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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Too many colors? Try using 15 + transparent.
  2. Use Misc Tools -> un(Pack) + BCLIM. Top area is unpack, middle area is pack, bottom is bclim.
  3. I've moved your original post to the correct forum (and left a redirect for the day), yet you still keep reposting in this forum. Please do not create multiple threads. https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?49128-How-to-gen-on-a-new-3ds-XL
  4. Relearn Moves. Plus, depending on if the event was released recently (after May 10th) the wonder card isn't stored inside PKHeX; expand via a "wc6" folder, add the wc6 in, then launch the program.
  5. Use pk3DS instead of the GARC tools in the first post.
  6. Pretty sure this was fixed 5 days ago: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/c09a541b252c402a9549d55f971070428e34eb90 Works fine for me with latest commits.
  7. No. If you're on 10.1 there's still browser exploits for homebrew, and even if you're on 11.0 you can still use other primary/secondary entrypoints that are not free (ie, cartridge game exploits).
  8. Egg moves belong in the relearn moves section.
  9. Actually I had moved it to ctrl-clicking the box tab. Ctrl-Click Box tab -> sort current box Shift-Click Box tab -> sort all boxes Alt-Click Box tab -> delete current box Shift-Alt-Click Box tab -> delete all boxes whatever, two ways to access.
  10. 46 A9 D7 41 CB A2 AB A2 34 08 46 1A C1 68 B3 22 71 99 C1 5F FA 27 84 66 2F E1 69 45 9D DC 24 09 AE 08 FA 30 2A 6E 70 26 05 1C 83 78 D0 98 98 50 00 28 02 1F E2 1B 1A 81 65 C9 91 87 79 BA 14 05 97 E0 3E D3 EA F2 FD 82 C0 26 B1 7E 6B B0 D1 C4 BC 6C E0 6E 9F AC 2E 5D CD D4 02 59 83 DE 57 C6 7C A5 04 F4 B4 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 .j.t.º*º#@„a¬.‹2'.œ.ÿ¢xFbþ.”YÝÂ@šà.£.¦ç.`QÈ7..‰…..€!þ!±¨.\™.w›¡@Y~.í>¯/Ø,.k.æ»..KÆÎ.éúÂåÜÝ@%˜=å|gÊ[color=#ff0000]POKE[/color]....... Not long enough to be a Wondercard (unless they really trimmed down the size).
  11. The proper question is 'any way to set up homebrew on firmware version 11.0?' (the answer is yes, see freakyforms for example). PKHeX and its usage are unrelated to firmware version; it operates off files dumped from a 3DS.
  12. Now includes legality check to flag it https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/1f1f3b872077a0b91cf76913bad826c12d3c6bfd
  13. Re-implemented in latest commit; was removed during the shake-up. Thanks for reporting
  14. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/795e0e005b51796372e22b4a0398fe0b53d3c0b9
  15. Probably something to do with the damage formula, which is un-researched. Probably a move ID check that overrides the type effectiveness modifier. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Freeze-Dry_(move)#Effect
  16. All that's needed to implement it is a list of valid item IDs (a subset of items that can be held) in the Legality tables, and a line/property-check added in the legality routines.
  17. Yes, reverse engineer the battle engine first (DllBattle.cro).
  18. http://smogon.site/forums/threads/past-gen-rng-research.61090/page-30#post-3642140 http://smogon.site/forums/threads/past-gen-rng-research.61090/page-29#post-3526482 It's the lower 16 bits of the egg pid. The upper 16 are generated when the egg is picked up.
  19. Nice. Emerald saves the egg's PID so that you can soft reset for IVs... that's possibly what the four extra bytes are for.
  20. Yeah, in PKHeX I don't even allow people to put different things in the daycare or modify egg availability
  21. Use a fresh dump and don't rebuild cro, else I dunno
  22. Be sure that no patches are installed as those replace CRO's too.
  23. You cannot ADD stationary encounters, only change existing ones.
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