000000 00000004 - DC instruction says to increase our pointer value by 4
D1000000 00000000 - D1 instruction says to end the repeat loop
D2000000 00000000 - D2 instruction... end instruction/code.
humanly readable:
if button=select then
for i=1,0xF6 do
0x00030000 just happens to be the value that tells the game to "give player this medal". I skip the easy medals you get at the start to save the user time; total of 246 or so medals have to be picked up. If any of the u32's = 0x00030000, the medal guy appears to give you 'em.
It just makes it so you get awarded them naturally (skipping the step of satisfying the criteria, which then flags it to award).