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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Totally wrong forum; might as well make this reply useful. iirc, ncounter stuff isn't needed to be valid for battling against friends. If it's able to be uploaded to the GTS (ie, passes the pokemon validation) then it won't break battle videos. Creating 'flawless hacks' is against our site's policy.
  2. Use the -0x20*game on top of whatever shift you did for white.
  3. It's just met=pal park, and FE flag. You can't make gen 3 pkms with PokeGen.
  4. -- General Parameters for current game and setup (english) local rng=0x02216244-0x20*game -- PRNG Seed Location local mtrng=0x02215374-0x20*game -- Mersenne Twister Table Top local pos_m=0x0224F92C-0x20*game -- Map Position -> XYZ Compare the memory locations between EN White and the game you want to translate to, and just change the offsets in the script. If you just poke around with 2 emulators open it'd be easy to see what offset is where.
  5. If they were parked by an emulator, they aren't supported. Please report any pokémon either incorrectly reported as hacked or new ideas to detect currently undetected hacks. Always include a link to the incriminated pokémon if you can. You don't have to make it public.
  6. save your game, get your save file, load save file with clean game do the event on a clean game, save game & export use save file with your randomized game.
  7. Totally possible with Pokecheck, an entire generation before X/Y The rumor'd $5 annual fee is a pretty penny, considering each user would have at most 1 MB of data to 'backup'
  8. The save file size is invalid; you need to have a 128 KB save file for the game to recognize it (afaik). Just change your emulator settings or just google how to get a 64KB save to 128KB.
  9. save states are just memory snapshots; if you've been saving your game like any normal trainer all you have to do is have the game load your save file (soft reset/hard reset)
  10. just modify the palette with something like tinke could totally just edit with hex (palettes are pretty simple)
  11. There's no reason to; 99.99% of users do not care about it and it contains sensitive player data (such as their NAS PID).
  13. Not exactly sure where it gets the seed (xfr figured it out - not me), but I know 0xCC-0xD3 should decrypt to 65 89 07 6C 65 8b 58 5d (the 64bit battle RNG mult constant) A slick way of getting the seed would be to XOR out the random numbers required and reverse it... Starts decrypting @ 0xC4. (disregard I said about Pokecheck displaying a decrypted copy at the bottom - it's only for admins :\) https://www.pokecheck.org/?bid=361950631992 Raw decrypted battle video file (seed=19dfe620) (if that helps any)
  14. As I mentioned earlier, Pokecheck decrypts videos and displays them at the bottom of the page (so does the game when you view a video). It's just standard encryption.
  15. the instructions for what the trainer's PKMs do. instead of saying what move it chose from its movepool; it says what exact move it used and on what target. So stuff like Mimic and sketch can still work (without keeping track of that stuff). It's just easier to say what move a field pokemon uses rather than referring and looking up stuff.
  16. I haven't bothered updating this thread since Pokecheck has added battle video parsing (and fetching!). however, here's a few tidbits ~ example doubles instruction 92 - turn start 02 - player 0 moves (2) 01 85 00 00 61 3B 00 00 22 - player 2 moves (2) 91 4C 00 00 91 4C 00 00 92 - turn start 02 - player 0 moves (2) 61 3B 00 00 91 4C 00 00 22 - player 2 moves (2) 91 4C 00 00 91 4C 00 00 12 - Switch Instructions 01 - Player 0 switches (1) 03 01 00 00 22 - Player 2 switches (2) 03 01 00 00 93 01 00 00 92 - turn start 02 - player 0 moves (2) 61 3B 00 00 11 06 00 00 22 - player 2 moves (2) 81 4E 00 00 81 4E 00 00 there's a "turnstart" instruction, "player # move" instruction (with how many PKMs instructed to move), and a switch instruction (also with a secondary per-player instruction), different instructions for "rotate" and "launch" exist but meh once you know how to visualize instructions it's easy to figure out the rest. targeting is a little bit wonky; for moves it's little endian with the rightmost (lowest) 3 bits being flags on who is targeted (iirc).
  17. what is the file path you are running the emulator / ROM / sav from? could have trouble loading it. try putting everything on your desktop
  18. That's not a problem with the legality analysis. Remember, this thread is for reporting false positives with Pokécheck.
  19. solution: don't use no$zoomer, shotty emulation is the cause use desmume
  20. https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=5816721 Bolt\xFFFF\x0000\x0000\x0000\x0000\x0000\xFFFF This Pokémon should have trash bytes. Pokécheck is not for creating hacked pokemon - go to pokegts.us, or find yourself a nice distribution server. What you uploaded is 100% fine for all intensive purposes; anything further would be against Pokecheck's and this site's rules.
  21. just transfer the PKMs with a save file editor like A-Save
  22. Just download PKMs from Pokecheck and give them out. .pgfs are gift skeletons that the game has to generate; they are not pokemon data.
  23. are you serious? put it in the daycare with a ditto
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